Combat Prayer should never leave a healers bar.
Try to keep everyone buffed with it at all times.
In resto tree:
Healing Spring (morph of ground healing) is a must for trials, not so much in 4 man dungeon.
Mutagen, I no longer use, as other Templar skill much better.
Combat prayer, yes slot it if possible, it buffs up everyone for resistance and damage increase.
Buble shield, I don't use it, as breath of life will heal the person to full, shield won't.
Siphon, I don't use, other Templar DPS skill much better.
My set up is resto staff, with extended retribution, radiation oppression, breath of life, repentance, shards.
You need all your passive from Templar tree and healing staff it's the sum of the parts. The other Templar skills help healing healing goes up with spell critical, more max magic, and increased spell damage. Dawns wrath and aedric spear abilities influence this. Also mages guild skill line and assault and support undaunted. Overall my advice is don't skimp. All skills and passives.
Must have skills:
Breath of life
Ritual or retribution or extended
Focus rune (magic regen)
Blazing spear (luminous does not give AOE damage and magic return is min)
Puncturing sweeps
Structured entropy
Inner light
Heavy resto attacks
Magic morph of power of the light for ult gen and minor sorcery.
You can heal every dungeon in the game with the above.
Totalitarian wrote: »
In trials, I agree 100% with you.
But for dungeons, you're buffing the DPS of your group by 8%. So, let's assume that your 2 DPS throw out 30k single target DPS each, and your Tank 10k. A sum of 70k DPS, when buffed with Combat Prayer, is 75.6k DPS. As a healer, if you can slot a skill that contributes >= 5.6k DPS, then you're better off taking that skill instead of Combat Prayer. Although, if you have spare room, you should take both.
Of course, this falls apart in a trial situation, because now you have 8 DPS who are putting out 30k each with an offtank at 15k, and a main tank at 5k,. So, a total of 260k DPS. With Combat Prayer, that's 280.8k DPS. So each healer would have to contribute >= 10.4k DPS with that slot, but when you take into account Combat Prayer being the main heal too, it makes much more sense to use Combat Prayer instead.
Note I assumed healers had 0 DPS contribution, which is untrue. A trials healer should put out ~5k DPS, and a dungeon healer varies.
What skill trees or starting talents are all of these in? I was just looking at my templar and couldn't find most of these talents
Hi new to ESO but long time MMO player. I am planning on playing mainly a Templar healer and doing mainly PVE. I like the perks you get from using a healing staff but I have a question about the active abilities of the healing staff tree. Are they even worth getting and using? I know the passive abilities are really good but the active ones seem to be underwhelming and underpowered. I picked up the first talent and it was a really weak heal so I stopped using it. I picked up the second talent which does a HOT but who it actually heals is really random. I would have someone targeted and they would be close to me but I would say 90% of the time it goes to someone else even when morphed to be a direct heal when they are low HP. So I guess I should be asking, should I even bother with the active healing staff talents? Also what talents should I be picking up for healing spells under the Templar class spells? And what should I morph those spells into?
Thanks ahead of time for any and all help you guys can provide to me.
Joy_Division wrote: »Hello @gamer559
You may be new to ESO, but your instincts are more on target than some of the advice that you are getting in this thread. The restoration staff is an inefficient weapon that offers mediocre skills.
You are running out of magicka mostly because you are new and don't have a lot of CP points. Until you get enough CPs to lower costs / raise regeneration, I would absolutely wear 5 pieces of Seducer gear. It's a crafted set so you'll probably need someone to make it for you, but it's cheap so asking nicely and providing a crafter with the raw materials will be enough to do the trick. For dungeons, Food is pretty much needed to get the right amount of health, but there is a drink that increase health and magicka regen that is absolutely worth trying. I also would recommend the atronach mundas stone until you get enough CPs. You can only put health, magicka, or stamina enchants on armor: all that should be magicka. On your jewelry, you can put magic regen and either that or reduce magicka cost is what I would do for all 3 pieces. If you do each of these steps there is zero way you should ever run out of magicka and that's not hyperbole.
