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Suggestion? I have one!

Hello you fellow legends of Tamriel,

So I am unsure where to post this because there is no page for this, so I will post here!

So after playing ESO for over 700hours and putting some serious time and effort into the game I love, I've noticed like my friends a major annoyance too which I hope is fixed.

Okay first off I love the community of this game and it is not toxic but extremely helpful and a well mannered place to be!

Anyway, my suggestion: When queueing for a dungeon no matter what, I always seem to get a major noob or 3 who it seems to me cannot read the chat and understand! Yes I understand we all have to start somewhere and so on, but when past Champion 160 you pretty much get full gear access etc (if you get the meaning) so why not people past champion 160 are only paired with others past this too in the que like a sort of matchmaking!

This being I am past 300 right... I was given a level 12/ 33 and 24..... one knew how to read and semi helped but was no help to me, the other two just ignored and where so bad I gave up on wasting my gems on them.
So, after failing I restarted with another que and was given a 127/ 19 and a 42... again the only helpful was kinda the 127 but still not really and the below players again not bothering.

This made me rage and I had to turn off. I've been playing dungeons all week and every single time I get the bad luck above. No decent players past 160, so I feel a matchmaking for champions above 160, doing a dungeon should be matched... if past 160 then you are not matched with anyone below unless searching for like say 5mins... then it drops to below to get in you know.

Just so angry at these low levels not reading or bothering to try or help if you understand.

Yes we all start somewhere but I want to play with people around my ball park who have experience and understand.

So what do you think?

Kind regards,

Your fellow warrior!
  • Ankael07
    How about we match people according to their /played time?
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • AriokoSan
    Agreed. It would work for low levels too. I started a new character since we have the double XP. But keep getting voted out. If I can join a queue of level 10-50 I bet I wouldn't get kicked as much.
  • Menphues
    AriokoSan wrote: »
    Agreed. It would work for low levels too. I started a new character since we have the double XP. But keep getting voted out. If I can join a queue of level 10-50 I bet I wouldn't get kicked as much.

    Yeah I completely understand.
    I do not vote low levels out. I give them a chance and often help them if they ask for it in the chat politely. (Others done it for me so I 'pay it forward' which is the saying)

    Just it is better for people below champion 160 to be paired together and people past 160 all paired together you know. So 160-600 can match on a dungeon, then below can be like 0-160 so they got a better chance of a group around their mark
  • KochDerDamonen
    I'd rather have seperate queues for people who can select "Absolutely antisocial, don't even expect me to speak or be friendly" and "conscious human being"

    Match talkative folks with eachother and then the sort who cause malice through either 'elitism' or stubborn 'play-as-you-want'-ness have their own queue with the bliss of silence.

    Maybe a third queue for roleplay so people get paired with other folks that want to move at a snail's pace get immersed in the story
    Edited by KochDerDamonen on October 22, 2016 11:19PM
    If you quote someone, and intend for them to see what you have said, be sure to Mention them with @[insert name].
  • Menphues
    I'd rather have seperate queues for people who can select "Absolutely antisocial, don't even expect me to speak or be friendly" and "conscious human being"

    Match talkative folks with eachother and then the sort who cause malice through either 'elitism' or stubborn 'play-as-you-want'-ness have their own queue with the bliss of silence.

    Maybe a third queue for roleplay so people get paired with other folks that want to move at a snail's pace get immersed in the story

    I understand as I have had my fair share of people who do not bother to talk, either run solo in a group ahead and pull any mob they think, the players who move to slow and complain or leave etc. ESO has a special community but if I must say, it is a very very good one to be apart off.
  • Tai-Chi
    Menphues wrote: »
    Hello you fellow legends of Tamriel,

    So I am unsure where to post this because there is no page for this, so I will post here!

    So after playing ESO for over 700hours and putting some serious time and effort into the game I love, I've noticed like my friends a major annoyance too which I hope is fixed.

    Okay first off I love the community of this game and it is not toxic but extremely helpful and a well mannered place to be!

