Also reflectable. Learned that the hard way dueling yesterday against a DK. The ult is useless in PvP but we got plenty of other things to keep us satisfied. Magicka can have the range ults that are effective. I'm okay with that.
akredon_ESO wrote: »well Radiant is cleanse able O_o
Also reflectable. Learned that the hard way dueling yesterday against a DK. The ult is useless in PvP but we got plenty of other things to keep us satisfied. Magicka can have the range ults that are effective. I'm okay with that.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »
"Its an ultimate" doesn't mean there should be no counterplay, we already broke meteor because of this terrible logic, let's not break other stuff too
Good thing is dodgeable, that high damage (plus the caster can keep putting dmg on you with the turrent morph) without the chance of being dodgeable, it would be the most OP ultimate in the game. Just learn how to use it, you can cast the ultimate and CC your target, is a poweful ultimate, but it requires some skill to use.
Only magika based channels are un-doggeable, for example: radiant, soul strike, puncturing sweeps.
Stam base channels, like bitting jabs, are doggeable.
Good thing is dodgeable, that high damage (plus the caster can keep putting dmg on you with the turrent morph) without the chance of being dodgeable, it would be the most OP ultimate in the game. Just learn how to use it, you can cast the ultimate and CC your target, is a poweful ultimate, but it requires some skill to use.
Only magika based channels are un-doggeable, for example: radiant, soul strike, puncturing sweeps.
Stam base channels, like bitting jabs, are doggeable.
This ultimate is a channeled skill, similar to the old Soul Assault, and it can be interrupted. However, the damage from the ultimate can be evaded if you simply dodge roll. This is understandable for the second morph, Ballista, as you are able to fight while it is up, contrary to a channeled ability. Not to mention the delay before you actually deal damage with the ultimate.
sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »Anyone tried it versus shuffle? It would be laughtable if one shuffle proc dodges whole ulti.
sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »Anyone tried it versus shuffle? It would be laughtable if one shuffle proc dodges whole ulti. Would be interesting to hear reason why soul strike got this special treatment where there is zero counterplay and this ult is avoidable by cheapest, most common form of "damage avoidance" - dodge. Might as well not morph anything but the ballista, and still barely use itGood thing is dodgeable, that high damage (plus the caster can keep putting dmg on you with the turrent morph) without the chance of being dodgeable, it would be the most OP ultimate in the game. Just learn how to use it, you can cast the ultimate and CC your target, is a poweful ultimate, but it requires some skill to use.
Only magika based channels are un-doggeable, for example: radiant, soul strike, puncturing sweeps.
Stam base channels, like bitting jabs, are doggeable.
Funny how you speak about ballista and CC. You arent even thinking about second morph or absence of CC for bow users. So again something is balanced because it would be OP on stam user not even using bow as main and bow main suffers
What do you mean absence of cc on bow?
It has single target hard cc and aoe soft cc. It is an amazing control weapon in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing.
sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »
What do you mean absence of cc on bow?
It has single target hard cc and aoe soft cc. It is an amazing control weapon in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing.
You mean short range disorient (canceled by any damage including dots) or nerfed-to-crap bombard (that does nothing to stop you from dodging bow ult)
sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »
What do you mean absence of cc on bow?
It has single target hard cc and aoe soft cc. It is an amazing control weapon in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing.
You mean short range disorient (canceled by any damage including dots) or nerfed-to-crap bombard (that does nothing to stop you from dodging bow ult)
Yeah those ones, great cc options for the right situations.
Maybe i should mention my previous post where i agree that bow ulti morph should NOT be dodgeable?
The old Soul Assault was not the most overpowered ultimate in the game - and it even slowed the target. Dawnbreaker is a low-cost instant ultimate that can not be roll dodged. The bow ultimate will not be the most powerful ultimate in the game if it is fixed (with the exception of Ballista).
