I think I might not be understanding some stuff. I get that I am battle leveled to c160 and the world is set to c160 now (which is weird but an unrelated thing).
So for items, my character is level 44. I understand that me and my gear are leveled up
but I am still a bit lost, are my level 40 crafted items c160 equivalent? If so would there be no benefit for me to recraft them at level 50 and reenchantment?
I am wearing Level 20 to 23 warlock jewelry, if I found new ones they would be my level 44, but the ones I am wearing now are scaled up, but to what? the full c160? So the new ones would not have any benefit? The numbers seem a little low on them so are they scaled to c160 minus my level gap? (44 vs their level of 20?)
Either Way this would mean either A.) I can craft the set i want on level 1 gear and make them gold and enchant them and I would never need to update them
or situation B.) As I level up I only get weaker VS the content I'm currently playing in. Sure Skill points, passives, new skills will make me stronger in the long run, but If i hang out in a zone for too long and make it to level 44 → 48 without spending skill points or upping my gear I got weaker?
Also how does the attribute growth (points you gain for leveling) factor into all this? Is a level 1 in the first zone /missing/ Health when battle leveled or is he going to be losing health per level as he raises his stamina?
All of this is potentially rather unintuitive, I can work around w/e the answer is but, I do need to know the answers I wonder what kind of issues a newer player might have, at 44 the Glenumbra enemies were a little tough despite having skills, are these going to be hard for a new character who lacks any passives? Or was it because of the gap between my gear level and character level causing me to scale poorly?
Edited by gothickaiserub17_ESO on October 5, 2016 6:31PM