Hi again if you've read my other posts about dps or healing help. If you haven't, I'm new to ESO but not new to MMOs as I've played many other games for the past 15 years.
I'm posting this because I need help with my DK stam tank I'm leveling up (still haven't made the decision on what class/role I'm going to make my main yet). I went over to Deltia's for a guide on stam tanking and was shocked to read what they suggest I do as a DK tank.
Attributes – It’s going to be different on nearly every person. Truly worry about max numbers NOT attributes. As an Orc, with Undaunted max I have 32/0/32 split. That will be much different than a Bosmer or an Imperial.
That just doesn't seem right to me to allocate half your points in magika and half into stam as a tank (or anything for that matter) and to enchant all your gear with magika. Am I wrong in assuming you should split it between stam & health? If I'm right and you do, what's the ratio I should be using on stam to health points? What about enchants on my gear? Any other pointers would be appreciated.