After trying to drop a red mountain weapon since the first day this set went CP160 I have finally managed.
Yeah. I can deal with your shotty RNG. I can deal with bad traits. I can even deal with not getting the exact type of weapon I want (axe, dagger, sword, mace, rubber chicken). But when you give me a healing staff on, what is clearly a stamina weapon, I die a little more inside.
You told us that with One Tamriel we'd be seeing a "smart loot" system. If this is smart then I'd hate to see the stupid version.
i will say i have not seen the loot become any smarter in any of the recent changes. Still seeing many of the old "why in the world would this be made."
Now i am NOT one for saying dont have any of these kind of extremes. But certainly some quite simple algorithm can identify "this weapons heavy attack restores a attribute that none of its bonuses align with" and make those have a substantially reduced chance of occuring - please?
KoshkaMurka wrote: »Ive got an even better item!
Sigh, yet again to explain to people who seemingly forget.
The "Smart" part of the smart loot system is supposed to mean that you won't get weapons where the 5th piece bonus does not match the weapon in question e.g. you won't get sword singer bows or Hawk eye shields or healer habit destro staves.
You can still get destro staves for general weapon damage sets and bows for general magicka damage sets as it's considered okay by Elder Trolls Online, but whether they've actually implemented any of the above is highly uncertain.
How does the spriggan's 5th piece bonus of PHYSICAL PENETRATION match my staff? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure staves don't do physical damage, unless there's a knock on the head ability I don't know about
The penetration of that bash damage, bruh. Lmao. Gotta interrupt things sometimes.
lol god damn. And sharpened xD
I think the smart loot system was dungeons only, and it keeps the drops relevant to the previous set that was dropped. not your playstyle/what you want. I cant remember where i read that, it was in the patch notes somewhere.
And ive experienced this in dungeons already where i got a shoulder, helm, and guards all from the same set in a row from bosses in one run
AzraelKrieg wrote: »
That's not what the smart loot system is but damn that's some good luck
I saw something along those lines in the patch notes somewhere though. I cant find it now lol.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »Did they even say there would be a smart loot system? All I saw was them say something's about melee trigger set affects not dropping on ranged weapon. Then everyone went crazy with some version of smart loot. I dunno maybe I missed it.
Don't get me wrong it really needs work, I just don't remember them ever saying they were doing it.
AzraelKrieg wrote: »
If that were the case then I wouldn't have received Lich from one boss, Ebon from the next, and Leviathan from the third boss in Crypt of Hearts
"Sets that grant a bonus to melee damage will now drop more intelligently (i.e. a set with melee damage will no longer drop with a bow or stave)."
That was what i was thinking, it wasnt what i initially thought it was.
Sigh, yet again to explain to people who seemingly forget.
The "Smart" part of the smart loot system is supposed to mean that you won't get weapons where the 5th piece bonus does not match the weapon in question e.g. you won't get sword singer bows or Hawk eye shields or healer habit destro staves.
You can still get destro staves for general weapon damage sets and bows for general magicka damage sets as it's considered okay by Elder Trolls Online, but whether they've actually implemented any of the above is highly uncertain.