(Snippet from a fight where I spent over 5 minutes doing nothing but light attacking trying to get this set to proc).
Whenever I use Essence Thief it rarely, if ever, procs. I decided to go with the set as a stamina sustain build (Essence Thief + VO). On paper, it looks great.
15% chance when causing damage with light attacks to draw essence from an enemy. Collecting the essence restores 4300 Health and Stamina and increases your damage by 12% for 10 seconds. But I've stood there, on enemy bosses, light attacking for 5 minutes and never had it proc.
Don't get me wrong, it DOES proc, and I'll catch it every so often. It's not completely broken, but it's definitely does not seem like a 15% chance to proc, unless there's some bizarre cooldown on the set. This is just broken, and I rather regret upgrading the Essence Thief weapons to gold.
I light attacked over 60 times in the above video. No proc. Either this is the worst RNG known to man or something's not proccing. Add up all the other times, it was well over 200+ times without a proc. Something doesn't seem right here.
Just updating that I've reported it in game with reference #161008-002124.
Edited by Preyfar on October 8, 2016 10:15PM