    Anyway, my suggestion: When queueing for a dungeon no matter what, I always seem to get a major noob or 3 who it seems to me cannot read the chat and understand! Yes I understand we all have to start somewhere and so on, but when past Champion 160 you pretty much get full gear access etc (if you get the meaning) so why not people past champion 160 are only paired with others past this too in the que like a sort of matchmaking!

    This being I am past 300 right... I was given a level 12/ 33 and 24..... one knew how to read and semi helped but was no help to me, the other two just ignored and where so bad I gave up on wasting my gems on them.
    So, after failing I restarted with another que and was given a 127/ 19 and a 42... again the only helpful was kinda the 127 but still not really and the below players again not bothering.

    This made me rage and I had to turn off. I've been playing dungeons all week and every single time I get the bad luck above. No decent players past 160, so I feel a matchmaking for champions above 160, doing a dungeon should be matched... if past 160 then you are not matched with anyone below unless searching for like say 5mins... then it drops to below to get in you know.

    Just so angry at these low levels not reading or bothering to try or help if you understand.

    Yes we all start somewhere but I want to play with people around my ball park who have experience and understand.

    So what do you think?

    Kind regards,

    Your fellow warrior!

    Hi @Menphues , I am afraid your propositions will not always bring the desired result. I shall tell you why.

    I am sure there are many SOLO players out there, whom had never set foot inside a Group Dungeon prior to 1T. Myself included. My Chars doing the Undaunted Daily Pledges are all V160 CP 561+. So, on-the-face-of-it according to your reckoning, I would not be kicked out. You might even think your luck was in and that you have landed the Jackpot! Sorry to disappoint but BIG MISTAKE.

    Having played Solo all my life I had no real need for Group Chat and Voice Chat.
    Not only am I learning the layout of the new dungeons and Boss mechanics, I am also trying to learn the mechanics of the Chat Window.
    1. What do some of the abbreviations mean?
    2. How do I stop the Chat Window from disappearing off my screen?
    3. Why doesn't the Chat scroll up in the window?

    You say;
    1. "Yes we all start somewhere" - On that point I agree.
    2. "but I want to play with people around my ball park" - My Char is above you "ball park" but that does not guarantee understanding.
    3. " who have experience" - By the look of it, my Char has more 'general' experience & hours put into the game than yours has.
    She has SOLOED every Public Dungeon in Tamriel as well as the 3 DLCs and killed every Boss (and group event Boss) therein. She is geared out with 5 Star Exceptional gear and is equipped to handle the mobs and Bosses but does not know what the mechanics are and what to expect.

    Everyone else just galavants ahead doing their own thing. I rarely have seen any tactics being discussed! I rearly see messages asking whether everyone is ready to start the attack on a Boss.

    Answering your suggestion @Ankael07, "Played Time" is not synonymous with GROUP Dungeon experience. It is also no indication of Chat Window experience. So that proposition would not solve the issue.

    As for your suggestion @KochDerDamonen ,
    "I'd rather have seperate queues for people who can select "Absolutely antisocial, don't even expect me to speak or be friendly" and "conscious human being"
    I have listed a few reasons above why Chars might seem to be antisocial but in fact they are "conscious beings". I reserve comment on the "human" bit. You might just be assuming slightly too much there.
    As for your suggestion;
    "Maybe a third queue for roleplay so people get paired with other folks that want to move at a snail's pace get immersed in the story". I am not even going to dignify that with a comment except to say; "What has that got to do with the price of bacon?"

    Please remember. These are not runs against the clock. They are not TRIALS. If they were, then I agree. One should be at a stage in their overall experience to be in a position to form a synchronised team.

    You are to be commended @Menphues on your comment:
    "I give them a chance and often help them if they ask for it in the chat politely". Just bear in mind that with everyting that is going on for a Char new to Group Dungeons, there is no time to ask, let alone politely. On many occasions I have started to type something and before I have finished, the Group has rushed off. I end up sending off a half-backed message or not sending it at all. The latter event screws up the text from scrolling up and so I might miss some discussion.

    In conclusion, I am sorry to says guys but in my opinion, it is back to the drawing board.

    PC - EU (Main) & PC - NA
  • Sirvandal
    Don't use group finder.

