I apologize for the downside picture. I took it from my phone and then upload it to the website. I rolated but doesn't work. I am not a technical expert.
Start from the wayshrine at the top of the map near the coast. If you're doing the main storyline quests for the zone there should be a quest near there that will point you in the right direction
EU - EP - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Magicka DPS - CP160
I see you already have Staging ground wayshrine which is right near entrance. The question is, do you have the quest to meet Verandis at Doomscrag? I think you need this to get in and complete it..
This is the area for the final part of the main questline for that region. You go to the Staging Grounds wayshrine which is the north one on that map picture, and there should be an NPC in that area that gives you the quest to enter (I believe it is Puzzle of the Pass). The actual entrance is quite close to the wayshrine, up some stairs. What you are actually entering is Shrouded Pass, the area of brown walls you see on the map just southwest of the shrine, and the entrance is the brown wall located immediately west of it. The quest has you go through a lot of this area doing things before you enter Doomcrag itself.