Well I opened up ESo for the first time last night since OT went live on PS4. I thought I’d give it a day or so to calm down.
I logged in where I left off at the wayshirne in daggerfall and oh my!!!! WTF has happened?
This wayshrine used to be a peaceful place. Now it’s a duel fest!. Surprisingly from reading the various posts the bank and workshops are duel free.
So I stood there, watching what was going on. Within the first 3 minutes I’d had 4 duel requests. One guy was literally running around to anyone that landed and sending them duel requests.
Ive never done PVP so declined most, until one guy got on my nerves so I accepted. Didn’t know what to expect as he was a CP level player too, (was dual wielding swords) so I just dealt with it as I would a pve boss with my ‘rotation’.
I took him out in 4 button presses and even got a little achievement. He came close so I punctured sweep first, he got a hit in, which didn’t do much as I was buffed so had 20K health and 20K mag. I used the throwing spear thing which set him backwards. He then ran away so I used the jesus beam on him twice. And that was it. I was well pleased.
Trouble is its now got me wanting to do pvp as its given me false illusions that im now a pvp pro hahaha
Was - Breton DC ( GIRL - Guy In Real Life toon) Magika Templar Healer/ 5-8 trait Crafter - currently CP290 and learning now starting again on xbox…...
xbox suter1972 - Character name - Hota Woskeef
Xbox EU ESO+ Mature (40+) UK casual gamer