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looking for advice Bosmer bow/healer

so just looking for advice, Id like to play a bosmer bow using healer.

What class should i pick?

what armor type should i focus in?

I figured i could play as a healer in ESO as i like to assist my party as a tank or healer

I've been a healer in ff14/Dcuo and tank in ff14, and is my main class.

I'm unsure how to tank in eso, so i figure healing would be a safer bet.

I've used bows in TES since morrowind on x-box and always enjoy them.

Sorry if my typing suck, but typing this may makes it easier to proof read, and communicate.

In ff14 my main healer was Scholar : http://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Scholar

Does eso have anything similar?
Edited by Azuramoonstar on October 24, 2016 4:29AM
Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • ldzlcs065
    Are you interested in PVE or PVP?
  • Azuramoonstar
    mainly pve

    I'm still pretty new got the game in September made a few trial character to get the hang of it, then took a break from the game till OT was out.
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • jeedrzej
    Actually... its very bad idea to heal using bow XD
    Jeedrzej - Magica Dragonknight lvl 50
    Ealian Elieilijas - Magica Sorcerer lvl 50
    Enerias Kazner - Magica Templar lvl 50
    Marcelius SIlny - Stamina Dragonknight lvl 50
    Anvena Kazner - Stamina NIghtblade lvl 50
    Arcynekromantka Anastazja - Magica Nightblade lvl 50
    Threiva Krwawooka - Stamina Sorcerer lvl 50
    Anvena Karen - Stamina Templat lvl 50
    Furia Dorathis - Stamina Dragonknight lvl 50
    Verinia Dziecię Światła - Magica Templar lvl 50
    Anwen Llenariolis - Magica Warden lvl 50
    Welandil Mroźne Serce - Magicka Warden lvl 50
    Brunein Silny - Stamina Warden lvl 50
    Jilialis Szept Nocy - Magicka Sorcerer lvl 50
    Dareiva Tancerka Cieni - Stamina NIghtblade lvl 50
    Doweriusz Desson - Magicka Necromancer lvl 40

    Achievement Hunter
    32560 Achievement Points
    3916 collected books
    305 days in-game
  • Azuramoonstar
    jeedrzej wrote: »
    Actually... its very bad idea to heal using bow XD

    why? care to explain?
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • AntMan100673
    jeedrzej wrote: »
    Actually... its very bad idea to heal using bow XD

    why? care to explain?

    Healing scales with magicka, bow damage scales with stamina. Splitting points between them gimps you in both so you need to pick one
    EU - EP - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Magicka DPS - CP160

    GT: AntMan100673
  • jeedrzej
    Healers use magica.
    Bow is stamina weapon.
    Restoration staff is needed becouse of some skills.
    Destruction staff also.
    Jeedrzej - Magica Dragonknight lvl 50
    Ealian Elieilijas - Magica Sorcerer lvl 50
    Enerias Kazner - Magica Templar lvl 50
    Marcelius SIlny - Stamina Dragonknight lvl 50
    Anvena Kazner - Stamina NIghtblade lvl 50
    Arcynekromantka Anastazja - Magica Nightblade lvl 50
    Threiva Krwawooka - Stamina Sorcerer lvl 50
    Anvena Karen - Stamina Templat lvl 50
    Furia Dorathis - Stamina Dragonknight lvl 50
    Verinia Dziecię Światła - Magica Templar lvl 50
    Anwen Llenariolis - Magica Warden lvl 50
    Welandil Mroźne Serce - Magicka Warden lvl 50
    Brunein Silny - Stamina Warden lvl 50
    Jilialis Szept Nocy - Magicka Sorcerer lvl 50
    Dareiva Tancerka Cieni - Stamina NIghtblade lvl 50
    Doweriusz Desson - Magicka Necromancer lvl 40

    Achievement Hunter
    32560 Achievement Points
    3916 collected books
    305 days in-game
  • Azuramoonstar
    in what way does it gimp you? according to the eso wiki every skill uses magic.

    is this a min/max thing? or meta thing? or does putting skills in both prevent you from doing something?

    why is staff for both destruction and restoration needed?

    i'm asking to learn, not picking a fight. I hope my questions are clear.
    Edited by Azuramoonstar on October 24, 2016 7:51AM
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • Farorin
    jeedrzej wrote: »
    Actually... its very bad idea to heal using bow XD

    why? care to explain?

    Healing scales with magicka, bow damage scales with stamina. Splitting points between them gimps you in both so you need to pick one

    This is sadly true, oneday we can hope that hybrid builds will be as viable (NOT more viable, but AS viable) as either a stamina or magicka build, until then, you have to pick one of the two.
  • Farorin
    Although, in PVP land, some more builds are viable if you are strategic and don't mind playing a bit differently.
  • Azuramoonstar
    anyone care to answer my recent questions? trying to learn :) need an explanation on the gimp stuff and why restoration staff and destruction staff are needed
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • Nihilos
    @Azuramoonstar Whatever you read on that wiki is either untrue or severely outdated, because that is not how the game works. If you want to heal do not use a bow, period
  • Bazeric
    The next question for you is how far will you be taking your pve? Are you planning to run the hardest content with the highest scores, or are you willing to pal around in dungeons with your friends even if it takes you more than an hour and many deaths?

    If you plan on being serious, then yes it's about min/maxing.

