guys i dont know what to do anymore
my game is unplayable
ping is really high most of the time, fps is going crazy , from around 0-9 to around 40-70 (wich is wierd as i always played at 30 fps with same settings)
game stutters/laggs/freezes non stop
and get send back to login screen with out a notification why
i checked my specs , i should have no problem playing with the settings i use (as i played for almost a year)
my graphics card is not broken, my laptop does not overheat while gaming (he stays cool)
drivers are up to date
checked my laptop and i do not have any virusus or mallware or spywere etc.
none of my other games have problems exept eso
i tried ZOS solutions on their support page for those problems , but it did not work
i sended a (dont know name) from the support page in the game it self ( as i am almost sure the problem is at ZOS)
i repaired game from the launcher, but no help
i deleted and re installed game, but did not help
i googled to look if ppl had same problems and/or solutions for it , nothing
i sacrifice multiple humans to multiple deadric princes, but no help from them
it all started 14/09/16 (7days/ a week ago) after the emergency maintance
so my last chance is to ask you eso comunity most feared group of nirn
can anyone help me? does anyone know a solution?
(ps. dont say buy a new pc/laptop....i am an autistic guy who has a low income and is unable to work (atm atleast) and have to pay rent and stuff)
every char has a story
anne-susan ...breton sorch DC
seline kay .... bosmer dk AD
elle wolf .... breton temp AD
fluffy meowmeow... khajiit-nightblade AD
Lynphia Moonlit ...Woodmer-arcanist AD