    - Join a good social PVE guild (google it).
    - Make your own group.
    - Go to Elden Root, Mournhold or Wayrest and /z LFG <Dungeon name> max cp 160+ (or your level) Exp. players /w (or whateffer sort of add you like to make)

    This works fine, you learn to know nice and skilled players, friend up with them. Just do some social networking in game and you will see dungeons wil be super fun to do. And best part NO PUGS! :O)
  • Coatmagic
    ^^ pretty much what Tai-Chi said.

    My first (and last) time in a pug (before group finder existed) was to (try to) help out some lower level characters... who proceeded to:

    1) not say a word in group chat
    2) run all over the d*** dungeon like chickens with their heads cut off constantly training themselves -_-

    I don't get it, I mean even back in the days of LDoNs in EQ (most) people weren't this ridiculous.
    And yet I find myself reading the same thing over and over on these forums...
    something to do with the newer generation of gamers I guess.
  • KochDerDamonen
    Tai-Chi wrote: »
    As for your suggestion @KochDerDamonen ,
    "I'd rather have seperate queues for people who can select "Absolutely antisocial, don't even expect me to speak or be friendly" and "conscious human being"
    I have listed a few reasons above why Chars might seem to be antisocial but in fact they are "conscious beings". I reserve comment on the "human" bit. You might just be assuming slightly too much there.
    As for your suggestion;
    "Maybe a third queue for roleplay so people get paired with other folks that want to move at a snail's pace get immersed in the story". I am not even going to dignify that with a comment except to say; "What has that got to do with the price of bacon?"

    Please remember. These are not runs against the clock. They are not TRIALS. If they were, then I agree. One should be at a stage in their overall experience to be in a position to form a synchronised team.

    haha, sorry if I come off as a tad negative. I wouldn't suggest these queue types if I didn't think I would have a use for them, as in yes I would like to spend some dungeons wherein we spend half or more of the time talking about w/e, silently dashing through and taking it nice and easy so I have time to breath in the atmosphere and actually read things :p

    Really I don't see why these sorts of things, playstyles that being, shouldn't be an option when queuing. I can't imagine the number of players I've seen tell me that they've never done a dungeon because they can't get together a group of people that want to take it slow and play that way. Dungeons being my favorite thing to do in this game, so it of course makes me sad when someone tells me they haven't/can't experience them!
    Edited by KochDerDamonen on October 31, 2016 3:43PM
    If you quote someone, and intend for them to see what you have said, be sure to Mention them with @[insert name].
  • drakhan2002_ESO
    Tai-Chi wrote: »
    Menphues wrote: »
    Hello you fellow legends of Tamriel,

    So I am unsure where to post this because there is no page for this, so I will post here!

    So after playing ESO for over 700hours and putting some serious time and effort into the game I love, I've noticed like my friends a major annoyance too which I hope is fixed.

    Okay first off I love the community of this game and it is not toxic but extremely helpful and a well mannered place to be!

    Anyway, my suggestion: When queueing for a dungeon no matter what, I always seem to get a major noob or 3 who it seems to me cannot read the chat and understand! Yes I understand we all have to start somewhere and so on, but when past Champion 160 you pretty much get full gear access etc (if you get the meaning) so why not people past champion 160 are only paired with others past this too in the que like a sort of matchmaking!

    This being I am past 300 right... I was given a level 12/ 33 and 24..... one knew how to read and semi helped but was no help to me, the other two just ignored and where so bad I gave up on wasting my gems on them.
    So, after failing I restarted with another que and was given a 127/ 19 and a 42... again the only helpful was kinda the 127 but still not really and the below players again not bothering.

    This made me rage and I had to turn off. I've been playing dungeons all week and every single time I get the bad luck above. No decent players past 160, so I feel a matchmaking for champions above 160, doing a dungeon should be matched... if past 160 then you are not matched with anyone below unless searching for like say 5mins... then it drops to below to get in you know.

    Just so angry at these low levels not reading or bothering to try or help if you understand.

    Yes we all start somewhere but I want to play with people around my ball park who have experience and understand.

    So what do you think?

    Kind regards,

    Your fellow warrior!

    Hi @Menphues , I am afraid your propositions will not always bring the desired result. I shall tell you why.