    If you want to have fun then just start playing how ever you want and see what sticks, you can come back and get help when you decide you need a more effective build for whatever reason.

    I'm not sure what wiki you were using but their are plenty of skills that will draw for your stamina instead of your magicka. Starting out, un-leveled class (sorcerer, Templar, nightblade, dragonknight) skills tend to be magicka. They will level up to a point where you "morph" them and here is where some of the skills can switch to stamina based. The bow weapon skills are also stamina based and will draw from your stamina pool. The majority of healing skills in the game are magicka based and draw from your magicka pool, as will the staff weapons. The power of your skills is partly based on the max amount of the resource they use: magicka or stamina. So focusing on building up one stat is very beneficial to the overall effectiveness of it.

    So you can play however you want, but you may get to a point where the content you'd like to clear becomes too difficult for the style your build is and you'll have to respec for efficiency and efficacy. That's means choosing to focus magicka or stamina.
    Looking for broken things in hopes they may be fixed. I've given up, my game literally works differently from yours.
    64M+ AP across 9 toons... kinda makes me a GO
  • Azuramoonstar
    Nihilos wrote: »
    @Azuramoonstar Whatever you read on that wiki is either untrue or severely outdated, because that is not how the game works. If you want to heal do not use a bow, period

    care to explain why?

    outside what was already said.. Looking for details, i'm trying to learn how the game works.

    i'm going off how the game was advertised, and what my research came up with.

    like if i put my level up points into both stamina and magic how would that gimp me?

    is it a meta or min/max opinion?

    i'm just trying to learn, please don't see my questions being argumentative as the are not. I'm new to ESO, and just trying to learn the game... nothing more
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • Azuramoonstar
    Bazeric wrote: »
    The next question for you is how far will you be taking your pve? Are you planning to run the hardest content with the highest scores, or are you willing to pal around in dungeons with your friends even if it takes you more than an hour and many deaths?

    If you plan on being serious, then yes it's about min/maxing.

    If you want to have fun then just start playing how ever you want and see what sticks, you can come back and get help when you decide you need a more effective build for whatever reason.

    I'm not sure what wiki you were using but their are plenty of skills that will draw for your stamina instead of your magicka. Starting out, un-leveled class (sorcerer, Templar, nightblade, dragonknight) skills tend to be magicka. They will level up to a point where you "morph" them and here is where some of the skills can switch to stamina based. The bow weapon skills are also stamina based and will draw from your stamina pool. The majority of healing skills in the game are magicka based and draw from your magicka pool, as will the staff weapons. The power of your skills is partly based on the max amount of the resource they use: magicka or stamina. So focusing on building up one stat is very beneficial to the overall effectiveness of it.

    So you can play however you want, but you may get to a point where the content you'd like to clear becomes too difficult for the style your build is and you'll have to respec for efficiency and efficacy. That's means choosing to focus magicka or stamina.

    ok that is a better explanation

    but has anyone tried doing both? and doing the hardest content?

    i've did non- min/maxing before and wasn't bad.

    ff14 smn/sch one needed int one needed mnd you can only put in like 35 extra points. i mixed both and no one complain.

    http://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Classes << what i looked up.

    i'm not fighting just trying to learn :)

    i figured since healers are back line classes i could use a bow to break up the monotony of cure spam like using poison dot/aoe and deal damage in between cures.

    mixing stamina and magica and putting + magic enchants on med armor. or mixing light and mid armor to get buffs from a bit of each.
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • Azuramoonstar
    Woeler wrote: »
    This thread has got to be a troll thread.

    why? because a new player to eso is asking questions?

    and asking for details from one sentence remarks that don't say anything?

    care to explain how I'm trolling?

    All i'm doing is asking questions, and just recently explained my personal experience in a previous mmo.

    just trying to learn how ESO works.. not trolling

    but care to tell me how i'm trolling?
    Edited by Azuramoonstar on October 24, 2016 10:01AM
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • PaddoPaulus
    Simply put.

    Wood elf's are good with Stealth/Stamina.
    Medium armor is good for stamina.
    Stamina is good for weapons like bows.

    Wood elf's are not good with Magicka.
    Light/heavy armor are not good with stamina.
    Magicka is not good for weapons like bows.

    Maby i mist it but i dont see your class, were you thinking of templar?
    Because all the healing abilities scale off magicka.
  • Panth141
    OP - to give you an explanation from the basics of how ESO works:

    Every skill in the game is scaled based on either stamina or magicka (excluding a few caveats that depend on health). By 'scale' I'm referring to both their cost (which depends on your cost reduction investment in that stat pool, and indirectly your regeneration of that pool) and the magnitude of their healing/damage (which depends on both the size of your relevant stat pool and your spell & weapon damage for magicka and stamina skills, respectively). Furthermore stamina and magicka skills also use different critical ratings - weapon and spell crit.

