See subject. Just downloaded the patch and tried to log in. Just like before, each time I restart the game, the server selection reverts to NA and I have to go through the "select NA, confirm, select EU, confirm" procedure.
Wasn't this supposed to be fixed, according to patch notes?
Kind regards,
ZOS_DaryaK wrote: »While we really appreciate the efforts of players helping other players, we must advise that the potential workaround suggested above has a couple of issues. Firstly, it will permanently lock you out of the NA server. More importantly, however, it may break the code fix that we will be implementing.
Mine says NA on launcher, and the red text says.. whatever the heck it says... at lognin screen ~ I simply select which server type in my password and go. Have had zero problems and I play on both servers with EU being my home server. I'm not bothered that the launcher says the wrong server or the text on the login screen says the wrong server.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We're looking into the current status of the EU realm selection issues and the fixes for it, and will have some answers for you later today.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We're looking into the current status of the EU realm selection issues and the fixes for it, and will have some answers for you later today.