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XBOX1-NA Vet. White Gold Tower/SPC runs

Looking for people with common interest in farming vet white gold tower. I know most who have sets of SPC never want to run it again, because honestly without the right people, it can be a pain in the ass...
So here I am hoping there others with common interest. GT is Asphyxiated420, I created a guild specifically for this so we can have our own chat and see who is online when runs are needed. Either reply back to this or message me on Xbox so I can get this started. I would prefer you be at least 300CP, I can teach the mechanics if you don't know, you just need to be receptive.
  • Dasovaruilos
    I very intesrested in that. Right now I only have a healer, CP 331, and I basically memorized all mechanics there already from trying to farm SCP with PUGs.

    I don't have a guild spot open, but add me on Xbox: hugocbp
  • Ap3xJohn15
    Id like to join. Cp551 gt: Venom 76667
  • Dasovaruilos
    I got no word... I'm still interested and have been running with pugs for a while. Send me a message if you still want to do this.
  • Kushh
    I've yet to find anyone willing to teach the mechanics for either of the imperial city dungeons. Would love to learn/farm or whatever.
    Cp310+ stamblade
    GT: presedent kushh
  • ericprydz82ub17_ESO
    I'm absolutely interested in farming WGT vet. Sorc healer here and have run it well over 300 times on PC when it was new content. Currently 272cp on Xbox1 and have already ran it very successfully a few times but need more.

    GT: PrydaTV live
    Edited by ericprydz82ub17_ESO on November 14, 2016 6:38PM
    -Pryda - Ebonheart Pact XB1 NA
    World first HelRa Hardmode player.
    GT: Bootleg Mix
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