    The issue that you will have using bow for healing are as follows:
    • To do any reasonable damage with your bow skills, you will have to invest in maximum stamina, weapon crit and weapon damage
    • To provide any reasonable healing with your heals, you will have to invest in maximum magicka, stamina crit and spell damage
    • To sustain your use of bow attacks, you will have to invest in stamina cost reduction & stamina regen
    • To sustain your use of heals, you will have to invest in magicka cost reduction & magicka regen
    • To heal effectively, you will need to make use of the Restoration Staff skill line - these skills can only be used if you have a resto staff equipped. Templars have a dedicated healing skill line, but even they make use of Restoration staves for effective healing

    So by trying to effectively use a bow and effectively heal, you will be forced to reduce the effectiveness of both your bow damage and your healing, relative to what they could be should you invest in only one. Sure, you can get through most overworld solo PvE like this, but you (and your group) will struggle if you attempt to heal dungeons and trials using a setup like this. In fact, so significant is the disparity between the bow-healing pairing and 'pure healing', that I'm afraid you'll find most groups voting to remove you, as you simply can't be as effective as the content requires.

    Someone noted above the necessity to use a destruction staff, also - this isn't strictly true. I'm not sure how much you have played, but once you hit level 15 you unlock weapon swapping. As noted above, you will need one of those weapons to be a restoration staff, using resto skills. Many healers choose to use Dual Wield on the other bar, as it (nonsensically) offers greater spell power, simply based on how the game does the calculations. Hence this DW bar tends to contain the big, 'burst' heals that you want to produce the maximum heal possible. The use of a destruction staff tends to be reserved for using the skill Weakness to Elements, which returns resources to your group when they use elemental damage on a target you have debuffed; though some healers do also like to use a destruction staff to provide some additional DPS.

    I'm sorry to say it, but despite the 'play how you want' label on the box, there are some combinations that are set-in-stone. This isn't about following the meta, or min/maxing - if you went to the doctor and he wanted to shoot the injections into you with a bow, rather than a needle - you'd ask some questions.


    Oh, about your racial choice:

    Each race has a trio of passives that provide buffs to your character - Wood Elves are renowned for their high regen (IIRC Wood Elves get +20% stamina regen); evidently this isn't ideal for a healer - magicka regen and maximum magicka would be better passives - see High Elves/Breton/Dunmer. However, this is a min/maxing point. You can absolutely heal most content in the game using a non-ideal race - you'll only start to see some limitations at the highest-end content - even then, if you're seriously good you can heal on any race.
    Edited by Panth141 on October 24, 2016 10:26AM
    PS4 EU - Panth141 | CP 630+
    Almalexia's Fallen - Magicka Dragonknight - PvE Main
    Lost Hope of Sotha Sil - Magicka Dragonknight - PvP Main
    Claws-in-pockets - Stamina Nightblade - PvE/P DPS
    Nocturnal's Guise - Magicka Nightblade - PvE DPS
    Udun - Magicka Templar - PvP Healer
    Onsi's Shattered Blade - Stamina Sorcerer - Dungeon/vMA Farmer
    Stands-like-Mountains - Magicka Nightblade - PvE Saptank
    Auri-El's Forgotten Light - Magicka Sorcerer - PvP DPS

    Tharkün - Magicka Sorcerer - PvE DPS
    Rahai-Anaa - Stamina Dragonknight - Provisioner (lol)

    Perolis - Magicka Sorcerer - Enchanter/Alchemist/BwB PvP

  • Azuramoonstar
    Simply put.

    Wood elf's are good with Stealth/Stamina.
    Medium armor is good for stamina.
    Stamina is good for weapons like bows.

    Wood elf's are not good with Magicka.
    Light/heavy armor are not good with stamina.
    Magicka is not good for weapons like bows.

    Maby i mist it but i dont see your class, were you thinking of templar?
    Because all the healing abilities scale off magicka.

    thinking of putting points in both.

    using a mix of both gear and using magika+ enchanments.

    but hey got called a troll for asking questions...

    kinda not surprised

    and was asking questions about which class templar or sorcery if it had heals.

    i just asked questions which class to pick, but getting replies of not allowed to play like that so trying to learn why.
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • Azuramoonstar
    Panth141 wrote: »
    OP - to give you an explanation from the basics of how ESO works:

    Every skill in the game is scaled based on either stamina or magicka (excluding a few caveats that depend on health). By 'scale' I'm referring to both their cost (which depends on your cost reduction investment in that stat pool, and indirectly your regeneration of that pool) and the magnitude of their healing/damage (which depends on both the size of your relevant stat pool and your spell & weapon damage for magicka and stamina skills, respectively). Furthermore stamina and magicka skills also use different critical ratings - weapon and spell crit.

    The issue that you will have using bow for healing are as follows:
    • To do any reasonable damage with your bow skills, you will have to invest in maximum stamina, weapon crit and weapon damage
    • To provide any reasonable healing with your heals, you will have to invest in maximum magicka, stamina crit and spell damage
    • To sustain your use of bow attacks, you will have to invest in stamina cost reduction & stamina regen
    • To sustain your use of heals, you will have to invest in magicka cost reduction & magicka regen
    • To heal effectively, you will need to make use of the Restoration Staff skill line - these skills can only be used if you have a resto staff equipped. Templars have a dedicated healing skill line, but even they make use of Restoration staves for effective healing

    So by trying to effectively use a bow and effectively heal, you will be forced to reduce the effectiveness of both your bow damage and your healing, relative to what they could be should you invest in only one. Sure, you can get through most overworld solo PvE like this, but you (and your group) will struggle if you attempt to heal dungeons and trials using a setup like this. In fact, so significant is the disparity between the bow-healing pairing and 'pure healing', that I'm afraid you'll find most groups voting to remove you, as you simply can't be as effective as the content requires.

