Features in housing

From my understanding, housing is account wide, and you can purchase more than one (ie doesn't sell the old when acquiring another).

It got me thinking about what features this could give to players unique to each house to provide account wide bonuses that are more convenience than anything else for alts.

Here is a list of things that I'd consider a welcome addition to housing, specifically what is unique to each house.

House (Library)
Craft level 1 Library - all Non-Motif / Non-Mage guild lore books sync to all characters on account.
Craft level 2 Library - all Non-Champion recipe's sync to all characters on account and those already owned are dropped from loot table.
Craft level 3 Library - If 5 of the same Motif is placed in the library (includes motif's already read on all chars) then the motif is unlocked account wide, if motif is purchased on crown store then that counts as all 5.
Craft level 4 Library - You can fund the retrieval of 1 Sky shard every 2 days, 1 shard at random that at least one toon on the account has previously found will be retrieved and placed in the vault for other toons to access.

*I've heard people refer to lorebook sync as 'not earning it' but this is designed to be expensive, for a high CP player that has the gold, and effectively earned it that way. Also the Skyshard system is for players that want to create a new toon for PVP but not go through the PVE zone to gather skill points. To retrieve them all would take several years. ZOS could even sell Shard retrieval tokens like they do with horse training to speed up the process of acquiring already previously found shards.
*It's odd that I'm still finding sub 50 recipes on my main at CP400, clearly they are only useful for alts.

House (Stables)
Craft level 1 Stables - All characters start on level 5 of each Speed / Carry / Stam and the cap is increased to 62.5 (rounded to 63)
Craft level 2 Stables - All characters start on level 10 of each and the cap is increases to 65
Craft level 3 Stables - All characters start on level 15 of each and the cap is increased to 67.5 (68).
Craft level 4 Stables - All characters start on level 20 of each and the cap is increased to 70 and the personal squire is unlocked.

*The squire can be called in any non-cyrodiil zones, but while not callable in PVP, he can be found in the camp. The squire allows the player to easily access weapon/armor racks without needing to go to the player home to access them.
*Would be awesome to see the mounts that are unlocked in the stables.

House (Armory)
Craft level 1 Armory - The ability to transmute any raw ore/wood/cloth to Iron (for low level toons) and an armor rack for all Dungeon helms / shoulders in all their variations. Also the base skill for crafting is reduced by one, example, Metal working skill starts on 2 and all toons are refunded that skill point.
Craft level 2 Armory - The ability to transmute any raw ore/wood/cloth to High iron and the armory room increases in size to hold 10 set racks (armor / weapons) that hold all variations of traits. Each armor rack needs a motif and to be crafted for each set. Base crafting skill starts on 3.
Craft level 3 Armory - The ability to transmute any raw ore/wood/cloth to Orichalc and the armory room increases in size to hold 20 set racks. Base crafting skill starts on 4.
Craft level 4 Armory - The ability to transmute any raw ore/wood/cloth to Dwarven and the armory room increases in size to hold 30 set racks. Base crafting skill starts on 5.
Craft level 5 Armory - The ability to transmute any raw ore/wood/cloth to Ebony and the armory room has the capacity to hold all sets. Base crafting skill starts on 6.

*Can remove that silly crate of garbage from writs with this system.
*The reason for base crafting skill to start on a higher level is to free up skill points, and therefore allowing things like weapon ults and any other things ZOS might add to be easier to acquire.
*Items with particular traits that are stored on a set rack (already acquired) have a lower chance of dropping again. So if you find a 'prosperous' dungeon helm, you can take comfort knowing, once racked, it is less likely it'll drop again.

House (Enchanter)
Craft level 1 Enchanter - Can transmute 100 Common runes to 10 Standard potency runes. Increases base skill to 2 in enchant.
Craft level 2 Enchanter - Can transmute 100 Standard runes to 10 Superior potency runes. Increases base skill to 3 in enchant, Ta no longer drops.
Craft level 3 Enchanter - Can transmute 100 Superior runes to 10 Artifact runes.
Craft level 4 Enchanter - Can transmute 100 Artifact runes to 1 Legendary rune.
Craft level 5 Enchanter - Items stored on an armor rack, and not in use will slowly increase in temper grade.

*Lvl 5 has to be slow, but it will mean 'prosperous' items stored on a set rack will essentially become useful if just just for their farming potential.

House (Alchemist)
Craft level 1 Alchemist - Garden. +1 potion / poison per batch. Base level of Alchemy increased to 2.
Craft level 2 Alchemist - Bigger garden. Water springs (produces potion base). +2 potion / poison per batch. Base level of Alchemy increased to 3.
Craft level 3 Alchemist - Even bigger garden. Snake pits (produces poison base). +3 potion / poison per batch.


I don't consider any of the above to be anything more than handy conveniences that would require a lot of collection, and gold to acquire, and nothing that hasn't already been earned. If each house can provide their own subtle convenient bonus, then I'd make it my mission to own them all rather than just save for the best.
  • Integral1900
    I'd go with that, not sure about moving sky shards as they have said many times that they want players to have to do the content. Other than that it all seems good to me. I'm hopping for a large gold sink with housing, something to get the econemy back under control
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    Oh wow. That was some list. I like a little of it. Small, little tho.
    By your use of the term "transmute"makes me think of WoW..*"Cringe"*....
    All of your suggestions is just "I want all cool stuff but not explore/work for it".
    Gardens like in Skyrim that grow plants, yes.
    Book cases that hold your discovered books like in Morrowind, yes.
    Armor stands, Wall racks and test dummies like in Oblivion, yes.
    Crafting tables like in Oblivion, yes. And storage that was in all them, yes.
    Basically, what I'm saying is that they will keep it TES friendly and stick to how game mechanics and gameplay is now.
    They just made all good drops BoP so to make players do the content, so doubt if they will go backwards.
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • Mojmir
    I need a safe room from nerfs
  • richo262
    I believe there was a spell in Skyrim that allowed you to turn metals to gold, the name of whatever that spell was :P.
    The reason I want weapon racks to hold all sets in all their variations is precisely because of BoP. If you cannot sell them, you should at least be able to collect them.

    "I want all the cool stuff but not explore/work for it" - I understand that parts may feel like that however:
    1) Lorebook sync is only for found, non-mage guild or motif books, and optional, if you don't want to , don't go into the library.
    2) Motif requires 5, as many people have mule characters, if you have 5 of each, it just means that you can now delete toons without having to 're-earn' it each time.
    3) To get all Skyshards in the vault, it would take 762 days, it could be increased to 3 days per shard, 1,143 (3.1 years assuming each day you claim it), and is a perpetual gold sink for the economy.
    4) Everything above has already been earned, and now there is a way to sink gold into earning it for all other toons. I don't propose it be cheap.
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