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Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Gathering + One Tamriel = Bad

OK first I want to say that I love this game A LOT. I've been a long time player of MMOs and subbed with WoW for the past 12 years. My roommate turned me onto this game and I immediately loved it even though I didn't care too much about non-targeted attacks and healing in other games.

I love how you guys took something that other MMOs (including recently WoW) have done and made zones scale to your level and that you can group up with friends no matter what each of your levels are. LOVE IT!!! That being said this whole crafting mats in zones scaling to your crafting level is for the birds. Prices for the low level stuff is through the roof....if you can even find it on the traders...all because the only people who can find it now are low level players or people who never did jack crap about their crafting or forcing us to make new characters just to round up low level supplies. I have a level 6 templar who I've supplied with wood to level up my woodworking skill on something that now ONLY gets high level ores, leathers, and light armor plants. How exactly are we supposed to level up OTHER professions on a character if we only get high level materials based on our highest level profession skill?

I propose we revert the one and only this one item from the patch. Please for the love of god do this.
  • Sharee
    gamer559 wrote: »
    OK first I want to say that I love this game A LOT. I've been a long time player of MMOs and subbed with WoW for the past 12 years. My roommate turned me onto this game and I immediately loved it even though I didn't care too much about non-targeted attacks and healing in other games.

    I love how you guys took something that other MMOs (including recently WoW) have done and made zones scale to your level and that you can group up with friends no matter what each of your levels are. LOVE IT!!! That being said this whole crafting mats in zones scaling to your crafting level is for the birds. Prices for the low level stuff is through the roof....if you can even find it on the traders...all because the only people who can find it now are low level players or people who never did jack crap about their crafting or forcing us to make new characters just to round up low level supplies. I have a level 6 templar who I've supplied with wood to level up my woodworking skill on something that now ONLY gets high level ores, leathers, and light armor plants. How exactly are we supposed to level up OTHER professions on a character if we only get high level materials based on our highest level profession skill?

    I propose we revert the one and only this one item from the patch. Please for the love of god do this.

    Your other profession will find materials that are needed by that profession at it's current level. E.g. if you have maxed out metalworking, you will still find low level wood if your woodworking level is low. So leveling other professions should not be a problem.

    Also, the materials you find are not tied to character level, or his crafting skills (for ex. blacksmithing) but instead on how many points he has in his crafting passive (for ex. metalworking). So it is possible to find low level mats on a high level char by respeccing and only putting enough points into the crafting passive to find the kind of materials you want. My DK has maxed out blacksmithing, but half the metal nodes i find are still iron, because i have metalworking at 1.
    Edited by Sharee on October 9, 2016 8:12AM
  • Elmour0Fudd
    Ah this now makes some sense and explains why those that have leveled up their crafts already get shipment crates of lower mat's in the writ rewards.
    Try Cat herding it's fun thay said you'll love it it's a good honest job........ bollock's you need Silverweave body armour to stop em fighting, but a stuffed mouse on a string can help!

    • Snarrffffff

    [/PC NA mainly dead Breton magic sorcerer b]


    oh what fun
  • disintegr8
    The only reason I can see for this change is that too many people kept complaining about the price of CP160 materials in guild stores. This is going to flood the game with CP160 materials so that people can simply gather their own or pay a much reduced price due to the abundance. I bet these people still won't be bother getting their own and will buy it, now paying a lot less for someone elses efforts.

    I do not think there was anything wrong with being able to go to a certain area for a certain material but ZOS simply gave in to the complainers and came up with a quick and nasty way to lower the price of CP160 materials. I think it was only in the last patch that all of Orsinium nodes became max level nodes - but straight away they do this.

    At least I have a crafting bag and have been able to stash thousands of materials of all levels for my future needs.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • Krainor1974
    Make a option at nodes for scaled level or map level items and player picks which they want.
  • Nestor
    I have said this in other threads, I will say it here.

    ZOS needs to just open up crafting mats so they can serve all levels, just the quantity used determines the level of the gear, not the material.

    Then, make the harvest nodes either randomly spawn each of the mats, or, make it so that certain zones favor certain mats, 50% of the nodes spawn random mats, 50% spawn a certain material.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • ShadowMage
    Nestor wrote: »
    ZOS needs to just open up crafting mats so they can serve all levels, just the quantity used determines the level of the gear, not the material.

