How hard is it to let us hide our shoulders?

Is there some sort of programming bottleneck that prevents this basic function from going in? This should have been ingame 2 years ago. I still have that hideous Valkyn Skoria tumor hanging off my character.
  • ketermuls
    of course I meant to post this in general, jokes on me.
  • tallera257b14_ESO
    Regardless of where you post it, I agree with you 100%!!!!

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Integral1900
    Yes please, that way I might be willing to use dungeon sets :D
  • WillhelmBlack
    I'd also like the ability to dye it something other than Luminous orange.
    PC EU
  • Natas013
    Pfft, you're thinking too small. We should be able to hide all armor so we can walk around naked… aside from passives you practally are in cyro anyway.
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • Lucius_Aelius
    I agree the option should be there, but I for one dislike how characters look with no shoulder armor, it just looks off. I would like for there to be an option to mirror shoulders as well so monster sets can look symmetrical, as well as a transmog ability to alter the appearance of any armor you don't like the look of.

    It would maybe be nice to have monster sets include two shoulder pieces that are different but compliment each other and balance out the look despite not being completely symmetrical, of course with the option to either show both pieces or only one or neither per players' preferences, but that would involve a lot more work so I'd settle with just being able to mirror the shoulders.

    Ultimately the floating bits and flaps need visual toggles, and also any such bits that float away from the armor they're supposed to be attached to need to be fixed such that they're properly attached, I like the Molag Kena shoulders for example but it just looks kinda ridiculous how massive it is, and mostly that's because it's floating half a foot above your shoulders with an obvious, massive gap that you can see from certain angles. It doesn't kill it for me but it would definitely look astronomically better if it weren't floating like that, it would look far less bulky which is my only real complaint about it.

    Lots of armor sets just don't look right though with bulky flaps on the hips and one bulky shoulder with the other having nothing, totally throws off any sense of aesthetics the armor would otherwise have. Thankfully the Breton Medium style looks good and has very flat flaps compared to other sets, so I can use that and be happy, but the vast majority of armor is relegated to being overtly funny looking when worn with Monster Sets so long as the symmetry is so horribly off.

    And OP, you should message a Mod and ask them to move this to General ,which I agree is certainly a more appropriate place for this discussion.
    Edited by Lucius_Aelius on October 9, 2016 2:35PM
    Daggerfall Covenant - Scourge (Xbox NA) - GT: Lucius Aelius - Lord - 648CP
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  • Evil_Rurouni
    my highest priority for adding cosmetic functions would be to give us the option to transmorgrahy any piece of armour or weaponry from it's default appearance to a chosen appearance that the crafter holding it knows the motif for, regardless of if it's crafted or from an RNG set drop.
    Or at the very least, any piece excluding monster sets and maelstrom/masters weapons.

    That'd fix most visual issues and would help make the great motif grind worthwhile.

    Adding two new toggles to let us hide shoulder pads and hip flaps (I think they're called tassets) like we can helmets would definitely be appreciated as well though, especially if monster sets remained unalterable.

    I'm not after buffs or nerfs here, I just want to be able to wear decent gear without my characters looking like ass. That's all.

    I know you guys are busy and you can't do it at the drop of a hat, but could you please ask the team to add these two things in some form or another to the game as soon as is reasonably possible? @ZOS_GinaBruno

    There's more than enough posts and threads about cosmetic features scattered over the forum to show the time spent on it would be appreciated by a reasonable portion of the player base.

    It might even lead to sales of motifs in the crown store improving. ;)
  • Vythri
    Also, can we cut out the crap with the one shoulder piece monster set model? It looks stupid and half-assed.
  • Didaco
    That's the reason why I'll never wear skoria. Maybe I will when the halloween motif will drop.

    Btw, I'm much more concerned about those flaps, they compenetrate just every leg part I like the most.

    Please ZOS, give us the ability to toggle them off!
    Edited by Didaco on October 9, 2016 9:53PM
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