The new scaling system seems to be very popular and I'm glad. I realize that I am only one player, and so my personal playstyle is not as important as what is best for the game, which scaling seems to be.
So the problem: I play MMORPGs rather mindlessly and always played in zones where I was 2 or 3 levels ahead. Yes, I realize that is "EZ Mode", but that is how I like it. I enjoyed tearing through mobs like a medieval hitman on meth.
Now every fight is a challenge and it takes way longer to defeat a monster. I'm hoping I will get used to it. And again, not complaining here. Most people seem to appreciate this and so it is good business to keep the majority happy.
Next time I log on, I am thinking about making all my armor and weapons blue and creating them in the Hunding (sp?) style. My main is level 38 (well, almost, really close) and is more close to mastering all armor traits than not.
Do you think this will make the gameplay seem more like it was pre-patch?
If not, do you have any suggestions? (I mainly solo for personal reasons involving a disabled child)
Should I just grit my teeth and work through it? Will it change if I ever hit level 50? (I'm an altaholic)
Thank you all very much for any responses. I hope you have a wonderful day.
The problem with arguing with a jackass is that they never stop braying.