With the wide array of sets that OT brought to us, be they cheated fotm proc sets or useless garbage that you keep just in case they might be buffed... someday... maybe, 200 bank space simply does not suffice.
There are just so many variants of gear - divines for PvE, impen for PvP, well-fitted or divines for PvP that you keep while wait for that impen gear to drop... Valkyn Skoria light, heavy, medium in sturdy, impen, divines, infused and every trait in between for when you finally level that magicka dk to see for yourself if that class verily doth suck.
At any rate, here's to ask what your opinion is on extra bank / inventory slots.
Edited by covenant_merchant on October 24, 2016 1:46PM
Increase bank / inventory space limit? 120 votes
Yes. I want my bank to overflow with gear. Hoard everything \o/
No. 3-4 mules are enough.
No. Gear is for female cats. I play naked and enjoy every minute of it.