As for the restoration staff, here is the deal with it's 5 skills:
Healing Springs (take this morph by the way). This skill is actually good. It is weak if you cast it once. When you cast it 4 or 5 times on a area in which your teammates are in, they will not die until it wears off. Any time there is a lot of damage (think trash packs), your DPS should NOT be spread out and use this to keep them alive. You dont need to spam it constantly, 3 or 4 is usually enough, after which you can do other things. This spell is VERY efficient magicka wise and should be used in any instance where continuous healing is needed (if is much more efficient than Breath of Life).
Regeneration In a group of 4 (i.e. a dungeon run), just cast this twice and everyone has a heal over time for 15 seconds or so. It's just an average spell, but using it you spend less time casting your expensive burst heals so I do think it's worth it.
Combat Prayer The only purpose this spell has is the 8% damage buff. You and your team have to be positioned correctly to even consider relying on this as a heal and even then, you are going to have to cast this twice if your team has taken a lot of damage because the heal is quite modest. I personally do not use this spell because it's not a reliable heal and I run a damage ability (say Elemental blockade) that will do more damage than the 8%.
Healing Ward You won't use this because the Templar Breath of Life spell is better.
Siphon Spirit. This spell is the most inefficient in the game. Do not use this. The amount it heals for is insignificant (that is not hyperbole), it has a cooldown on those heals, it has a cast-time that will at times prevent you from healing your tank, and the amount of magicka return is outdone by a better elemental drain skill aside from being useless for half your group. People who advocate this are just parroting advice from a much older version of ESO, when the spell functioned differently and was actually pretty strong. If you're a long time MMO player, you understand that a game may change to make a spell poor, that is what happened here.
So, yeah, I basically use only two of these skills and one of them is just average (but makes you a more efficient).
I am a huge advocate that your other weapon should be a lightning staff. A lightning staff allows you to use elemental blockade (which is by far the best magicka DPS ability) and a lightning staff heavy attack acts as a AOE. A lightning wall + lightning heavy attack means you aren't just healing, but making legit DPS contributions
I bolded a few things I feel are inaccurate. I think there is room for discretion on these things, so I don't want to outright disagree, but I do think there is more value here than you are giving credit for.
To roughly illustrate the value of Combat Prayer (completely ignoring the survivability component), if we have 9 dps all pulling 30k or better, Combat Prayer will increase the group's overall dps by a minimum of 20k - and your heavy attack + blockade is not doing 20k or better. Off-balance is nice and I won't disagree with its use as a secondary weapon, but unless you're using IA and using more than heavy attack + blockade, you are most definitely not pulling more than that 8% for your party (and I was quite conservative with my maths here - chances are at least half of those dps are doing a fair bit higher than 30k). If the healing component is too weak, it's likely indicative that magicka and SD could be raised (your values may be fine, but your overall verdict here is inconsistent with my own findings).
I respectfully disagree with your opinion of Siphon Spirit. The magicka return on it is only slightly less than that of Ele Drain, except Ele Drain can't proc SPC & Gossamer like Siphon can. The cast time is a minor concern... there shouldn't be an issue healing around a 1s cast, even on hardmode trial bosses, for an experienced healer.
I agree with you on Healing Springs, but I'd also note that it can proc SPC and Gossamer. Again here I'd note the healing component of Springs is more valuable than you let off. The healing capacity of Springs is substantially higher than that of any other healing skill in ESO. It is only outshined by burst heals (including BoL), and only in certain circumstances (i.e. one or two people are where they shouldn't be - which eludes to a whole separate topic of raid awareness and positioning). I've since changed my build, but for the sake of comparison I'd note that I have achieved over 10k crits on a single tick of Springs (this is way overkill - the point is that it's not a weak heal).
Regeneration is wasted on a Templar imho. Ritual is a comparable heal, doesn't suffer from the targeting bug that Regen does, and still has the potential to proc SPC and Gossamer, all in addition to affording consistent up-time on Major Mending.
Joy_Division wrote: »
He's a new healer asking for advice about the basic skills in the game and you are referring to trials with elite DPS and wearing hard to get gear like Gossamer. That sort of advice isn't relevant if he's looking to clear pledges and he certainly isn't going to get 10K heal per tick on a healing springs if he's running out of magicka.
This assumes that Combat Prayer is the sole damage buff you're running, however when used with a full buff rotation that measly 8% becomes far more significant. Running SPC/IA I keep the following buffs up as often as possible in all content.