Morndas Night Fights is a brand new betting and dueling guild. Currently sitting around 16 people interested in a Dueling/Gambling event.
We have our RP guilds, PvX guilds, Merchant Guilds. Now that we have dueling why not a Dueling/Gambling guild? Now hear me out. "How can this work?" and most importantly "Why should I trust you?" There is a stigma against online gambling, rightly so because generally the people running them are scumbags.
So our aim is to host Dueling/Gambling events.
How It Works: A schedule is set up and a location is chosen. Fighters sign up and are placed in a list. Two fighters within an acceptable level or champion point range are chosen at random to duel. The more fighters we have signed up the more diversity we will have. The reason for this need is that we obviously don't want to pair a CP 100 fighter with a CP 500 fighter. We are thinking the acceptable CP difference between two fighters might be around 20-50 CP without giving one fighter TOO much of an edge over the other.
These numbers are open for change of course.
When the matches are scheduled the gamblers will have an allotted time before each match to bet on either fighter. I'm still unsure how the money will be handled, and by handled I mean how it will be submitted. I was thinking we'd just have to have either 2 people taking in the money, 1 for each fighter. But someone came up with the idea of depositing the amount of gold you want to bet on a fighter into the guild bank, that way everyone sees the records of the transactions. Which isn't a bad idea actually but it will restrict where these events take place because we would need a banker.
Either way I'm wanting to keep a record of the transactions, screenshots included. So if there ever is a concern or a problem, which I hope there won't be, then we can figure it out.
If I
EVER have a friend that is either a fighter or a gambler, I will disclose that openly.
House Cut: 10% of losing pool.
Victor Cut: 20% of losing pool.
Winning Gamblers Cut: 70% of losing pool.These percentages aren't final but the HOUSE CUT will NEVER go above 10%. I was originally going to make it 5%
The reason the house cut exists is to fund future events, possibly even tournaments with a bigger prize pool.
The betting pools for both fighters are calculated. After the match has been settled the percentages stated above are subtracted from the losers betting pool. Then what remains is given to the winning patrons based upon the percentage their bet was for the winners pool. If your bet is 20% of the winners pool, your payout is 20% of the losers pool.
We realize that the idea of sending someone your money in the hopes that said person would send you back your money is a bit of risky ordeal. You don't know who to trust. If you are uncomfortable you can start with small bets.
Dueling: As for the dueling, I want to say everything is allowed. Vampirism, Werewolves, etc. Potions may be used. If you have a crazy build you want to try, then be my guest. I contemplating that an entire match be best 2 out of 3. But that idea isn't final yet, I would like input from everyone if that is an idea they like or not. Being best of 2 out of 3 also gives the bookies more time to calculate all the bets without there being a lot of dead time with nothing happening at the events.
Ultimately, I just want this guild to host fun dueling events with some gambling mixed in. I want everyone to have fun while enjoying the kind of thrill gambling can give you.
I welcome all questions and criticism.
If this interests you, you may post here or contact me on ESO
@Dartison or