WillhelmBlack wrote: »There's two OP sets in the next patch.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »There's two OP sets in the next patch.
Like Plague Doctor? That gives maximum health, but it doesn't really do anything with it. I'm looking to actually make health useful, not just extend your life expectancy a few seconds longer than someone with 25k health.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »WillhelmBlack wrote: »There's two OP sets in the next patch.
Like Plague Doctor? That gives maximum health, but it doesn't really do anything with it. I'm looking to actually make health useful, not just extend your life expectancy a few seconds longer than someone with 25k health.
Health is HP's and it's really useful, Magicka and Stamina are resources you use to generally fight with. While it's nice and niche to have skills like Blazing Shield, Dragonblood and passives like pulverise they don't really make much sense in this game as they are all useless on a regular build. Health shouldn't really do any damage and I certainly don't want any more unkillable self proccing tanks AFK'ing around Cyrodiil and tanking vet trials.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against health builds I like them for being different but they shouldn't be able to do damage too. Perhaps, they should gain more ultimate or something so they can make more use of CC's and be more helpful in a fight that way?
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »That set could be quite funny. Imagine getting an incap from a nb with 100k hp and that set
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »That set could be quite funny. Imagine getting an incap from a nb with 100k hp and that set
I don't think that'll be possible.
1. It's not scaled by CPs in any way
2. Your weapon damage is not calculated either. Just your health.
BurritoESO wrote: »Um, no. Blazing shield templars are already stupid enough
Its not op, but allowing your 60k health pool to make bats even stronger on a tank with excellent aoe damage already is definitely asking for a buff.
Also, breaking one set of builds isn't reason to break another set of builds
Its not op, but allowing your 60k health pool to make bats even stronger on a tank with excellent aoe damage already is definitely asking for a buff.
Also, breaking one set of builds isn't reason to break another set of builds
Man, my tank used to feel like one. I could fend off 8+ people no problem. These days it takes just two steroid induced stamina builds with velidreth and viper spamming dizzying swing like brainless whelps. If they aren't taking stamina down a notch, then magicka and health users need buffing. You give up a lot to invest in health, and it's not easy managing your other low resources, so I don't think I'm out of line asking for a little something.
Health should scale all shields and absorb skills
Its not op, but allowing your 60k health pool to make bats even stronger on a tank with excellent aoe damage already is definitely asking for a buff.
Also, breaking one set of builds isn't reason to break another set of builds
Man, my tank used to feel like one. I could fend off 8+ people no problem. These days it takes just two steroid induced stamina builds with velidreth and viper spamming dizzying swing like brainless whelps. If they aren't taking stamina down a notch, then magicka and health users need buffing. You give up a lot to invest in health, and it's not easy managing your other low resources, so I don't think I'm out of line asking for a little something.
I mean, I get your point, but you're arguing on bad logic. Stamina is ridiculously over-buffed so let's over buff everyone!
Edit: Next patch you'll be able to hit 60k health much easier and still invest into other stats, I think you could hit 3k weapon damage and 25k stam on a 60k health build next patch, that's not bad when you consider you have a 10k+ blazing shield
Health should scale all shields and absorb skills
Yep, stuff like that is fine too. Basically the thread is just about general sets for health - it didn't have to be the one in the picture. Just something to make health builds a little more useful.Silver_Strider wrote: »As far as sets go, while I'm not against your idea of a set (love your description for prosperous btw) I'd prefer sets that took advantage of large health pool, similar to how Pariah grants more resistances the lower your health goes.