Hi guys,
Sorry its long, by the way.
I've been working on my stam NB lately and have gotten her to a stableish build.
I've now decided to focus my tank as ive been playing a lot of pvp on all my characters lately. My tank is very effective in pvp.
However, his gear and build is a bit unsuitable.
At the moment, I have 5 pieces of footman set and 2 pieces of Lord warden set.
Lord warden at the moment feels pointless in both pvp and pve.
My stats currently sit at:
24K health. (10 attribute points)
11K magicka. (4 attribute points)
15K stamina. (50 attribute points)
595 magicka regen
1275 heakth regen
860 stamina regen
31K spell res
24K physical res
28K health
16K magicka
20K stamina
595 magicka regen
1275 heakth regen
860 stamina regen
36K spell res
29K physical res
I wear 7 pieces of heavy armor and use the lover mundus stone.
All my jewelry currently has health regen on it. All healthy traits besides one which is arcane.
I'm thinking of using sets and enchantments to increase:
Max health
Max stamina
Max stamina regen
Sets I have in mind are:
Whitestrakes retribution (5pieces)
Along with orgnum's scales
Orgnum's scales (5 piece) along with lamae
Or lamae and another set.
I'd like to keep spell res and physicaly res within sets to keep my fortress up. Other than that, things can be swapped out.
I chose whitestrakers as that can help protect against spells like Mages wrath explosion and increased damage abilites below x% health.
I need a bit of guidance on where to go.
This character/build will be used for pvp and pve. I will be using one hand and shield, and 2h.
Cheers guys.
Edited by Kronos_Ice on September 29, 2016 9:51AM You can always use more fire.