    Someone noted above the necessity to use a destruction staff, also - this isn't strictly true. I'm not sure how much you have played, but once you hit level 15 you unlock weapon swapping. As noted above, you will need one of those weapons to be a restoration staff, using resto skills. Many healers choose to use Dual Wield on the other bar, as it (nonsensically) offers greater spell power, simply based on how the game does the calculations. Hence this DW bar tends to contain the big, 'burst' heals that you want to produce the maximum heal possible. The use of a destruction staff tends to be reserved for using the skill Weakness to Elements, which returns resources to your group when they use elemental damage on a target you have debuffed; though some healers do also like to use a destruction staff to provide some additional DPS.

    I'm sorry to say it, but despite the 'play how you want' label on the box, there are some combinations that are set-in-stone. This isn't about following the meta, or min/maxing - if you went to the doctor and he wanted to shoot the injections into you with a bow, rather than a needle - you'd ask some questions.


    Oh, about your racial choice:

    Each race has a trio of passives that provide buffs to your character - Wood Elves are renowned for their high regen (IIRC Wood Elves get +20% stamina regen); evidently this isn't ideal for a healer - magicka regen and maximum magicka would be better passives - see High Elves/Breton/Dunmer. However, this is a min/maxing point. You can absolutely heal most content in the game using a non-ideal race - you'll only start to see some limitations at the highest-end content - even then, if you're seriously good you can heal on any race.

    ok thanks for the better explanation, and never made it to level 10, just ran around places seeing what the game looks like and basic stuff.

    restarted a few times to see other alliance starting areas, tried a few races and weapons.

    but thanks for the better explination reason why i asked cuz i did try templar and looked up restoration staff skills and they looked exactly the same to templar cure tree so to me it made no sence to use both. And figured the restoration staff is more of another way to cure if not a templar.

    the way the game devs seem to set it up is any class can do much of anything.

    but with my ff11 experience, that not always the case.. such as ff11 being a tank by player design, and the devs never considered it.
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • hayaschwarz
    Woeler wrote: »
    This thread has got to be a troll thread.

    why? because a new player to eso is asking questions?

    and asking for details from one sentence remarks that don't say anything?

    care to explain how I'm trolling?

    All i'm doing is asking questions, and just recently explained my personal experience in a previous mmo.

    just trying to learn how ESO works.. not trolling

    but care to tell me how i'm trolling?

    Your question might be thought as trolling because it doesn't make any sense!

    If you said you played other Elder Scrolls, then you must know that abililties fit to the weapons!

    A bow is as advertised, is to shoot things, thus making it not for healing ;)

    Also all healing abilities in the game except of one are magicka and not Stamina based (not to be confused with the self-return healing from some abilities or self-healing). With that being said, all healers in the game must be magicka based. And Bow is a weapon ability that is scaled of your max stamina (Such information is available in the description of each ability and tree line)

    Further more to it, a class like templar is mostly excelled for healing has all healing abilities based on magicka, with that max magicka and Spell damage determine the efficiency of the casted heals.

    Finally the race isn't the deciding factor for your gaming career in ESO, but if you are aiming for high endgame Content it becomes essential (due to the class passives and what they offer in combat).

    As a suggestion, create a character, start doing quests and such, learn the game a bit, and then decide how you want to progress with it. Leveling a character from 1-50 doesn’t take any time…
    haya-sw - Stamina Dragonknight / Tank
    Shrouded Lachance - Stamina Nightblade / Tank
    Healer le Bobo - Magicka Templar
    Haya-Jr - Magicka Dragonknight
    C-Frags Haya - Magicka Sorcerer
    Hi Ya - Magicka Nightblade
    Haya-Jr II - Stamina Dragonknight / Tank

    Co-Founder and Officer of Well Fitted, PvE leading EU DC Guild
  • Panth141
    Panth141 wrote: »
    OP - to give you an explanation from the basics of how ESO works:

    Every skill in the game is scaled based on either stamina or magicka (excluding a few caveats that depend on health). By 'scale' I'm referring to both their cost (which depends on your cost reduction investment in that stat pool, and indirectly your regeneration of that pool) and the magnitude of their healing/damage (which depends on both the size of your relevant stat pool and your spell & weapon damage for magicka and stamina skills, respectively). Furthermore stamina and magicka skills also use different critical ratings - weapon and spell crit.

    The issue that you will have using bow for healing are as follows:
    • To do any reasonable damage with your bow skills, you will have to invest in maximum stamina, weapon crit and weapon damage
    • To provide any reasonable healing with your heals, you will have to invest in maximum magicka, stamina crit and spell damage
    • To sustain your use of bow attacks, you will have to invest in stamina cost reduction & stamina regen
    • To sustain your use of heals, you will have to invest in magicka cost reduction & magicka regen
    • To heal effectively, you will need to make use of the Restoration Staff skill line - these skills can only be used if you have a resto staff equipped. Templars have a dedicated healing skill line, but even they make use of Restoration staves for effective healing

    So by trying to effectively use a bow and effectively heal, you will be forced to reduce the effectiveness of both your bow damage and your healing, relative to what they could be should you invest in only one. Sure, you can get through most overworld solo PvE like this, but you (and your group) will struggle if you attempt to heal dungeons and trials using a setup like this. In fact, so significant is the disparity between the bow-healing pairing and 'pure healing', that I'm afraid you'll find most groups voting to remove you, as you simply can't be as effective as the content requires.

