So, recently I got a purple Worm Arcane ring. Looked up merchant prices and went wow I want to sell that (already have a few anyway). I was so stoked so list it, but it wouldn't let me list it in my trading guild. I assumed it was because it was still tradable within the group I was in...? So I figured, alright, I'll wait the 2 hours and sell it tomorrow. Now I go into my account and it's bound to me.
I never touched, put it on, double clicked it etc. Just googled if people were willing to buy such a ring and that was it. I'm kinda peeved 'cause I don't need another of the ring and I was looking forward to selling it. I keep googling but I can't find an exact answer so I figured it would be easier to ask here. So, when something is tradable like that from a dungeon drop does it automatically become bound after? Are we not allowed to list/sell those items if it's tradable within the group? So confusing.
Thanks to anyone who can clear this up for me!