For starters: Mag DK. They need serious attention in order to become competetive in both PvE and PvP:
Furthermore, I hope that Mag NB gets a damage boost as well so that they're no longer the underdog when it comes to PvE DPS.
Sorcs should def be made more fun to play: DW Sorcs should be a thing again (spammable skill), useful and stronger pets,... while keeping shield duration and bolt escape the way they are now
Mag Temps... Radiant Destruction execute at 25%
And for stam: toning down the proc sets (Viper, Velidreth,...) by giving them lower proc chances like the Magicka sets with optionally longer cooldowns. As well as removing the "unfair" element (why should Magicka users with Necropotence have a pet out for the Magicka Increase while Stam users get their Stam Increase from Hulking Draugr like that. For instance...)
KramUzibra wrote: »Vipers should proc every 6 sec instead of 4 sec
Radiant should do significantly less damage if target is above 25% health
Magic players should have a slight increase in damage.
Raise the cost of encap to 75
Aaannnnnndddd let us dye our weapons!!
Strider_Roshin wrote: »KramUzibra wrote: »Vipers should proc every 6 sec instead of 4 sec
Radiant should do significantly less damage if target is above 25% health
Magic players should have a slight increase in damage.
Raise the cost of encap to 75
Aaannnnnndddd let us dye our weapons!!
No Viper should just be a proc chance that has a 4 second cool down. A guaranteed proc is ridiculous.
Strider_Roshin wrote: »I hope zenimax tweaks stamina builds so that they can match magicka builds in terms of healing, and mitigating crit damage, as well as group utility.
itscompton wrote: »Strider_Roshin wrote: »I hope zenimax tweaks stamina builds so that they can match magicka builds in terms of healing, and mitigating crit damage, as well as group utility.
That's a joke about the healing right? Vigor+Rally is about as good as anything my Templar has. It certainly seems that way when I play PvP and all the stam builds pop those two abilities and shoot from 10% health back to 90% in two seconds flat.
Honestly all they have to do:
Nerf cc's on enemy players, as well as make breaking free and dodge rolling cheaper per piece of light armor (makes sense, right? Easier to somersault in cloth than in chainmail...) (helps with sustain on light armor)
Increase stamina cost of whirlwind by 25%
Add a close range one handed magicka weapon + magicka shield?
Radiant activates bonus at 25%
Jab spam heals 25% less
Merciless Resolve automatically triggers with no character animation (just an animation of an arrow)
Path of darkness deals more damage
Make pets deal 50% more damage
Not sure, not much experience with sorc
not sure, same reason
KramUzibra wrote: »itscompton wrote: »Strider_Roshin wrote: »I hope zenimax tweaks stamina builds so that they can match magicka builds in terms of healing, and mitigating crit damage, as well as group utility.
That's a joke about the healing right? Vigor+Rally is about as good as anything my Templar has. It certainly seems that way when I play PvP and all the stam builds pop those two abilities and shoot from 10% health back to 90% in two seconds flat.
Agreed if anything mag just needs a bit more damage. Maybe a small spell dmg buff in the light armor passives.
For starters: Mag DK. They need serious attention in order to become competetive in both PvE and PvP: