WillhelmBlack wrote: »#Wroblstomp'dJaybe_Mawfaka wrote: »It is legal, because selene is bugged and can proc twice in a row sometimes, confirmed by selene user <
Enjoy your pvp experience
I rage quit Friday night because of this bug, gonna be taking a break from PvP for a while.
I've definitely seen a double Viper proc in a recap, with no actual attack shown in the recap to trigger the second one. I was assuming it was a death recap glitch. I went from 23k to 0 basically instantly though, so maybe not.
I posted this on another thread, but I'm getting double procs as well (from the same person)
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »why is zenimax not commenting on this ?
LOL, those double procs. Probably a bug introduced with 1T, this wasn't happening last patch.
HoloYoitsu wrote: »The selene recaps I see in this thread are all weak sauce. Wrobel is unimpressed.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Alot of these death recaps can be ui bugs just saying. I have tested viper and have gotten double ui procs on death recap but no actual double procs worth of damage. The ui is replacing some of my incaps or surprise attacks with viper.
Seleane is double procing tho.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »Selene ignores the proc comedown when switching from bow to melee. Similar to widow maker. It's being exploited.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just letting you all know that we're currently investigating this issue (and have been, for what it's worth)
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just letting you all know that we're currently investigating this issue (and have been, for what it's worth)
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just letting you all know that we're currently investigating this issue (and have been, for what it's worth)
Is this why there is a fix going in this weekend? Are the proc sets getting a PvP fix?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just letting you all know that we're currently investigating this issue (and have been, for what it's worth)
Is this why there is a fix going in this weekend? Are the proc sets getting a PvP fix?
No, tomorrow's maintenance is not for Selene or any proc sets. Without being at the office, I can only say that Selene shouldn't be double proccing, but I don't know the plans for that set or any other proc sets.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just letting you all know that we're currently investigating this issue (and have been, for what it's worth)
Typical zos, they are investigating whats wrong with the proccsets, but not whats working as intended even if that very thing is just as bad as that wich is "broken"
Remove proccsets from pvp, half my friendlist already quit coming to cyro because all they see are proccs hitting them, not skills. My own patience is also worn pretty thin by now.. @Wrobel
I'm sure there's something wrong with death recap. full health, 1 shot, this is what the death recap shows.
I'm sure there's something wrong with death recap. full health, 1 shot, this is what the death recap shows.
I'm sure there's something wrong with death recap. full health, 1 shot, this is what the death recap shows.