Here's my healer build for my NB (I usually play with a magicka sorc tank and two stamina DDs) :
The best races for that are High Elf or Breton. But it can be done with any race without problem (im a khajiit cause they're cute).
Gear :
Head : Rkugamz Light Infused - Magicka Glyph
Shoulders : Rkugamz Light Divine - Magicka Glyph
Chest : Spell Power Cure Infused - Magicka Glyph
Gloves : Spell Power Cure Divine - Magicka Glyph
Breeches : Spell Power Cure Infused - Magicka Glyph
Shoes : Spell Power Cure Divine - Magicka Glyph
Accessories : 3x Willpower Arcane - Spell Power Glyphs
Resto Staff : Master Infused
Destruction Staff : Master Sharpened
If I play with Magicka DDs, I replace my Rkugamz and Willpower for Worm Cult gear.
Skills :
1st bar - Restoration staff :
Combat Prayer : To buff my allies, good heal too
Healing Ward : Emergency button
Healing Springs : Good "spam" heal, keeps my spc up and my rkugamz
Sap Essence : Good AoE damage and heal
Inner Light : For the passive bonuses
Ulti - Veil of Blade : For damage mitigation, aoe damage
2nd Bar - Destruction staff :
Elemental Drain : To help my magicka friend with their ressource management (i usually play with a magicka sorc tank who loves this skill)
Funnel Health : My spam skill, good damage, good heal
Refreshing Path : For the HoT and DoT it provides
Elemental Blockade or Mystic Orbs : I use Elemental Blockade when we don't have magicka DDs in the group, it adds nice damage. When Magicka DDs in the group, I prefer to help them with the orbs.
Inner Light : For bonuses
Ulti - Aggressive Warhorn : Buffing my friends
Take all the passives from armor, resto/destro, undaunted and your class skills trees.
Stats Allocation :
All in Magicka.
Mundus :
I'm playing with the Atronach Mundus Stone, specially for raids.
Champions Points :
Atm i'm testing different CP allocation to see what suits me best.
The Lady : Thick Skinned - 37 / Hardy - 75 / Elemental Defender - 75
The Lover : Arcanist - 87
The Tower : Magician - 100
The Apprentice : Blessed - 100 / Elfborn - 36 / Elemental Expert -51
I won't post my tank build cause I don't do endgame content on my tank (the hardest content I have done with her was IC dungeons before DB nerf)If you're interested in tanking and nobody help you, I can give some advices but i'm not pro at tanking ^^.
One of the strongest classes is still a stam nightblade when it comes to great DPS. The current meta for PVP is all heavy Blood Rose, Viper set weapons and jewellery with Tremorscale monster set; sword and board/two-handed. For PVE I am not sure what the latest is, but all medium twice-born star armor + viper + Velidreth/Selenes is probably solid - though you will dual-wield/bow. 2H is cool but you will rely on Surprise Attack for your DPS, which is not a bad thing.