    I am sure there are many SOLO players out there, whom had never set foot inside a Group Dungeon prior to 1T. Myself included. My Chars doing the Undaunted Daily Pledges are all V160 CP 561+. So, on-the-face-of-it according to your reckoning, I would not be kicked out. You might even think your luck was in and that you have landed the Jackpot! Sorry to disappoint but BIG MISTAKE.

    Having played Solo all my life I had no real need for Group Chat and Voice Chat.
    Not only am I learning the layout of the new dungeons and Boss mechanics, I am also trying to learn the mechanics of the Chat Window.
    1. What do some of the abbreviations mean?
    2. How do I stop the Chat Window from disappearing off my screen?
    3. Why doesn't the Chat scroll up in the window?

    You say;
    1. "Yes we all start somewhere" - On that point I agree.
    2. "but I want to play with people around my ball park" - My Char is above you "ball park" but that does not guarantee understanding.
    3. " who have experience" - By the look of it, my Char has more 'general' experience & hours put into the game than yours has.
    She has SOLOED every Public Dungeon in Tamriel as well as the 3 DLCs and killed every Boss (and group event Boss) therein. She is geared out with 5 Star Exceptional gear and is equipped to handle the mobs and Bosses but does not know what the mechanics are and what to expect.

    Everyone else just galavants ahead doing their own thing. I rarely have seen any tactics being discussed! I rearly see messages asking whether everyone is ready to start the attack on a Boss.

    Answering your suggestion @Ankael07, "Played Time" is not synonymous with GROUP Dungeon experience. It is also no indication of Chat Window experience. So that proposition would not solve the issue.

    As for your suggestion @KochDerDamonen ,
    "I'd rather have seperate queues for people who can select "Absolutely antisocial, don't even expect me to speak or be friendly" and "conscious human being"
    I have listed a few reasons above why Chars might seem to be antisocial but in fact they are "conscious beings". I reserve comment on the "human" bit. You might just be assuming slightly too much there.
    As for your suggestion;
    "Maybe a third queue for roleplay so people get paired with other folks that want to move at a snail's pace get immersed in the story". I am not even going to dignify that with a comment except to say; "What has that got to do with the price of bacon?"

    Please remember. These are not runs against the clock. They are not TRIALS. If they were, then I agree. One should be at a stage in their overall experience to be in a position to form a synchronised team.

    You are to be commended @Menphues on your comment:
    "I give them a chance and often help them if they ask for it in the chat politely". Just bear in mind that with everyting that is going on for a Char new to Group Dungeons, there is no time to ask, let alone politely. On many occasions I have started to type something and before I have finished, the Group has rushed off. I end up sending off a half-backed message or not sending it at all. The latter event screws up the text from scrolling up and so I might miss some discussion.

    In conclusion, I am sorry to says guys but in my opinion, it is back to the drawing board.

    Great post; very well said.
  • Leandor
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    How about we match people according to their /played time?

    Hahaha, I would love that... I have across my 8 max. level chars approx. 2k hrs played. But since I only ever PvP and hate dungeon running, I have zero experience in any of the dungeons.

    I would probably be one of those players, OP would make another rage post about, albeit having 730 CP and one char of each spec/class.

    You can't measure smarts by looking at CP/hrs played/number of chars or even equipment. This game allows you to build your char in many ways.

    Dear OP, stop suggesting utter bullcrap limits like "only mix and match with players over xx of this and that". If you can't stand playing with players that need you to carry them and only look for players that will carry yourself, go look for a guild that will support you.

    But rest assured, with that attitude you will probably be thrown out there before you finished your first dungeon run.
    Edited by Leandor on October 31, 2016 4:25PM
  • Rune_Relic
    Learning run (House party in the red zone while taunting every NPC inside at once) = normal only
    Tuition run (Suck up to a 'vetted' Mentor) = normal only
    Social run (Smell the roses but competent - flexible build) = normal or veteran (casual/roleplay)
    Grinding run (time trial people and key junkies - rigid roles only) = veteran or hardmode only (hardcore)
    ..should be on the dungeon filtering options.

