About destruction staff enchantment, a question...

Im having a bit of a debate with myself on the following. Deciding which enchantment to use on my inferno staff. Im currently using a torug pact inferno staff. (have no motivation to run VMA) I'm using a fire enchantment on the staff since I'm a Dark Elf I do it for the 7% fire damage bonus.

Here's the question: Which staff enchantment would be better in terms of damage? Should I keep the Fire enchantment due to my 7% fire damage bonus or should I use the weapon/spell damage enchantment that procs for 5 secs?

EDIT: Character Info: Dark Elf, Sorcerer, Magicka

And a big thanks to those of you who take a bit of your time to answer!
Edited by Fallen_Ray on October 11, 2016 4:31PM
"Dear brother, I do not spread rumors, I create them"- Lucien Lachance
    I used to use fire on my Magplar's lightning staff but have seen much better overall results with the spell damage-weapon damage glyph.
    The fire damage ench even with the torugs bonuses has trouble keeping up with the spell damage. since ideally most of your spells and DOTs are also fire, they benefit from the 7% boost and the enchants damage boost.
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    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Fallen_Ray
    STEVIL wrote: »
    The fire damage ench even with the torugs bonuses has trouble keeping up with the spell damage. since ideally most of your spells and DOTs are also fire, they benefit from the 7% boost and the enchants damage boost.

    So due to racial passive of the fire damage bonus, is it better to keep the fire enchantment? or will I see better results with the 300-something spell damage bonus for 5 secs?
    "Dear brother, I do not spread rumors, I create them"- Lucien Lachance

    So due to racial passive of the fire damage bonus, is it better to keep the fire enchantment? or will I see better results with the 300-something spell damage bonus for 5 secs? [/quote]

    i *believe* the answer is the spell damage will be better FOR YOU, but it is not cut and dried and simple.

    but consider this... is a fire damage enchantment even good for you at all vs say a shock one?

    Fire gets you 7% dunmer.
    Shock gets you 2% dunmer and 5% sorceror.
    Shock gets you implosion.

    So, just from a light/heavy weave perspective, looking at damage of the enchant alone, seems shock matches fire for you and adds the chance of the implosion.

    As for whether the torugs quick and beefed enchant damage is better than the torugs slower spell damage to all abilities, that WILL depend on your rotation. if you run a good rotation with multiple effects going all the time so you are really hitting the enemy with 2-3 effects every second (say one dot, one LA, one ability) then you are seeing THREE times the gains from the spell damage option every second while the fire enchant is still limited by its cooldown.

    If however, you are more tanky or just plain slower on the tirggers, say you hard-spam crystal frags over and over, you likely wont see enough payday from the spell damage boost to make up for the elemental damage enchant loss.

    Also remember, every sorcerer skill slotted adds percent to damage done, so chasing the dunmer passive with staff flame effects other than the enchant loses flat out to the same options with sorcerer shock damage - depending on specific options.

    So my best answer is in many cases and IMX is better the more skilled you are and for most would be better than the fire. The shock would be better than the fire tho in most cases but still less than the spell damage in many cases.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Minalan
    Does the answer change at all if you're using an elegance set?

    Does elegance (20%) apply to enchant damage as well?
  • Fallen_Ray
    Elegant? Im using 5 julianos, 2 torugs, 1 kena & 3 willpower
    Edited by Fallen_Ray on October 11, 2016 8:59PM
    "Dear brother, I do not spread rumors, I create them"- Lucien Lachance
  • Nestor
    One thing you can do is waste a few Denatas. Make the various glyphs you are thinking about in Blue, apply them in turn to the staff and use the Combat Text, or an Addon that gives the numbers, and see which one gives you the best output Glyph wise. Then, once you know, make it in Gold.

    Math is good and all and will usually get you the right answer. But, play style and your rotations can have an impact on this too. Basically, the issue is, how often is the cool down on the enchant an effect on your total damage output.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

    Elegant does not change enchants.
    However the inc spell damage from the other ench would boost the light hvy dmg
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Fallen_Ray
    Nestor wrote: »
    One thing you can do is waste a few Denatas. Make the various glyphs you are thinking about in Blue, apply them in turn to the staff and use the Combat Text, or an Addon that gives the numbers, and see which one gives you the best output Glyph wise. Then, once you know, make it in Gold.

    Math is good and all and will usually get you the right answer. But, play style and your rotations can have an impact on this too. Basically, the issue is, how often is the cool down on the enchant an effect on your total damage output.

    I was just thinking if the enchantment cooldown is around 4 seconds. That means that using the weapon/spell damage glyph would give me the damage buff for 5 seconds and by the time that buff is over it can proc again right? Because if it works like this then the spell damage enchantment would work out better, or does the cooldown begin after the effect ends?

    I've yet to run the tests haven't had the time. Yesterday I only had enough time to run wrothgar and undaunted dailies. But I'll run tests today & see.
    "Dear brother, I do not spread rumors, I create them"- Lucien Lachance
  • DPG76
    i use crusher enchant with sharpened trait , good results
  • Nestor
    Fallen_Ray wrote: »
    I was just thinking if the enchantment cooldown is around 4 seconds. That means that using the weapon/spell damage glyph would give me the damage buff for 5 seconds and by the time that buff is over it can proc again right?

    Here is what I am referring to.

    There are two basic playstyles, stand in place and spam skills and weapon attacks, higher DPS, lower Survive, less Resource Management. You do good DPS until your resources run out. The other is to move around, dodge, block, in between attacks, Lower DPS, better Survive and Resource Management but mobs take longer to take down but you have more resources for the next fight without regen. Both of these playstyles will proc enchantments at different rates, and the effects may not be active for you to use. Say your moving around in between attacks, it is possible to be avoiding attacks while the proc is up, so no or less benefit.

    It all depends on playstyle as to how the Enchant Procs benefit you, and what the Enchant Procs do when they benefit you. Hence, testing on your character the way you play to determine the most efficient combo.

    Edited by Nestor on October 12, 2016 2:21PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

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