    Then, make the harvest nodes either randomly spawn each of the mats, or, make it so that certain zones favor certain mats, 50% of the nodes spawn random mats, 50% spawn a certain material.
    If what you're saying here is that the material becomes another layer of aesthetic on top of the motif, then I agree whole-heartedly.
    PC / NA
    Thenathra - Khajiit Stormblade (Sorcerer - Dual-wield Swords/Lightning Staff)

    Several alts I've created, but haven't leveled much yet:
    Norryne - Dunmer Paladin (Templar - Two-hand Hammer/One-hand Hammer & Shield)
    Demerwei - Argonian Shadowscale (Nightblade - Dual-wield Axes/Dual-wield Daggers)
    Gohrnag - Orc Elementalist (Dragon Knight - Frost Staff/Lightning Staff)
    Kerasha - Redguard Mystic (Templar - Flame Staff/Restoration Staff)
    Alawael - Bosmer Assassin (Nightblade - Bow/Two-hand Battleaxe)
    Hjerlm the Quiet - Nord Dragonguard (Dragon Knight - One-hand Sword & Shield/Two-hand Greatsword)
  • Elsonso
    Nestor wrote: »
    I have said this in other threads, I will say it here.

    ZOS needs to just open up crafting mats so they can serve all levels, just the quantity used determines the level of the gear, not the material.

    Then, make the harvest nodes either randomly spawn each of the mats, or, make it so that certain zones favor certain mats, 50% of the nodes spawn random mats, 50% spawn a certain material.

    I would prefer if they treated crafting as both a single player activity (One Tamriel) and multiplayer activity. I think that there is multiplayer value in harvesting, creating, and selling crafting related materials, at all levels. There needs to be some sort of demand for different materials, across the entire spectrum, not just what might be of interest to the current character.

    I will agree that Crafting is terribly out of touch with the rest of the game, though. It has been since Veteran Ranks were removed, and One Tamriel really does nothing to make it any better. It needs to be fixed. However, if they are going to "fix it" in line with One Tamriel, my opinion is that they can go do something else.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • bryanhaas
    Nestor wrote: »
    I have said this in other threads, I will say it here.

    ZOS needs to just open up crafting mats so they can serve all levels, just the quantity used determines the level of the gear, not the material.

    Then, make the harvest nodes either randomly spawn each of the mats, or, make it so that certain zones favor certain mats, 50% of the nodes spawn random mats, 50% spawn a certain material.

    Or to add to that, the current lower tiers can make higher level armor but you need a lot (I mean a lot) more to do that. Currently we have so much that just isn't used for anything.
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FTV7ACtmEpQQwsEiHVcrBxC0zKaj6LKvc3An7dGG2t0/edit?usp=sharing
    Youtube: MaulochBaal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRav05_8nWGvlTrfBBefaEw/featured
  • Kalebron
    gamer559 wrote: »
    OK first I want to say that I love this game A LOT. I've been a long time player of MMOs and subbed with WoW for the past 12 years. My roommate turned me onto this game and I immediately loved it even though I didn't care too much about non-targeted attacks and healing in other games.

    I love how you guys took something that other MMOs (including recently WoW) have done and made zones scale to your level and that you can group up with friends no matter what each of your levels are. LOVE IT!!! That being said this whole crafting mats in zones scaling to your crafting level is for the birds. Prices for the low level stuff is through the roof....if you can even find it on the traders...all because the only people who can find it now are low level players or people who never did jack crap about their crafting or forcing us to make new characters just to round up low level supplies. I have a level 6 templar who I've supplied with wood to level up my woodworking skill on something that now ONLY gets high level ores, leathers, and light armor plants. How exactly are we supposed to level up OTHER professions on a character if we only get high level materials based on our highest level profession skill?

    I propose we revert the one and only this one item from the patch. Please for the love of god do this.

    It means people actually have to work at crafting now. It cannot be handed to anyone to complete on a whim.
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    The only reason I can see for this change is that too many people kept complaining about the price of CP160 materials in guild stores. This is going to flood the game with CP160 materials so that people can simply gather their own or pay a much reduced price due to the abundance. I bet these people still won't be bother getting their own and will buy it, now paying a lot less for someone elses efforts.

