TheUrbanWizard wrote: »I've always gone full infused on my stam blade to squeeze as much stamina as I can, but I read about people using devines.
My mundus is thief btw. Would it be ok to mix divines and infused? I cant see myself giving up that 1k plus stamina on my chest though.
Grimmsplatter wrote: »Go infused on the big pieces (Head, Chest, Legs) and divines on the small pieces.
The divines trait suffers from diminishing returns the more you have, so the optimal balance is 3 infused, 4 divines in my opinion.
Make sure to put your best enchantments in those infused slots for something like 1041 Max Stam or Magic per piece at legendary with a kuta.
Grimmsplatter wrote: »
The divines trait suffers from diminishing returns the more you have, so the optimal balance is 3 infused, 4 divines in my opinion.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »Just shows you, for all the traits there are, there's only one or two that are actually worthwhile. The rest are very situational and a waste of space. I'm assuming traits got a little tweak when i was away (some look different or maybe I'm imagining it) from the game for 6 months, so that seems like it was a wasted exercise too if they did indeed tweak them.
TheUrbanWizard wrote: »Ok thanks just need to find divines viper belt and legs.
IzakiBrotheSs wrote: »TheUrbanWizard wrote: »Ok thanks just need to find divines viper belt and legs.
Wow wow wow, what you talkin' bout man?! Viper isn't any good for PvE. If you're solo = Night Mother's Gaze, if you're in a group and no one else is running NMG = TBS. You may want to be creative with sets, but the thing is, there's only 1 or 2 BiS set-ups for each role, those are the ones that will squeeze out the most potential from your character.
No either nmg or tbs for trials. For dungeons nobody cares anyway. I just wont make another set just so i can be a few % better in dungeons.IzakiBrotheSs wrote: »TheUrbanWizard wrote: »Ok thanks just need to find divines viper belt and legs.
Wow wow wow, what you talkin' bout man?! Viper isn't any good for PvE. If you're solo = Night Mother's Gaze, if you're in a group and no one else is running NMG = TBS. You may want to be creative with sets, but the thing is, there's only 1 or 2 BiS set-ups for each role, those are the ones that will squeeze out the most potential from your character.
Or also Hunding`s range
xblackroxe wrote: »Prof_Bawbag wrote: »Just shows you, for all the traits there are, there's only one or two that are actually worthwhile. The rest are very situational and a waste of space. I'm assuming traits got a little tweak when i was away (some look different or maybe I'm imagining it) from the game for 6 months, so that seems like it was a wasted exercise too if they did indeed tweak them.
No thats not true. It just depends what you wanna do with your char.
Pve: dds divines (to max damage), healers infused (to max profit on things like elemental drain and heals), tanks reinforced, sturdy, infused, (nirn) (depending on needs)
Training for grinding.
Pvp: impen to reduce burst damage, sturdy for "perma" blocker, wellfitted for dodgeroll centered builds
Shile there are definitely traits that are not needed no matter what kost of them surely are worth it depending on what you want to do.
No its dependent on the tooltip the healer has and this amount will stay fixed no matter the max mag of the dps. Thats why one of the reasons why argonian is a bad healer in pve as you loose significant max mag which makes your drain worse.xblackroxe wrote: »Prof_Bawbag wrote: »Just shows you, for all the traits there are, there's only one or two that are actually worthwhile. The rest are very situational and a waste of space. I'm assuming traits got a little tweak when i was away (some look different or maybe I'm imagining it) from the game for 6 months, so that seems like it was a wasted exercise too if they did indeed tweak them.
No thats not true. It just depends what you wanna do with your char.
Pve: dds divines (to max damage), healers infused (to max profit on things like elemental drain and heals), tanks reinforced, sturdy, infused, (nirn) (depending on needs)
Training for grinding.
Pvp: impen to reduce burst damage, sturdy for "perma" blocker, wellfitted for dodgeroll centered builds
Shile there are definitely traits that are not needed no matter what kost of them surely are worth it depending on what you want to do.
Afaik the magicka return of elemental drain is not dependend on the healers magicka, but on the max magicka of the DPS using elemental skills on the mob.
xblackroxe wrote: »No its dependent on the tooltip the healer has and this amount will stay fixed no matter the max mag of the dps. Thats why one of the reasons why argonian is a bad healer in pve as you loose significant max mag which makes your drain worse.xblackroxe wrote: »Prof_Bawbag wrote: »Just shows you, for all the traits there are, there's only one or two that are actually worthwhile. The rest are very situational and a waste of space. I'm assuming traits got a little tweak when i was away (some look different or maybe I'm imagining it) from the game for 6 months, so that seems like it was a wasted exercise too if they did indeed tweak them.
No thats not true. It just depends what you wanna do with your char.
Pve: dds divines (to max damage), healers infused (to max profit on things like elemental drain and heals), tanks reinforced, sturdy, infused, (nirn) (depending on needs)
Training for grinding.
Pvp: impen to reduce burst damage, sturdy for "perma" blocker, wellfitted for dodgeroll centered builds
Shile there are definitely traits that are not needed no matter what kost of them surely are worth it depending on what you want to do.
Afaik the magicka return of elemental drain is not dependend on the healers magicka, but on the max magicka of the DPS using elemental skills on the mob.
IzakiBrotheSs wrote: »TheUrbanWizard wrote: »Ok thanks just need to find divines viper belt and legs.
Wow wow wow, what you talkin' bout man?! Viper isn't any good for PvE. If you're solo = Night Mother's Gaze, if you're in a group and no one else is running NMG = TBS. You may want to be creative with sets, but the thing is, there's only 1 or 2 BiS set-ups for each role, those are the ones that will squeeze out the most potential from your character.
TheUrbanWizard wrote: »IzakiBrotheSs wrote: »TheUrbanWizard wrote: »Ok thanks just need to find divines viper belt and legs.
Wow wow wow, what you talkin' bout man?! Viper isn't any good for PvE. If you're solo = Night Mother's Gaze, if you're in a group and no one else is running NMG = TBS. You may want to be creative with sets, but the thing is, there's only 1 or 2 BiS set-ups for each role, those are the ones that will squeeze out the most potential from your character.
Why what's up with viper?
TheUrbanWizard wrote: »@Jeckll Wow thanks, I'll craft a set as soon as I get home. Just checked, 6 traits and I've got plenty of rubedo!