    That way there is not such a drastic conflict in expectation for anyone.
    People are grouped that want to attack (or not) content in the same way.

    Did I miss anything ?
    Did I get the playstyles wrong ?
    That should cover new players, casual players and hardcore.
    That should put like minded people together...and opposing mentalities apart.
    Edited by Rune_Relic on October 31, 2016 4:53PM
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    How about we match people according to their /played time?

    But then I would never find a group :(
    CP capped.

    EP - Nord - Eystein Blodsbringar - Tristat DK Tank
    EP - Nord - Eyjolf Blodsbringar - Stamina NB PvPer
    EP - Argonian - Tired-Of-Cats - Magicka Sorc PvPer
    EP - Khajit - Cutepaws - Banker
    EP - Redguard - Jathod Trearan - Stamina DK DD
    EP - Redgaurd - Dhenus Okzhat-Si - Stamina Sorcerer DD (vMSA toon, 569K)
    EP - Altmer - Haqsin - Magicka Sorc DD
    EP - Altmer - Minia Feaine - Templar Healer

    + about 20 deleted alts

    GM of Pact Veteran Trade (Craglorn), Traders of the Ebonheart (Mournhold), Pact Veteran Trade II (Mournhold)

    All part of the "Akatosh Imperium".

    Want competitive Cyrodiil? Support THIS thread.

    Me soloing Veteran Elden Hollow and AA: HERE
  • Jemcrystal
    If you have become so competent that everyone around you is slow you are competent enough to make your own guild that is centered on finding others like yourself. But if devs start thinking in terms of game restrictions it will impede someone else's play. Good luck.
  • Tai-Chi
    Tai-Chi wrote: »
    As for your suggestion @KochDerDamonen ,
    "I'd rather have seperate queues for people who can select "Absolutely antisocial, don't even expect me to speak or be friendly" and "conscious human being"
    I have listed a few reasons above why Chars might seem to be antisocial but in fact they are "conscious beings". I reserve comment on the "human" bit. You might just be assuming slightly too much there.
    As for your suggestion;
    "Maybe a third queue for roleplay so people get paired with other folks that want to move at a snail's pace get immersed in the story". I am not even going to dignify that with a comment except to say; "What has that got to do with the price of bacon?"

    Please remember. These are not runs against the clock. They are not TRIALS. If they were, then I agree. One should be at a stage in their overall experience to be in a position to form a synchronised team.

    haha, sorry if I come off as a tad negative. I wouldn't suggest these queue types if I didn't think I would have a use for them, as in yes I would like to spend some dungeons wherein we spend half or more of the time talking about w/e, silently dashing through and taking it nice and easy so I have time to breath in the atmosphere and actually read things :p

    Really I don't see why these sorts of things, playstyles that being, shouldn't be an option when queuing. I can't imagine the number of players I've seen tell me that they've never done a dungeon because they can't get together a group of people that want to take it slow and play that way. Dungeons being my favorite thing to do in this game, so it of course makes me sad when someone tells me they haven't/can't experience them!

    I take it that you are on the NA Server. I am PC EU. What a shame; we could have gone out on a jaunt together. You could have shown me the ropes - helped me with the mechanics and told me what to expect.

    With a glam, Nord blond for company, you might decide to take more time looking in all the nooks and cranies!
    PC - EU (Main) & PC - NA
  • Tai-Chi
    Tai-Chi wrote: »
    Menphues wrote: »
    Hello you fellow legends of Tamriel,

    So I am unsure where to post this because there is no page for this, so I will post here!

    So after playing ESO for over 700hours and putting some serious time and effort into the game I love, I've noticed like my friends a major annoyance too which I hope is fixed.

    Okay first off I love the community of this game and it is not toxic but extremely helpful and a well mannered place to be!

    Anyway, my suggestion: When queueing for a dungeon no matter what, I always seem to get a major noob or 3 who it seems to me cannot read the chat and understand! Yes I understand we all have to start somewhere and so on, but when past Champion 160 you pretty much get full gear access etc (if you get the meaning) so why not people past champion 160 are only paired with others past this too in the que like a sort of matchmaking!