    Someone noted above the necessity to use a destruction staff, also - this isn't strictly true. I'm not sure how much you have played, but once you hit level 15 you unlock weapon swapping. As noted above, you will need one of those weapons to be a restoration staff, using resto skills. Many healers choose to use Dual Wield on the other bar, as it (nonsensically) offers greater spell power, simply based on how the game does the calculations. Hence this DW bar tends to contain the big, 'burst' heals that you want to produce the maximum heal possible. The use of a destruction staff tends to be reserved for using the skill Weakness to Elements, which returns resources to your group when they use elemental damage on a target you have debuffed; though some healers do also like to use a destruction staff to provide some additional DPS.

    I'm sorry to say it, but despite the 'play how you want' label on the box, there are some combinations that are set-in-stone. This isn't about following the meta, or min/maxing - if you went to the doctor and he wanted to shoot the injections into you with a bow, rather than a needle - you'd ask some questions.


    Oh, about your racial choice:

    Each race has a trio of passives that provide buffs to your character - Wood Elves are renowned for their high regen (IIRC Wood Elves get +20% stamina regen); evidently this isn't ideal for a healer - magicka regen and maximum magicka would be better passives - see High Elves/Breton/Dunmer. However, this is a min/maxing point. You can absolutely heal most content in the game using a non-ideal race - you'll only start to see some limitations at the highest-end content - even then, if you're seriously good you can heal on any race.

    ok thanks for the better explanation, and never made it to level 10, just ran around places seeing what the game looks like and basic stuff.

    restarted a few times to see other alliance starting areas, tried a few races and weapons.

    but thanks for the better explination reason why i asked cuz i did try templar and looked up restoration staff skills and they looked exactly the same to templar cure tree so to me it made no sence to use both. And figured the restoration staff is more of another way to cure if not a templar.

    the way the game devs seem to set it up is any class can do much of anything.

    but with my ff11 experience, that not always the case.. such as ff11 being a tank by player design, and the devs never considered it.

    No problem - I guess that people are so used to the forums being filled with devoted players that we don't always know how to react when asked a genuine question!

    Restoration staff skills definitely complement the templar Restoring Light skill-line, rather than offering a replacement. Templars can offer a burst-heal using Breath of Life, that isn't offered by resto, but resto can offer great spammable heals from Healing Springs, plus a fantastic 'oh crap' shield from Healing Ward. Saying that, it is not the case the only Templars can heal - there are many effective Sorcerer, DK & NB healers - though this is more of an 'off-meta' niche. Templars have the added advantage of being able to provide stamina return using Shards & Repentance, along with access to Major Mending (increased healing done), which only Templars & DKs have access to from their class-lines.

    Don't be put off asking questions here - there are loads of people who are happy to talk you through the fundamentals if need be.
    PS4 EU - Panth141 | CP 630+
    Almalexia's Fallen - Magicka Dragonknight - PvE Main
    Lost Hope of Sotha Sil - Magicka Dragonknight - PvP Main
    Claws-in-pockets - Stamina Nightblade - PvE/P DPS
    Nocturnal's Guise - Magicka Nightblade - PvE DPS
    Udun - Magicka Templar - PvP Healer
    Onsi's Shattered Blade - Stamina Sorcerer - Dungeon/vMA Farmer
    Stands-like-Mountains - Magicka Nightblade - PvE Saptank
    Auri-El's Forgotten Light - Magicka Sorcerer - PvP DPS

    Tharkün - Magicka Sorcerer - PvE DPS
    Rahai-Anaa - Stamina Dragonknight - Provisioner (lol)

    Perolis - Magicka Sorcerer - Enchanter/Alchemist/BwB PvP

  • Azuramoonstar

    Your question might be thought as trolling because it doesn't make any sense!

    If you said you played other Elder Scrolls, then you must know that abililties fit to the weapons!

    A bow is as advertised, is to shoot things, thus making it not for healing ;)

    Also all healing abilities in the game except of one are magicka and not Stamina based (not to be confused with the self-return healing from some abilities or self-healing). With that being said, all healers in the game must be magicka based. And Bow is a weapon ability that is scaled of your max stamina (Such information is available in the description of each ability and tree line)

    Further more to it, a class like templar is mostly excelled for healing has all healing abilities based on magicka, with that max magicka and Spell damage determine the efficiency of the casted heals.

    Finally the race isn't the deciding factor for your gaming career in ESO, but if you are aiming for high endgame Content it becomes essential (due to the class passives and what they offer in combat).

    As a suggestion, create a character, start doing quests and such, learn the game a bit, and then decide how you want to progress with it. Leveling a character from 1-50 doesn’t take any time…

    have you never played an elder scrolls game? you can do anything you want in the,.. you are not tied to a class in any game from morrowind onward (unsure of areana and dagger fall) but i capped everything in morrowind, oblivion was hard because of stricter level cap, and skyrim had no classes.

    been a bow healer in morrowind, oblivion and skyrim.

    how ESO plays is different, also i did do that suggestion and have 1 more delete away from "supposedly" loosing my crown items.
    also been a bow healer in dcuo/ scythe healer.

    if i can't do healer with a bow,

    what is a good class a bow user can do outside night blade, i tried that out and wasn't a fan... past night blades in elder scrolls were more casters with a sword, not assassins.
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • Kelces
    I used to think the same way, because I had no clue, that I could more efficiently utilize my stamina as a healer for blocking or dodging. So I thought: "Why not use a bow to use every resource I got?"

