Yea. It's the customer's fault. Asking too much of programmers. Maybe allowing us to pick a new zone in location during login?
Ok lets to simple then. System cant log you in due to overcrowding. Have system zone you in at the next nearest wayshrine.
Yea. It's the customer's fault. Asking too much of programmers. Maybe allowing us to pick a new zone in location during login?
it is not as simple as you think. And it is our responsibility to at least meet them half way the fact that you think you have ZERO responsibility shows that you lack a basic understanding of any mmo. hell look at WoWs launch for WoD no one could log in for 2 days minimum.
Ok lets to simple then. System cant log you in due to overcrowding. Have system zone you in at the next nearest wayshrine.
once again it is not that simple, the system would have to be written to do so and seeing how this game is already a couple years old it would cause more issues then it would solve. You should know better then to log out there considering i have seen MANY forum posts about it. Devs can not help us with everything, it is out job as the player to do some things on our own.
Malnutrition wrote: »I haven't played in a while due to having zero free time but finally managed to get a chance and now I can't log n either due to being in Rawl.
Gotta love all the prigs swarming to this thread.
Malnutrition wrote: »I haven't played in a while due to having zero free time but finally managed to get a chance and now I can't log n either due to being in Rawl.
Gotta love all the prigs swarming to this thread.
you can always try submitting a ticket, it got a guildies character moved within a day. posting about it on here and complaining wont do much good other then get you flamed or made to look like the OP here.
Malnutrition wrote: »Ok lets to simple then. System cant log you in due to overcrowding. Have system zone you in at the next nearest wayshrine.
once again it is not that simple, the system would have to be written to do so and seeing how this game is already a couple years old it would cause more issues then it would solve. You should know better then to log out there considering i have seen MANY forum posts about it. Devs can not help us with everything, it is out job as the player to do some things on our own.
Oh really? I've played since beta and always logged at least one character out in Rawl and this is the first time I've ever had this issue come up.
I last logged off my character in Rawl Kha. Now when I try to log in it tries to log me into that zone; but then kicks back out to login. Great programming. Maybe you should make it so that you can pick where you want to zone in.
spoke with a guildie, try making a new character and logging in then changing to your other one that is stuck. she said it worked for her when she kept getting stuck.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »Have you tried logging in without the launcher ? I don't know if it makes a difference skipping the loading adds or not , just throwing ideas around .
Keep trying . Happening to me just now. After the 3rd try, I got in.