Rapid Fire and Toxic Barrage can be roll dodged, reflected and probably blocked. As it stands, it is one of the worst.
The old Soul Assault was not the most overpowered ultimate in the game - and it even slowed the target. Dawnbreaker is a low-cost instant ultimate that can not be roll dodged. The bow ultimate will not be the most powerful ultimate in the game if it is fixed (with the exception of Ballista).
Rapid Fire and Toxic Barrage can be roll dodged, reflected and probably blocked. As it stands, it is one of the worst.
What they did with soul assult is absurd, and goes against all the well established mechanics of the game, don't get me started with that one lol.
Dawnbreaker is not a channel with 28mts range, is an AoE Cone with short range. Why is undoggeable? no idea, most likely is a leftover effect from when it was a magic damage skill. The other ultimate that is similar is the DK Leap, that is doggeable (not sure if the dmg is dogeable, but you can dodge out of the AoE effect)
The bow ultimate is and should be doggeable, needs to be consistent with the rest of the mechanics in the game, we don't need another soul assault being the exception to the rule. Right now is not useful? not sure, you can always switch bar and stun the target, maybe it needs some adjust to make those combos more reliable, but it should remain doggeable.
Good thing is dodgeable, that high damage (plus the caster can keep putting dmg on you with the turrent morph) without the chance of being dodgeable, it would be the most OP ultimate in the game. Just learn how to use it, you can cast the ultimate and CC your target, is a poweful ultimate, but it requires some skill to use.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »Good thing is dodgeable, that high damage (plus the caster can keep putting dmg on you with the turrent morph) without the chance of being dodgeable, it would be the most OP ultimate in the game. Just learn how to use it, you can cast the ultimate and CC your target, is a poweful ultimate, but it requires some skill to use.
^^^ This
This also means I would need use this ult smartly. If I use it like an idiot I'll get punished. However if I can Fear>Bow Ult my target while hes out of stamina its GGs. The damage on it is scary.
sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »Good thing is dodgeable, that high damage (plus the caster can keep putting dmg on you with the turrent morph) without the chance of being dodgeable, it would be the most OP ultimate in the game. Just learn how to use it, you can cast the ultimate and CC your target, is a poweful ultimate, but it requires some skill to use.
^^^ This
This also means I would need use this ult smartly. If I use it like an idiot I'll get punished. However if I can Fear>Bow Ult my target while hes out of stamina its GGs. The damage on it is scary.
So if you jump at fear range and use ranged bow ult on someone who is cced and without stamina you will kill them. Here I thought any DD in pvp can kill someone when they have 4 sec of free time. That scaary damage is ~same DPS as using lethal arrow without even light attack weaving or ench procing.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »Good thing is dodgeable, that high damage (plus the caster can keep putting dmg on you with the turrent morph) without the chance of being dodgeable, it would be the most OP ultimate in the game. Just learn how to use it, you can cast the ultimate and CC your target, is a poweful ultimate, but it requires some skill to use.
^^^ This
This also means I would need use this ult smartly. If I use it like an idiot I'll get punished. However if I can Fear>Bow Ult my target while hes out of stamina its GGs. The damage on it is scary.
So if you jump at fear range and use ranged bow ult on someone who is cced and without stamina you will kill them. Here I thought any DD in pvp can kill someone when they have 4 sec of free time. That scaary damage is ~same DPS as using lethal arrow without even light attack weaving or ench procing.
Of course the DPS on Lethal Arrow/LA weave is strong, but if we're going to theorycraft this situation-- the target you're firing at is fully mobile and able to react to that. Because you're playing ranged cat n' mouse. The guy running the Bow Ult is going to have to have set ups to get the target in position where he can unload his DPS when its stacked and have it all hit. That's how the Ult is going to have to work in PvP at least. It's good its dodge able it keeps it from being mindlessly used to mow down a opponent for some free AP. I look forward to figuring out tricks for this, because the Ult has some good range on it.