    I do not think there was anything wrong with being able to go to a certain area for a certain material but ZOS simply gave in to the complainers and came up with a quick and nasty way to lower the price of CP160 materials. I think it was only in the last patch that all of Orsinium nodes became max level nodes - but straight away they do this.

    At least I have a crafting bag and have been able to stash thousands of materials of all levels for my future needs.

    From day one, when there was a linear path of geography tied to level of character progression, if you were thorough or grinded even a bit you out-leveled the local content and so your local nodes encountered while questing and dropped scraps and such would be of a level you no longer had use for. To offset this shortage, you either had to take time out of playing the main content to go to other zones to harvest OR buy from traders.

    After vet levels were reached, this "occasional out-level nodes" became much more severe when an entire zone was 1 level of progression not 7-12 levels. So, entire zones of play content might be "useless" nodes, "useless" drop scraps and even "useless" gear for decon purposes. More often a problem, more often a shortage... more need for off-questline harvest time in other zones or more buying from sellers.

    After Cp replaced vets and so you had at lvl 50 characters jumping to their cp rank, no longer a linear move, now you had plenty of folks who might start content at "silver zone" where the gear drops and nodes are at cp10-30 or cp 40 but the character is at cp90 or cp 120. Now you have 2-3-4 zones of useless nodes/drops/gear-decon. more shortage, more harvest or more buy from sellers.

    basically, as time has gone on, the link between zone and level of characters in the zone (which translates to their NEED for mats of certain level) has become less and less and less tied together, less working in tandem as a cohesive, coordinated system.

    For a typical character progressing thru the main game content, it has become more and more likely they wont be playing in zones where the nodes, the drops and the scraps are of a level that they can use - increasing the dependency on harvesting off-script or buying from vendors.

    if the only reason one can imagine this being a bad thing and that OneT would switch over to scaled zones to character stats is cp160s, then i gotta say i am at a loss as to how to answer that.

    A typical player playing thru the content, gathering scraps, sets, gear, nodes casually as they go along will find they are always getting stuff "relevant" to their character. its either stuff they can craft with or stuff that can be used to craft for them or decon into the same.

    As for prices... its been a week... prices always fluctuate after a major change but price is just one of the factors... demand is another.

    Characters will need to buy mats much less now:
    they find nodes/scraps in casual play providing mats of their level wherever they go - no useless zones.
    they find all the drops are scaled to their current level and so either wearable at their current max level (makes using dropped gear/sets very easy and likely more productive than crafting everything - why recraft all the time when you find new pieces at your current max everytime?) or these are decon worthy at your current gear-mat level.

    Even if the price for mats in stores settles at higher in some cases, the need to buy mats at all is lessened greatly and the amount you need to buy as well... resulting in a net gain in normal operational play and advancement for most characters - for the vast majority - as they play thru...

    Again, if you just see that as cp160s... no clue what to say.

    But the group for whom this may be an issue is the ones who made a good time out of harvesting gold off other characters due to the growing skew and mismatches between the zone-locked mats and character levels.

    This move ties the actual flow of mats of given levels into the world to the actual levels/skills of the characters playing in the world on a moment to moment day-to-day basis.

    if the only reason for this one can see is the cp160s...i got nothing.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Elsonso
    STEVIL wrote: »
    This move ties the actual flow of mats of given levels into the world to the actual levels/skills of the characters playing in the world on a moment to moment day-to-day basis.

    You are particularly adept in summarizing the problem. :smile:

    Edited by Elsonso on October 11, 2016 12:30PM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
    STEVIL wrote: »
    This move ties the actual flow of mats of given levels into the world to the actual levels/skills of the characters playing in the world on a moment to moment day-to-day basis.

    You are particularly adept in summarizing the problem. :smile:

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • medusasfolly
    I would just like to see more than just red mats on all my main characters. Landscape has gotten increasingly boring without variety.
  • MissBizz
    Old mat prices are through the roof?

    Just might clean out my crafting bag... gotta save up for my ESO mortgage that's incoming next year.

    But yeah, people already covered most points. If your other skills are low, you'll find those mats low level, and go to writs and you get a bunch of low level mats from them.
    Edited by MissBizz on October 11, 2016 1:49PM
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
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