I am trying to connect to the support account. I know both my username and password, but I get an authentication failure error when I try to connect to support via the
https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/utils/login page. If I click on "Forgot your UserID?", then I receive an e-mail with my game account's UserID (but I need to log in to support). If I click on "Forgot your password?" and fill in the form, then it resets the password of my game account (but I need to log in to support). I would like someone to verify why I am not allowed to do so.
My question:
Could someone give me access to my own support account, please?
Suggestion for handling support account creation/recovery:
It would be great if someone could make it so that the game account and the support account are joined together, so that it is easier for players to ask for help when they need it. This is outside of the scope of my current need, though. Also, it would be even better if there were buttons for "Forgot your SUPPORT UserID?" and "Forgot your SUPPORT password?" that get displayed when one fails to log in to their support account. Failing to log in to account X and then clicking a reset password button only to find out that you are resetting the password for account Y is counter-intuitive.
Edited by AncientEldar on October 4, 2016 1:06AM