Look at this picture and tell me what you see.
No, I'm not talking about AD zerging the map. See the dark blue fishing holes in the bottom right corner of the map, just above the gate of mnem? Well, that's the only place to find Ocean fish in Cyrodiil, that I'm aware of.
I want to know why I have to travel alllll the way to the bottom of the map to find ocean fish. Can you PLEASE place some more holes evenly around Cyrodiil? Do you really expect me to ride all the way from Southern High Rock Gate to the Mnem gate?
Please, fix this imbalance once and for all. I cannot stay quiet any longer. Everything else can wait, but this, this needs to be addressed now.
Thank you for your time,
Silver_Strider wrote: »Considering that Cyrodiil is located in the center of the continent, it's kind of hard for them to just add an ocean to fish there without breaking the lore to ***.
If only I could port to you -.-
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »I need to do fishing next . Let me know if you make fishing day , I'll bring bait .
The state pvp is in right now, every day is fishing day =D
(Seriously I fish quite a lot now because it's more fun)
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »
The only fish in Cyrodiil should be slaughterfish!
Seriously though, yeah, ZOS needs to fix it. Isn't Cyrodiil land-locked though? Why are there even ocean fish?
Lava_Croft wrote: »PvP players using Cyrodiil for fishing.
You did this, Wrobel!
kip_silverwolf wrote: »When I did those AD fishing spots on my EP, I choose the busiest campaign. (I think it was Haderus at the time?) While the map wasn't quite as yellow as yours, it was close to it. My way of thinking was that everyone would be so busy fighting further north that they wouldn't notice little ol' me hiding in the bushes with a fishing line. And luckily they didn't. Took me about 4 hours to get all the fish from that spot (4 long, long hours) but I never saw another player during all that time.
The worst for me were the spots between Ash and Roebeck as I had to sneak between two massive zergs fighting it out between Roe & Alessia. Now that was a challenge!
aaah memories!
I quit bothering with PvP altogether. A PvE hero in the making.
Lol, he literally did. I only started fishing because I'm sick of PVP right now. I probably PVP for around 15 minutes every day before I die to zergs light attacking me with procsets, then spend 2-4 hours fishing to calm down.
On the positive side, I've made a lot of money selling roe.
Damn, that hurts. Are you on EU or NA? Feel free to join me fishing when PVP gets you down!