thesilverball_ESO wrote: »I believe I read that bosses were buffed with health in dungeons in the latest patch but didn't see anything about mobs.
First of all i didnt ask for tips on my build, i can dishout decent dmg,and go full tanky if i need too..
Second that dosent change the fact that the mobs were buffed insanly as i mentioned i played this dung yesturday and had no problems with the same team now its just torture...
First of all i didnt ask for tips on my build, i can dishout decent dmg,and go full tanky if i need too..
Second that dosent change the fact that the mobs were buffed insanly as i mentioned i played this dung yesturday and had no problems with the same team now its just torture...
First of all i didnt ask for tips on my build, i can dishout decent dmg,and go full tanky if i need too..
Second that dosent change the fact that the mobs were buffed insanly as i mentioned i played this dung yesturday and had no problems with the same team now its just torture...
First of all i didnt ask for tips on my build, i can dishout decent dmg,and go full tanky if i need too..
Second that dosent change the fact that the mobs were buffed insanly as i mentioned i played this dung yesturday and had no problems with the same team now its just torture...
Correct me if Im wrong here... but isnt a version II of any dungeon now vet? If you want normal it has to be set on Wayrest I not Wayrest II.
Correct me if Im wrong here... but isnt a version II of any dungeon now vet? If you want normal it has to be set on Wayrest I not Wayrest II.
DeadlyRecluse wrote: »
Not exactly:
Old nonvet story="I" version
Old vet story-"II"
But both versions have a normal and vet mode, which doesn't change story, just difficulty.
So for wayrest there is Wayrest I normal and vet mode, and Wayrest II normal and vet mode. And hardmode's for each final boss, too.