Am I the only who gets tired of one faction dominating the map? It makes things super dull, because the other two usually go to a different campaign out of boredom. On the flip side, when your own faction owns the map, you're constantly waiting for a chance to defend something. Boring! On my AD alt in BwB, we tend to own the place allot. One things we always argue about in zone is whether or not to let the other factions take their stuff back because of how boring it gets.
I propose a RESET campaign. At the end of every campaign, everything resets and all alliances have their home keeps back. You'd still get rewards based on which alliance and players did the best, so there'd be incentive to actually capture stuff and play well.
And I'm not saying every campaign would be this way, just ONE for people who don't like a single faction controlling the entire map...
What do you guys think?
Edited by TheAngelofDeath99 on October 1, 2016 11:35PM
Home keep reset! 5 votes
It's a good idea and here's why:
It's not a good idea and here's why: