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How to beat longclaw?

I have been with many groups on normal mode with above C160 and have not beat this guy. What's the trick?

I'm CP410 Templar
  • Kartalin
    The tank holds aggro on longclaw and the adds while the dps focus only on longclaw. Healer buffs, heals, and supports them.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • SublimeSparo
    You need the tank to aggro the cats and move them away from boss, healer keeps tank alive, dps ignore cats and burn boss.
    Dk tank with talons really helps,
    As you are a templar drop your nova on the tank and cats, the synergy will cc them and the damage reduction can help out the tank if you are struggling
    Edited by SublimeSparo on September 20, 2016 1:00AM
    PS4 EU CP900. PS4 NA CP600,
    vAA HM ☆ vHRC HM ☆ vSO HM ☆ vMOL
    4th Console vMOL clear,
    vMA cleared on all classes stam & magic

    My Tribe
    High Sparo - Altmer - mSo DD.
    Wood Sparo - Bosmer - sNB DD
    Nord Sparo - Nord -sDK DD/Tank.
    Bubble Girl - Imperial -sTe DD
    Succubus Sue - Breton - mNB Tank.
    Andrana Stormlock - Altmer - mTe Healer/ DD
    Elvali Marvani - Dunmer - mDK DD.
    Venemus Draconem - Redguard - sDK DD
    Jayri Leki - Redguard - sSo DD.
    Miss Jabsalot - Altmer - mTe PvP DD/ Tank
    Mireli Hlaano - Dunmer - mNB DD.
    Ms Shanks - Redguard - sNB DD/ le bank

    Dilemma Dame - Altmer - mDK DD
    Stamsorc Kitty - Redguard - sSor DD
    Aia Draconis - Imperial - sDK Tank
    Decides-Who-Lives - Argonian - mTe Healer
    You wont stop me - Altmer - mSo DD
    Stab in the dark - Khajiit - sNB DD
    Jabjabjab Beambeambeam - Dunmer - mTe DD
    Spatium Auxiliarus - Imperial - hTe Tank&bank
    Spectre - Altmer - mNB DD
    Can't-Main-Tank -Argonian - sDK offTank
  • nick59349b14_ESO
    You need the tank to aggro the cats and move them from boss, healer keeps tank alive, dps burn boss.
    Dk tank with talons really helps

    That makes sense, I've always had a crappy tank and/or healer. Knowing is half the battle, thanks.

  • SublimeSparo
    It's one of the trickiest boss fights in a normal dungeon in my opinion. Especially hard to solo/ 2man
    PS4 EU CP900. PS4 NA CP600,
    vAA HM ☆ vHRC HM ☆ vSO HM ☆ vMOL
    4th Console vMOL clear,
    vMA cleared on all classes stam & magic

    My Tribe
    High Sparo - Altmer - mSo DD.
    Wood Sparo - Bosmer - sNB DD
    Nord Sparo - Nord -sDK DD/Tank.
    Bubble Girl - Imperial -sTe DD
    Succubus Sue - Breton - mNB Tank.
    Andrana Stormlock - Altmer - mTe Healer/ DD
    Elvali Marvani - Dunmer - mDK DD.
    Venemus Draconem - Redguard - sDK DD
    Jayri Leki - Redguard - sSo DD.
    Miss Jabsalot - Altmer - mTe PvP DD/ Tank
    Mireli Hlaano - Dunmer - mNB DD.
    Ms Shanks - Redguard - sNB DD/ le bank

    Dilemma Dame - Altmer - mDK DD
    Stamsorc Kitty - Redguard - sSor DD
    Aia Draconis - Imperial - sDK Tank
    Decides-Who-Lives - Argonian - mTe Healer
    You wont stop me - Altmer - mSo DD
    Stab in the dark - Khajiit - sNB DD
    Jabjabjab Beambeambeam - Dunmer - mTe DD
    Spatium Auxiliarus - Imperial - hTe Tank&bank
    Spectre - Altmer - mNB DD
    Can't-Main-Tank -Argonian - sDK offTank
  • SublimeSparo
    If you have a sorc in the group they can spam encase to lock the cats down,
    PS4 EU CP900. PS4 NA CP600,
    vAA HM ☆ vHRC HM ☆ vSO HM ☆ vMOL
    4th Console vMOL clear,
    vMA cleared on all classes stam & magic

    My Tribe
    High Sparo - Altmer - mSo DD.
    Wood Sparo - Bosmer - sNB DD
    Nord Sparo - Nord -sDK DD/Tank.
    Bubble Girl - Imperial -sTe DD
    Succubus Sue - Breton - mNB Tank.
    Andrana Stormlock - Altmer - mTe Healer/ DD
    Elvali Marvani - Dunmer - mDK DD.
    Venemus Draconem - Redguard - sDK DD
    Jayri Leki - Redguard - sSo DD.
    Miss Jabsalot - Altmer - mTe PvP DD/ Tank
    Mireli Hlaano - Dunmer - mNB DD.
    Ms Shanks - Redguard - sNB DD/ le bank

    Dilemma Dame - Altmer - mDK DD
    Stamsorc Kitty - Redguard - sSor DD
    Aia Draconis - Imperial - sDK Tank
    Decides-Who-Lives - Argonian - mTe Healer
    You wont stop me - Altmer - mSo DD
    Stab in the dark - Khajiit - sNB DD
    Jabjabjab Beambeambeam - Dunmer - mTe DD
    Spatium Auxiliarus - Imperial - hTe Tank&bank
    Spectre - Altmer - mNB DD
    Can't-Main-Tank -Argonian - sDK offTank
  • disintegr8
    I suspect this is a healers challenge as Longlaw keeps putting red circles on the ground that people can have trouble staying out of. Agree with Kartalin, dps have to ignore the green lions as much as possible and just stick to Longlaw.

    I have run this as a tank and dps and focusing on Longlaw while staying out of the red are your first two priorities. I always mark Longlaw before he jumps off the tree so I can always find him - on PS4 push and hold down R3 (right joystick) while your cross hairs are on him. This makes him a lot easier to find again if you lose sight of him during the fight.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • jhharvest
    All you need is DPS who can dodge roll. Dodge out of red, kite cats, kill boss.
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    For people new to the regular dungeons, this is one of the hardest boss fights. All the tips above are valid, but what also eventually helps a lot is to just have higher DPS - you'll get that from experience and a decent set of cp160 gear once you have levelled up a bit more. Doing the group dungeons with a regular team and experienced players is a LOT easier than with PuGs (Pickup Group players) found in zone chat, many of whom are new or have very basic levelling-up gear and non-optimized builds.

    Note: coming soon with Update 12 - Selene's Web will have a Veteran mode (scaled up difficulty). Longclaw used to be one of the bosses that I really hated... and he might well be a challenge again in the scaled up vet version... !

    Just to clarify further about some of the previous posts: You kill the solid cats once. Then boss engages with shadows/ghosts of the original cats. The ghost cats will keep respawning until the boss dies - ignore them as much as possible, other than to CC them to try keep them away from the group. Focus damage on the boss. The boss will keep putting down poison AOEs - make sure to keep moving out of red. That's pretty much it.

    Two other minor tips: 1. if you crouch/sneak before the fight, you can see all the traps, and can disarm some of them. Don't worry about trying to get all of them, but taking out a few can avoid some CC on the group. 2. If you wipe, go back into the water, otherwise the shadow cats can re-aggro and start the fight while only some people are alive.
  • KingYogi415
    Hardest vet dungeon, not worth running unless your doing the hard mode of the others.
  • stevepdodson_ESO888
    You need the tank to aggro the cats and move them from boss, healer keeps tank alive, dps burn boss.
    Dk tank with talons really helps

    That makes sense, I've always had a crappy tank and/or healer. Knowing is half the battle, thanks.

    and there we have it...blame the tank and the healer when you can't DPS something...just typical
  • sickboy2808
    Yeah maybe OP could try Tanking and see how it goes. Always quick to blame the Tanks
    ZOS takes cheating very Lightly. You have been warned, and any cheaters found out will get the Least punishment possible...
  • bebynnag
    I run it a few time recently through group finder and there was always someone in the group that would snipe him while he was up in the tree, he has a shield around him which is a reflect, which meant the sniper would instantly kill themselves

    I am not assuming that you (OP) are doing this, just thought i would mention the reflect mechanic just in case you (or anyone reading this) was unaware :)
  • altemriel
    Kartalin wrote: »
    The tank holds aggro on longclaw and the adds while the dps focus only on longclaw. Healer buffs, heals, and supports them.

    we did that normal dung with a pug group lately, it was pretty easy, when at least 3 people of the group are not total newbies
  • Bigevilpeter
    Who is longclaw again? I did all the dungeons none of the bosses that pissed me were called longclaw
  • sdtlc
    Hardest vet dungeon, not worth running unless your doing the hard mode of the others.

    Wait what? Since when is Selenes Web a Vet Dungeon?
    Die Qualität verhält sich nicht zwingend proportional zur Masse...

    Meisterangler vor dem perfekten Rogen...
    +Kaiserstadt, Wrothgar, Hew's Fluch, Goldküste, Vvardenfell, Stadt der Uhrwerke, Sommersend, Artaeum, Trübmoor, Elsweyr (nördliches & südliches), Graumoor, Reik, Dunkelforst

    [PC][DC]Zunft der Helden[PvX]
    Feierabendgilde mit Ambitionen
  • mobicera
    Edited by mobicera on September 22, 2016 11:19AM
  • sdtlc
    @mobicera 2nd, the first one is such a joke you don't even realise he's there.
    Die Qualität verhält sich nicht zwingend proportional zur Masse...

    Meisterangler vor dem perfekten Rogen...
    +Kaiserstadt, Wrothgar, Hew's Fluch, Goldküste, Vvardenfell, Stadt der Uhrwerke, Sommersend, Artaeum, Trübmoor, Elsweyr (nördliches & südliches), Graumoor, Reik, Dunkelforst

    [PC][DC]Zunft der Helden[PvX]
    Feierabendgilde mit Ambitionen
  • ZOS_JohanaB
    This thread has been moved to PLAYERS HELPING PLAYERS.
    Staff Post
  • susmitds
    Typically, for us the fight hardly lasts 20 secs, so it is basically burn them before they burn you.
  • Asmael
    Tank hold cats aggro, DDs burn down boss, healer keeps tank alive.

    Or just have a magblade come in and spam Sap essence while weaving attacks.

    With decent gear, you can even kill the boss before he comes down, just need to use non-reflectable attacks.
    PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka "Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
    Poke @AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a meow today.
  • altemriel
    Who is longclaw again? I did all the dungeons none of the bosses that pissed me were called longclaw

    was it not the one from Elden Hollow, that jumps from the tree and that has tigers as mobs? aha, no Selene dung, yes
    Edited by altemriel on September 20, 2016 1:25PM
  • NordSwordnBoard
    I run it a few time recently through group finder and there was always someone in the group that would snipe him while he was up in the tree, he has a shield around him which is a reflect, which meant the sniper would instantly kill themselves

    I am not assuming that you (OP) are doing this, just thought i would mention the reflect mechanic just in case you (or anyone reading this) was unaware :)

    You can however use channel or non projectile attacks on him while hes up there and speed up the burn by having him jump down with a good chunk of health missing already.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • raidentenshu_ESO
    Give longclaw some mystery meat and you'll defeat him in no time.
  • Danksta
    sdtlc wrote: »
    Hardest vet dungeon, not worth running unless your doing the hard mode of the others.

    Wait what? Since when is Selenes Web a Vet Dungeon?

    I'm guessing he/she has played the vet version on the PTS.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • nick59349b14_ESO
    You need the tank to aggro the cats and move them from boss, healer keeps tank alive, dps burn boss.
    Dk tank with talons really helps

    That makes sense, I've always had a crappy tank and/or healer. Knowing is half the battle, thanks.

    and there we have it...blame the tank and the healer when you can't DPS something...just typical

    Gotta blame somebody right? It's never my fault... Lol.
  • Brrrofski
    You don't even need a tank...

    Just burn the boss. Healer spams healing spring on the boss.
  • Vrathak
    Hes soloable too actually...
  • disintegr8
    mobicera wrote: »
    ... You can solo it on a magblade basically just spamming sap essence.
    susmitds wrote: »
    Typically, for us the fight hardly lasts 20 secs, so it is basically burn them before they burn you.
    Sorry if I offend anyone here but these kind of comments in a topic where someone is asking for advice on completing something are not helpful at all. While the first comment gives the OP a skill they could use in the fight, people with lots of experience and higher level builds and gear need to avoid comments that do nothing in the way of assisting the OP.

    This is a non vet dungeon and as such is often run by people with no, or very few, CP. I am at CP cap, have completed this in all 3 roles now but the only time you will get a quick run on this boss is in a group of high CP players. These players know the dungeon, have run it before, deal good damage and have AOE attacks.

    Anybody using group finder, going into this dungeon with sub CP100 players that do not know the dungeon is going to be challenged by this boss. The above comments do nothing to assist these players and do more harm than good.

    We have all had trouble with various bosses and dungeons, but we learned the mechanics and improved our builds and skills. Giving people the impression that these should be a cake walk, just because you may find them easy NOW, is not helpful at all.

    BTW - I might take my magblade in here and see if I can solo this boss with sap essence. I'd be very surprised if I succeed.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
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