paulsimonps wrote: »In short because of diminishing returns neither footman nor the nord passive will be that noticeable for a min maxed stam dk. You would rather want the extra resources and healing effect from the imperial.
I'm wanting to roll a DK Stamina tank. What is the best race for this? I was told Nordic due to the damage mitigate. But I've read elsewhere to go imperial nord sucks? Also I'll have crafted sets whide leveling. What is a good set for tanking? I was told hist bark and something else? 5 hist 4 of the other. I was also told to have a dps set for solo? Is this needed? If so heavy or med? And hunding or twice born? Thanks in advance.
paulsimonps wrote: »
You might like this set up. But yea Imperial would be the best way to play DK tanks. I don't cause I like dunmers, its not a min max thing for me there but I have min maxed everything else. And if someone tells you to use footman tell them they are stupid. And if you want an explanation just check this.
In short because of diminishing returns neither footman nor the nord passive will be that noticeable for a min maxed stam dk. You would rather want the extra resources and healing effect from the imperial.