    A very bad Idea, that was even worth mentioning in this thread:

    You reveal yourself best in how you play.

    Kelces - Argonian Templar
    Farel Donvu - Dark Elf Sorcerer
    Navam Llervu - Dark Elf Dragonknight
    Aniseth - Wood Elf Warden
    Therediel - Wood Elf Templar
    Nilonwy - Wood Elf Nightblade
    Jurupari - Argonian Warden
    Kú-Chulainn - Argonian Sorcerer
    PC - EU
    For the Pact!
  • Azuramoonstar
    Panth141 wrote: »
    Panth141 wrote: »
    OP - to give you an explanation from the basics of how ESO works:

    Every skill in the game is scaled based on either stamina or magicka (excluding a few caveats that depend on health). By 'scale' I'm referring to both their cost (which depends on your cost reduction investment in that stat pool, and indirectly your regeneration of that pool) and the magnitude of their healing/damage (which depends on both the size of your relevant stat pool and your spell & weapon damage for magicka and stamina skills, respectively). Furthermore stamina and magicka skills also use different critical ratings - weapon and spell crit.

    The issue that you will have using bow for healing are as follows:
    • To do any reasonable damage with your bow skills, you will have to invest in maximum stamina, weapon crit and weapon damage
    • To provide any reasonable healing with your heals, you will have to invest in maximum magicka, stamina crit and spell damage
    • To sustain your use of bow attacks, you will have to invest in stamina cost reduction & stamina regen
    • To sustain your use of heals, you will have to invest in magicka cost reduction & magicka regen
    • To heal effectively, you will need to make use of the Restoration Staff skill line - these skills can only be used if you have a resto staff equipped. Templars have a dedicated healing skill line, but even they make use of Restoration staves for effective healing

    So by trying to effectively use a bow and effectively heal, you will be forced to reduce the effectiveness of both your bow damage and your healing, relative to what they could be should you invest in only one. Sure, you can get through most overworld solo PvE like this, but you (and your group) will struggle if you attempt to heal dungeons and trials using a setup like this. In fact, so significant is the disparity between the bow-healing pairing and 'pure healing', that I'm afraid you'll find most groups voting to remove you, as you simply can't be as effective as the content requires.

    Someone noted above the necessity to use a destruction staff, also - this isn't strictly true. I'm not sure how much you have played, but once you hit level 15 you unlock weapon swapping. As noted above, you will need one of those weapons to be a restoration staff, using resto skills. Many healers choose to use Dual Wield on the other bar, as it (nonsensically) offers greater spell power, simply based on how the game does the calculations. Hence this DW bar tends to contain the big, 'burst' heals that you want to produce the maximum heal possible. The use of a destruction staff tends to be reserved for using the skill Weakness to Elements, which returns resources to your group when they use elemental damage on a target you have debuffed; though some healers do also like to use a destruction staff to provide some additional DPS.

    I'm sorry to say it, but despite the 'play how you want' label on the box, there are some combinations that are set-in-stone. This isn't about following the meta, or min/maxing - if you went to the doctor and he wanted to shoot the injections into you with a bow, rather than a needle - you'd ask some questions.


    Oh, about your racial choice:

    Each race has a trio of passives that provide buffs to your character - Wood Elves are renowned for their high regen (IIRC Wood Elves get +20% stamina regen); evidently this isn't ideal for a healer - magicka regen and maximum magicka would be better passives - see High Elves/Breton/Dunmer. However, this is a min/maxing point. You can absolutely heal most content in the game using a non-ideal race - you'll only start to see some limitations at the highest-end content - even then, if you're seriously good you can heal on any race.

    ok thanks for the better explanation, and never made it to level 10, just ran around places seeing what the game looks like and basic stuff.

    restarted a few times to see other alliance starting areas, tried a few races and weapons.

    but thanks for the better explination reason why i asked cuz i did try templar and looked up restoration staff skills and they looked exactly the same to templar cure tree so to me it made no sence to use both. And figured the restoration staff is more of another way to cure if not a templar.

    the way the game devs seem to set it up is any class can do much of anything.

    but with my ff11 experience, that not always the case.. such as ff11 being a tank by player design, and the devs never considered it.

    No problem - I guess that people are so used to the forums being filled with devoted players that we don't always know how to react when asked a genuine question!

    Restoration staff skills definitely complement the templar Restoring Light skill-line, rather than offering a replacement. Templars can offer a burst-heal using Breath of Life, that isn't offered by resto, but resto can offer great spammable heals from Healing Springs, plus a fantastic 'oh crap' shield from Healing Ward. Saying that, it is not the case the only Templars can heal - there are many effective Sorcerer, DK & NB healers - though this is more of an 'off-meta' niche. Templars have the added advantage of being able to provide stamina return using Shards & Repentance, along with access to Major Mending (increased healing done), which only Templars & DKs have access to from their class-lines.