    This being I am past 300 right... I was given a level 12/ 33 and 24..... one knew how to read and semi helped but was no help to me, the other two just ignored and where so bad I gave up on wasting my gems on them.
    So, after failing I restarted with another que and was given a 127/ 19 and a 42... again the only helpful was kinda the 127 but still not really and the below players again not bothering.

    This made me rage and I had to turn off. I've been playing dungeons all week and every single time I get the bad luck above. No decent players past 160, so I feel a matchmaking for champions above 160, doing a dungeon should be matched... if past 160 then you are not matched with anyone below unless searching for like say 5mins... then it drops to below to get in you know.

    Just so angry at these low levels not reading or bothering to try or help if you understand.

    Yes we all start somewhere but I want to play with people around my ball park who have experience and understand.

    So what do you think?

    Kind regards,

    Your fellow warrior!

    Hi @Menphues , I am afraid your propositions will not always bring the desired result. I shall tell you why.

    I am sure there are many SOLO players out there, whom had never set foot inside a Group Dungeon prior to 1T. Myself included. My Chars doing the Undaunted Daily Pledges are all V160 CP 561+. So, on-the-face-of-it according to your reckoning, I would not be kicked out. You might even think your luck was in and that you have landed the Jackpot! Sorry to disappoint but BIG MISTAKE.

    Having played Solo all my life I had no real need for Group Chat and Voice Chat.
    Not only am I learning the layout of the new dungeons and Boss mechanics, I am also trying to learn the mechanics of the Chat Window.
    1. What do some of the abbreviations mean?
    2. How do I stop the Chat Window from disappearing off my screen?
    3. Why doesn't the Chat scroll up in the window?

    You say;
    1. "Yes we all start somewhere" - On that point I agree.
    2. "but I want to play with people around my ball park" - My Char is above you "ball park" but that does not guarantee understanding.
    3. " who have experience" - By the look of it, my Char has more 'general' experience & hours put into the game than yours has.
    She has SOLOED every Public Dungeon in Tamriel as well as the 3 DLCs and killed every Boss (and group event Boss) therein. She is geared out with 5 Star Exceptional gear and is equipped to handle the mobs and Bosses but does not know what the mechanics are and what to expect.

    Everyone else just galavants ahead doing their own thing. I rarely have seen any tactics being discussed! I rearly see messages asking whether everyone is ready to start the attack on a Boss.

    Answering your suggestion @Ankael07, "Played Time" is not synonymous with GROUP Dungeon experience. It is also no indication of Chat Window experience. So that proposition would not solve the issue.

    As for your suggestion @KochDerDamonen ,
    "I'd rather have seperate queues for people who can select "Absolutely antisocial, don't even expect me to speak or be friendly" and "conscious human being"
    I have listed a few reasons above why Chars might seem to be antisocial but in fact they are "conscious beings". I reserve comment on the "human" bit. You might just be assuming slightly too much there.
    As for your suggestion;
    "Maybe a third queue for roleplay so people get paired with other folks that want to move at a snail's pace get immersed in the story". I am not even going to dignify that with a comment except to say; "What has that got to do with the price of bacon?"

    Please remember. These are not runs against the clock. They are not TRIALS. If they were, then I agree. One should be at a stage in their overall experience to be in a position to form a synchronised team.

    You are to be commended @Menphues on your comment:
    "I give them a chance and often help them if they ask for it in the chat politely". Just bear in mind that with everyting that is going on for a Char new to Group Dungeons, there is no time to ask, let alone politely. On many occasions I have started to type something and before I have finished, the Group has rushed off. I end up sending off a half-backed message or not sending it at all. The latter event screws up the text from scrolling up and so I might miss some discussion.

    In conclusion, I am sorry to says guys but in my opinion, it is back to the drawing board.

    Great post; very well said.

    Thank-you @drakhan2002_ESO for those kind words. It is much appreciated.
    PC - EU (Main) & PC - NA
  • idk

    Zos did permit us to be matched with only those that have reached the CP levels. Queue for a vet dungeon.

    Outside of that, Zos has its hands tied. Your CP300+ Someone CP561 may not want to be matched with someone sub CP400. See how this works. There is always something so it is best for Zos to leave it alone.
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