Over the last few days there have been a number of posts on here berating CP heavy players and their treatment of 'noobs'. Whilst I'm not a 'noob' in the true sense, I have had to start from scratch since moving over from the Xbone to the PS4. Almost all my gear is currently either a mash up of random pieces or odd set pieces. I really want to hold out until CP160 before i craft my full sets and weapons. I'm also currently around CP100 and almost all of that has been achieved through PvE thus far. Anyway I joined a group in the Dragonstar Arena and it was obvious I was by far the weakest link in the group. However, rather than abuse me, they were all very welcoming and not once did i feel no one wanted me around. In fact, some of them kindly donated better gear (which I couldn't use due to my CP, but will help immensely once i do get to CP160.
No idea if any of that particular group of players use these forums (EU PS4), but if you do, thank you very much for being understanding and not making me want to quit when it would have been the easier option. It also shows those people who are currently on here complaining about getting thrown from groups that not all high leveled CP players are cut from the same cloth.