    Don't be put off asking questions here - there are loads of people who are happy to talk you through the fundamentals if need be.

    thanks for the help outside night blade any class good with bow? if not

    how do you tank in this game? if anything i prefer to tank and heal, just enjoy archery more in TES.

    hell id go for sword/shield and bow and make link............ may as well XD
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • PaddoPaulus
    As an example i suggest that you make your Wood elf a nightblade, max stamina, dual wielding and bow, medium armor DPS type.
    And try to make use of the racial stealth attacks abilities.

    And make another char as a Breton/High elf templar, max magicka, destro and restoration staff, light armor Healer/DPS type.

    Just 2 examples of a basic build that use their racial passive skills in harmony with their weapons, armor and role.

    Going 50/50 with Magicka and Stamina will make you half as effective at end game content (Vet dungeons, Trails).

    Its up to you.

    Btw few months i made a similar noob question as a Breton DPS with Heavy armor and 2 handed weapon.
    Because a Breton is good with magicka i changed to light armor destro staff and dual wield and started having more fun playing.

    Good luck
  • Azuramoonstar
    Kelces wrote: »
    I used to think the same way, because I had no clue, that I could more efficiently utilize my stamina as a healer for blocking or dodging. So I thought: "Why not use a bow to use every resource I got?"

    A very bad Idea, that was even worth mentioning in this thread:


    was gonna put points in both.

    don't really get the issue, that's why i'm asking for explanation.
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • Panth141
    Panth141 wrote: »
    Panth141 wrote: »
    OP - to give you an explanation from the basics of how ESO works:

    Every skill in the game is scaled based on either stamina or magicka (excluding a few caveats that depend on health). By 'scale' I'm referring to both their cost (which depends on your cost reduction investment in that stat pool, and indirectly your regeneration of that pool) and the magnitude of their healing/damage (which depends on both the size of your relevant stat pool and your spell & weapon damage for magicka and stamina skills, respectively). Furthermore stamina and magicka skills also use different critical ratings - weapon and spell crit.

    The issue that you will have using bow for healing are as follows:
    • To do any reasonable damage with your bow skills, you will have to invest in maximum stamina, weapon crit and weapon damage
    • To provide any reasonable healing with your heals, you will have to invest in maximum magicka, stamina crit and spell damage
    • To sustain your use of bow attacks, you will have to invest in stamina cost reduction & stamina regen
    • To sustain your use of heals, you will have to invest in magicka cost reduction & magicka regen
    • To heal effectively, you will need to make use of the Restoration Staff skill line - these skills can only be used if you have a resto staff equipped. Templars have a dedicated healing skill line, but even they make use of Restoration staves for effective healing

    So by trying to effectively use a bow and effectively heal, you will be forced to reduce the effectiveness of both your bow damage and your healing, relative to what they could be should you invest in only one. Sure, you can get through most overworld solo PvE like this, but you (and your group) will struggle if you attempt to heal dungeons and trials using a setup like this. In fact, so significant is the disparity between the bow-healing pairing and 'pure healing', that I'm afraid you'll find most groups voting to remove you, as you simply can't be as effective as the content requires.

    Someone noted above the necessity to use a destruction staff, also - this isn't strictly true. I'm not sure how much you have played, but once you hit level 15 you unlock weapon swapping. As noted above, you will need one of those weapons to be a restoration staff, using resto skills. Many healers choose to use Dual Wield on the other bar, as it (nonsensically) offers greater spell power, simply based on how the game does the calculations. Hence this DW bar tends to contain the big, 'burst' heals that you want to produce the maximum heal possible. The use of a destruction staff tends to be reserved for using the skill Weakness to Elements, which returns resources to your group when they use elemental damage on a target you have debuffed; though some healers do also like to use a destruction staff to provide some additional DPS.

    I'm sorry to say it, but despite the 'play how you want' label on the box, there are some combinations that are set-in-stone. This isn't about following the meta, or min/maxing - if you went to the doctor and he wanted to shoot the injections into you with a bow, rather than a needle - you'd ask some questions.


    Oh, about your racial choice:

    Each race has a trio of passives that provide buffs to your character - Wood Elves are renowned for their high regen (IIRC Wood Elves get +20% stamina regen); evidently this isn't ideal for a healer - magicka regen and maximum magicka would be better passives - see High Elves/Breton/Dunmer. However, this is a min/maxing point. You can absolutely heal most content in the game using a non-ideal race - you'll only start to see some limitations at the highest-end content - even then, if you're seriously good you can heal on any race.

    ok thanks for the better explanation, and never made it to level 10, just ran around places seeing what the game looks like and basic stuff.

    restarted a few times to see other alliance starting areas, tried a few races and weapons.

    but thanks for the better explination reason why i asked cuz i did try templar and looked up restoration staff skills and they looked exactly the same to templar cure tree so to me it made no sence to use both. And figured the restoration staff is more of another way to cure if not a templar.

    the way the game devs seem to set it up is any class can do much of anything.

    but with my ff11 experience, that not always the case.. such as ff11 being a tank by player design, and the devs never considered it.

    No problem - I guess that people are so used to the forums being filled with devoted players that we don't always know how to react when asked a genuine question!

    Restoration staff skills definitely complement the templar Restoring Light skill-line, rather than offering a replacement. Templars can offer a burst-heal using Breath of Life, that isn't offered by resto, but resto can offer great spammable heals from Healing Springs, plus a fantastic 'oh crap' shield from Healing Ward. Saying that, it is not the case the only Templars can heal - there are many effective Sorcerer, DK & NB healers - though this is more of an 'off-meta' niche. Templars have the added advantage of being able to provide stamina return using Shards & Repentance, along with access to Major Mending (increased healing done), which only Templars & DKs have access to from their class-lines.

    Don't be put off asking questions here - there are loads of people who are happy to talk you through the fundamentals if need be.

    thanks for the help outside night blade any class good with bow? if not

    how do you tank in this game? if anything i prefer to tank and heal, just enjoy archery more in TES.

    hell id go for sword/shield and bow and make link............ may as well XD

    Unfortunately bow as a weapon is lacklustre at the moment - it provides no benefits to healers (as noted above) or tanks, simply because tanks tend to be in the middle of things, where a shield is a necessity and doing damage is not a priority.

    Even for DPS characters, bow is typically used as a secondary, 'buff' weapon to place dots as the damage it provides when compared to DW is low.

    Tanking is pretty much what you would expect - you handle the 'bigger' enemies, taunting them to keep their attention on you. You can also provide group buffs by both debuffing the enemy and using ultimates that assist your team (e.g. Aggressive Horn). The one 'must have' for a tank is a Taunt - as you've played MMOs before I'm sure that you know what this does! There are two taunts in the game - Pierce Armour from the Sword & Shield skill line, and the ranged taunt Inner Fire from the Undaunted guild skill line.

    Of course, you need to have a sword & shield equipped to use the 'usual' taunt, Pierce Armour, where Inner Fire is usually reserved for fights when it is necessary to taunt from range. Many bosses have hard-hitting attacks that can one-shot you if you don't have block up - many of which will still one-shot you if you're blocking with anything other than a shield. Tanks typically slot sword & shield on both bars to provide maximum defensive bonuses - though for certain fights they may need to use another weapon on the back bar (look up the Planar Inhibitor fight, if you're interested - if you take a tank into this fight s/he will typically slot a two-handed weapon using the gap closer Critical Rush or even a bow (!) as they may be singled out as the player responsible for rapidly destroying portals).

    Tanks in ESO have a lot of responsibility and control - organising the most dangerous enemies in ways that protect the group; providing group buffs/enemy debuffs and eating the damage dished out by bosses.
    PS4 EU - Panth141 | CP 630+
    Almalexia's Fallen - Magicka Dragonknight - PvE Main
    Lost Hope of Sotha Sil - Magicka Dragonknight - PvP Main
    Claws-in-pockets - Stamina Nightblade - PvE/P DPS
    Nocturnal's Guise - Magicka Nightblade - PvE DPS
    Udun - Magicka Templar - PvP Healer
    Onsi's Shattered Blade - Stamina Sorcerer - Dungeon/vMA Farmer
    Stands-like-Mountains - Magicka Nightblade - PvE Saptank
    Auri-El's Forgotten Light - Magicka Sorcerer - PvP DPS

    Tharkün - Magicka Sorcerer - PvE DPS
    Rahai-Anaa - Stamina Dragonknight - Provisioner (lol)

    Perolis - Magicka Sorcerer - Enchanter/Alchemist/BwB PvP

  • Azuramoonstar
    As an example i suggest that you make your Wood elf a nightblade, max stamina, dual wielding and bow, medium armor DPS type.
    And try to make use of the racial stealth attacks abilities.

    And make another char as a Breton/High elf templar, max magicka, destro and restoration staff, light armor Healer/DPS type.

    Just 2 examples of a basic build that use their racial passive skills in harmony with their weapons, armor and role.

    Going 50/50 with Magicka and Stamina will make you half as effective at end game content (Vet dungeons, Trails).

    Its up to you.

    Btw few months i made a similar noob question as a Breton DPS with Heavy armor and 2 handed weapon.
    Because a Breton is good with magicka i changed to light armor destro staff and dual wield and started having more fun playing.

    Good luck

    not a fan of night blade... eso kinda killed the class.

    night blade in tes 3 and tes 4 were mage classes that used swords.
    Long time mmo player: 2004-[current year]
    Long time Elder scrolls player: Xbox launch morrowind.
    Follower of the dawn and dusk, keeper of the moon and star.
  • OrphanHelgen
    Serious answer here. No rage or judging or anything, but only time healing with a bow is useful, is when you role play or are stamina dd with vigor equipped. Please never go with randoms and tell them you are a healer. You will be reported for trolling, kicked from group and ignored.
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • Farorin
    For general for fun PVE, what you want to do is fine, for competitive PVE, for speed runs, or for anyone that is impatient, then what you want to do is a no go.

    Personally, I wouldn't give a damn if I had a healer like you in a random group dungeon, but that is because I am confident in my ability to tank/dps effectively enough while also staying alive, because in general I play PVP and you kind of need to be a bit well rounded for that.

    What you are suggesting might potentially work in PVP as well, so long as you stay wioth your group, and behind a line of allied melee players, kind of like an off-heals/off-dps hybrid build.

    Look at the Pelinels aptitude set for a potential idea for a set to use if you wanted to stack just one thing such as weapon or spell damage, but still wanted to try for a hybrid. Alternately, there are a few other sets that increase both spell and weapon damage, like clever alchemist, or black rose.

    On top of that, there are other sets that increase all three stats too that might be something for you to consider.
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