My main character Haleyshepard (wood elf stamina nightblade) is on her way to becoming a master crafter. My points in the crafting slots are maxed out(clothing, woodworking, blacksmithing). I have put full points into my hirelings as well. Currently, I have Veesk-Olan as my clothier, Aksel Rockbiter as my Blacksmith, and Morgog the Hammer as my Woodworker. Recently both Veesk and Aksel have been sending me the same messages over and over. Veesk's notebook has once again been snatched by Uraviin Dres and I have received this message for the past several days:
"Patron. Now that you have entered into a partnership with Uraviin Dres, there will be a few changes. First, I will be unable to send you personalized notes for the foreseeable future. That's just not my cup of flin. Second, your regular shipments will continue. Third, I will avenge myself against Veesk. After all, I am a scion of House Dres." The components have changed but the message has not.
Aksel has been sending me this message for about a week and a half: "Today was a good day. I think tomorrow will be too. I am happy, Narasgi is happy, Mother is almost happy. I hope you are happy. As always, supplies for you. - Your friend always, Aksel Rockbiter"
Is this just the end of my customized messages from each hireling? Should I be expecting any new hirelings any time soon or is this forever?