How many of the new achievements have a new dye attached to them? Could anyone kindly share? Still have to wait almost two weeks for it to hit PS4, but I'd really like to know what to prepare myself for. ^^' A solid answer to this would be greatly appreciated!
PS4/PS5, NA | PSN: AeriusSygale | Alliance War Rank 50 (Grand Overlord Grade 2) | CP: 2730+
When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.
Achievement Points only? Really ZOS? Blown opportunity to expand on costume dyeing potential, and of course armor. It's a frickin' color, how hard could they be to implement? >_>
Some of them better at least boost along Undaunted skill line progression, they better not be about it. I mean Dueling gets the Duelist title, but they won't let new Dungeon achievements reward you anything? Ugh...
Thanks despite the bad news, at least I know now ZOS was ZOS about it again, not giving an inch...
PS4/PS5, NA | PSN: AeriusSygale | Alliance War Rank 50 (Grand Overlord Grade 2) | CP: 2730+