Stamina Sorcerer build?

is there any updated build for a stamina sorcerer with a two handed weapon? Everything I found is not up to date (like, 1+ year old guides) or is for dual wield sorcs.
Can somebody help me with a build? Thank you. :3
  • Skitttles
    Alcast has the dopest builds.
    Skittles | DC Stem Sok and sumtimes Nertbled
  • Syiccal
    I'm having trouble with mine to something just doesn't feel right now matter what I try
  • ookami007
    I'm playing around with this Stamina build.

    It uses DW and Bow and is pretty fun at the moment. I'm up to 48 now, so soon I'll be in CP 160 armor/weapon territory so I suspect things will change but for now, it's a lot of fun.

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