Normal Crypt of Hearts I mobs doing double damage?

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Noticed this with regular monsters as well as the 3rd boss Death's Leviathan.While it was empowered with flames its AoE attack would take about 50-60% of my hp maximum.But now its basically 1 shotting me if I dont block it. Anyone else noticing something similar with other dungeons?
If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • sadownik
    They were messing with mobs hp in normal versions of dungeons propably broke the damage. Its much safer to assume things that ment to be patched are either still broken or broken in different way when it coems to ZOS.
  • Berenhir
    Ran CoH on normal and on vet mode today but the mobs felt more powerful on normal than on vet mode. Thought I was just imagining this but now... Hmmm...
    PC EU - Ebonheart Pact - Gray Host - Death Recap -#zergfarming -
  • Ankael07
    I did some comparison and normal ones are hitting like 50% more than veteran ones. But dying faster normally so theyre like glass cannons.
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • redspecter23
    Yeah, whatever they did today not only buffed up the hp on mobs but also upped the damage. I'm feeling like they still don't have it quite right.
  • Mojmir
    Zos is infamous with heavy handed adjustments.
  • Tinus_92
    Couldn't get pass the first boss on nICP with 4 exp players here because it hits with attacks over 40k, while we used to run vICP just fine. Seems like the trashmobs in normal fungal II also hit harder then the (old) veteran version.
    Edited by Tinus_92 on October 11, 2016 8:29AM
    Ingame ID: @Suni_92
  • Hempyre
    Ya something's screwy with mob damage in normal pledges.

    I solo the normal content (minus icp, wgt, blackheart etc. that requires a group) It seems much harder since the maintenance. More than just an hp buff to the mobs, they hit harder now.

    They need to keep the pledge dungeons puggable. Grouping is already enough of a pain in the ass. And these are pretty much manditory for monster sets and undaunted xp.

    Makes me feel like im on an LA sorc again. :/
    Edited by Hempyre on October 11, 2016 9:43AM
  • BoudiccaStormborn
    Ran normal ICP yesterday and ran into this issue as well.
  • Lieblingsjunge
    They changed the dungeons. More HP - more damage from Boss/Mobs. And frankly, it was about time.

    But it's still possible to solo veteran-dungeons. Anyway. I'm glad they decided to do something about the difficulty. Now people cant roflpot through it, now it requires some time & thought.

    This is how I imagine ZoS when they were thinking about this: Numbers represent different people
    ZoS 1): We need to increase difficulty in dungeons... how?
    ZoS 2): More HP! More damage!
    ZoS 3):Yes, but, what about bosses?
    ZoS 4): Let's give the bosses a 1-shot mechanic! :trollface:
    ZoS 1,2,3): GREAT! That'll make the mechanics challenging! Lets do it -party-
    All they did was to up HP & Damage. No new mechanic, nothing. Sad, though, but can't blame them. Revamping an end-boss is a lot of work(I'm sincere..For a change).
    Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyranny.
    PC - EU.
    Lieblingsjunge(AD) - Racechanged Argonian :< | AR 50 - No double AP or Bleakers involved |
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  • redspecter23
    I'm a bit confused by the design decision here. Weren't some dungeons toned down in difficulty a while back in an attempt to make them more accessible to a larger playerbase? A few updates later and they blanket sweep an increase in difficulty to all dungeons that wipes away that previous change to harder dungeons and also pushes some of the easier dungeons out of access for players that were struggling before.

    You can argue whether this is a good decision or not, but it is 100% a complete 180 on their previous stance of making the dungeons more accessible. Even more confusing is that this design decision was ninja'ed into this update completely under the radar and without any mention on the patch notes. It's almost like they anticipated some backlash and instead of letting players know it was coming, they just tacked it onto One Tamriel in the hopes we wouldn't notice or complain.

    At the end of the day, this is basically a power creep check. They could have simply directly nerfed our character power level. Instead they chose to buff content which accomplishes a very similar goal but masks it again so we don't notice we've been nerfed. Buffing mob hp by double is essentially the same as cutting player damage in half, but that never would have been accepted by the playerbase. Somehow this change is acceptable when it's basically the same thing for those that run dungeons as their main play style?
  • Berenhir
    I did a comparison, its 22,5% more damage.

    I dont know if this is intended though, so I asked in /general
    Berenhir wrote: »
    Hi ZOS team

    I have done a quick comparison of the same mobs in CoH I normal and vet mode (the group at the start) and have come to the conclusion that normal mobs hit for exactly 22,5% more damage than those in vet dungeons.

    Look at the comparison between normal and vet here, take arrow spray and quick shot for example:

    Normal mode:

    Veteran mode:

    Is this intended?

    PC EU - Ebonheart Pact - Gray Host - Death Recap -#zergfarming -
  • Spellshock
    Soul Shriven
    After yesterday i can barely do a normal dungeon: some trash\bosses hits really hard and they're not feasible since they literally oneshot.
  • Loc2262
    Very same here.

    A few days ago we did the normal version of Spindle II and got through the mob groups just fine, like on the "regular" normal dungeons.

    Yesterday we did the dungeon again for the pledge, and got wiped on the first mob group which felt to hit like twice as hard as usual. We were like, WTH is going on? This clearly happened during Monday's or Tuesday's patch.

    This is not about whether or not it's a good thing to make dungeons more difficult. We got through the dungeon okay (paying more attention etc.) It's fine to have more of a challenge in those "trash mobs".

    It's just really unexpected and probably unintended that normal mode mobs hit that much harder than before, even harder than vet mobs! This also quite goes against the idea of Update 12, which by 4-way splitting the dungeons introduced a way for "newbies" to do the previous vet-only versions, learning the mechanics etc. without wiping constantly.

    This is supposed to give a much finer-grained curve of dungeon difficulty. Making the normal dungeons mob groups harder than vet dungeons is kinda counter-productive there. Devs should please look into this ASAP.
    Edited by Loc2262 on October 12, 2016 9:04AM
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • raidentenshu_ESO
    The latest update by adding in more HP and more damage to regular mobs is severely impacting low ranked players into doing regular dungeons.

    I had to vote kick several players out from doing nRoM due to the fact that they were at baby level (Not even CP yet). How can that happen? How can a baby level be able to get chosen to do a dungeon that requires CP passives and proper gear?

    I would love for ZoS to create 4 baby toons and try to do nICP or nRoM (160 scaled) with the current settings.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    We're currently planning to have this fixed in the next incremental patch; just testing the fix for it now. Sorry about that!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • MissBizz
    We're currently planning to have this fixed in the next incremental patch; just testing the fix for it now. Sorry about that!

    Thank you Gina. I hope they are taking a looking at all normal dungeons and not just CoH :)
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • BoudiccaStormborn
    We're currently planning to have this fixed in the next incremental patch; just testing the fix for it now. Sorry about that!

    Thank you for letting us know, @ZOS_GinaBruno ! <3
  • CombatPrayer
    We're currently planning to have this fixed in the next incremental patch; just testing the fix for it now. Sorry about that!

    Thank you so much for responding and letting us know about this. It's very much appreciated! :smile:

    Is it all the normals they are looking at? It seemed as though the new ones were hit by this issue, but I didn't noticed that the original ones were an issue.
    Edited by CombatPrayer on October 12, 2016 8:49PM
  • Tinus_92

    Thank you so much for responding and letting us know about this. It's very much appreciated! :smile:

    Is it all the normals they are looking at? It seemed as though the new ones were hit by this issue, but I didn't noticed that the original ones were an issue.

    Run into this issue with fungal I as well today, and the OP wrote about CoH I. So it's not limited to the old veteran dungeons only.
    Edited by Tinus_92 on October 12, 2016 9:22PM
    Ingame ID: @Suni_92
  • Loc2262
    Thanks a bunch @ZOS_GinaBruno!

    Could you let us know when "the next incremental patch" is exactly going to happen? I'd really like to know when I can resume PUGing pledges and Random Normals. Right now everybody is having their butts kicked at each mob group.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • aeowulf
    is this being fixed for all II dungeons and ICP?
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