So basically I'm re-gearing my MagSorc and figured I've never used the Lich but now I'll be able to farm it from dungeons it's more appealing.
So far I'm decided on x2 Infernal Guardian and x5 Lich this leaves 5 slots left for the front bar, question is what's great to pair with it?
My first choice was sharpened vMSA staff and x4 Overwhelming Surge, but I don't enjoy vMSA at all, so I figured I'd try use something without that grind involved. This would give 1k Magicka and 450SD.
Second option was Destruction Mastery, I figured this would work well but I cannot for the life of me find any weapons let alone a sharpened inferno (I have another thread about that so if they exist let me know) I'm on console btw, no one tamriel yet. This would give 130 SD, 3.4k Magicka and 3% crit.
But if I can't go for option 2, and I don't want to spend so much time in the vMSA I'm not really sure what the best alternative would be? Going willpower and Torugs would give me 1.4k Magicka and 320SD. Feels like the other 2 options would be better or is there another option?