AzraelKrieg wrote: »@Yamenstein hey there buddyAs for future content, we know Vvardenfell is coming. Murkmire, Clockwork City and Mephala's Realm of Spiral Skein are expected at some point too. As for story, there is a story in development that was mentioned at the end of the Orsinium quest line about a war between the Daedra. There is also the whereabouts of Darien that need to be resolved and Naryu's comments after the Sweetroll Killer quest in Dark Brotherhood
catsgomeow wrote: »hey dont knock dragonfrogthing its not his fault hes the chiwawa of the dragon world... besides he catches all the bugs around that try to bite you.
Yamenstein wrote: »
Hey @AzraelKrieg XD Yeah I heard about those before, I think you might have even mentioned them. Just curious about what else has been announced about it. Exciting times in ESO. Zenimax is doing an awesome job on keeping the content coming. Better than monthly missions *cough* SWTOR *cough*. Good time to be playing ESO. On a side note I hope you aren't having any more problems with the game haha.
Smasherx74 wrote: »
They're saving that for ES6 being displayed at next years E3.
Next big story content is Vvardenfell and the Clockwork City.
AzraelKrieg wrote: »@Yamenstein hey there buddyAs for future content, we know Vvardenfell is coming. Murkmire, Clockwork City and Mephala's Realm of Spiral Skein are expected at some point too. As for story, there is a story in development that was mentioned at the end of the Orsinium quest line about a war between the Daedra. There is also the whereabouts of Darien that need to be resolved and Naryu's comments after the Sweetroll Killer quest in Dark Brotherhood
AzraelKrieg wrote: »@Yamenstein hey there buddyAs for future content, we know Vvardenfell is coming. Murkmire, Clockwork City and Mephala's Realm of Spiral Skein are expected at some point too. As for story, there is a story in development that was mentioned at the end of the Orsinium quest line about a war between the Daedra. There is also the whereabouts of Darien that need to be resolved and Naryu's comments after the Sweetroll Killer quest in Dark Brotherhood
A haven`t heard about this yet: Naryu's comments after the Sweetroll Killer quest in Dark Brotherhood
What was that pls??
AzraelKrieg wrote: »
You are really hopefully for an ES6. It was said during an interview at this year's E3 that if ES6 is going to happen, it will be some time off as Bethesda Softworks has other projects they have scheduled or in planning and the technology they would want to use for the next single player Elder Scrolls title isn't available yet
Yamenstein wrote: »Also am I the only one that wishes more dragons were in the game some how, or that each class had some sort of summoning skill line (outside of sorcerers - but even then something more dedicated to summoning). I want a dragon pet, not some weird frog that has wings and a tail