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Getting level 6 in Assault/Support skill line faster

So i created a new character and i absolutely hate pvp since im not pvp material i love ESO for its pve stuff i really need to get caltrops and vigor fast i do not completely understand pvp, in my tank i got lvl 6 in assault/support cause i would get 30k ap for no reason.
Love being an Argonian Tank and Khajiit DPS
  • TheDarkRuler
    Two tips:
    1st: Join a group
    2nd: When defending a castle/outpost stay until the very last enemy has fled/is killed.
    There is a defend-AP-tick that is shared among all ppl there. Most people run away.
    I once took a tick of 5800 AP at once because everyone has ran away :D
  • Mojmir
    thought I seen somewhere more quests will reward ap in OT.
    Edited by Mojmir on September 12, 2016 3:53AM
  • TheDarkRuler
    The AP gain by quest is minuscule.
    Also there are special "quest gankers" that are waiting for you at high-frequented Quest turning in points.
    Edited by TheDarkRuler on September 12, 2016 3:56AM
  • ValkynSketha
    For me the best way to gain ap is repairing, however it is costly, but you go with defensive ticks.
  • zekeElite
    the best way to do this is with the restoration staff. Follow around large groups and spam healing skills. Mutagen is the best skill for this. You don't even need to be in the group. I got to level 6 in 3 days this way. Good luck
  • MrTarkanian48
    I am in the same boat on my Stam DK PVE build (trying to get Caltrops). I also needed warhorn on my Healer.

    I have had success doing the following:

    The biggest issue I see is that it sounds like you are in a low population server that is dominated by another faction. I would advise getting in whichever server has the highest population, even if that means you need to wait around for awhile to get in. On PS4 yesterday, Haderus was pop-locked on 3 factions.

    Once in, if you are a damage build, buy some meatbags and or fire catapults. I prefer meatbags typically since they have a large AoE.

    Then look at your map and see where the zergs are running, or if they are pushing one of your keeps. You want to be in areas where large groups from your alliance are colliding with large groups from the other alliance. Whether you are in your keep, or running behind your group, when you encounter a large fight, set up your meatbag in the back and lob them into large groups of the enemy. Sometimes if players do not react quickly you can kill people this way, but often times you assist other players in killing them off. Either way, you will get AP from any players killed that have been hit. I was able to get about 5/6 of a bar on level 5 Assault skill line last night in 1-1.5 hours. If you are on keep walls and can set up a meatbag and fire catapult next to each other, you can get a lot of kills by running between the two and hitting the same areas. Also if there are large fights on bridges you can rake in a lot of AP by dropping oils on large groups.

    If you are a healer, get in the group and cast rapid regen and Breath of Life and hang in the middle. Use Radiant Oppression on low health enemies. I got Warhorn in less than an hour this way.

    These are just some methods I used when I need skills on my PVE builds. On my dedicated PVP characters I typically have more optimized gear with Impen, and look for more smaller scale fights though they are hard to find at times.

    Posted this the other day in a similar discussion.
    Wood Elf Stam NB (PVP)
    Redguard Stam Sorc (PVP)
    Altmer NB (DPS)
    Imperial DK (Tank)
    Redguard DK (DPS)
    Altmer Templar (Healer)

    EP - PS4
  • Beardimus
    Repairing walls, do the dailies (only a 1k here and there but still) otherwise just grin and bare it, tag along with a rest to and heal from the keep walls even
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • OldGamerESO
    I have been going through this as well. I have a lot of characters that need those skills. To add to what has been said here is some more advice:

    Note: This advice is for PvP adverse people who just wan to level their skills. Do not read this if you like PvP
    • Don't bother using the below 50 campaign unless you really want to learn PvP and level with PvP. Pick the most populated 50+. I have had success with the full CP campaign
    • Buy masonry repair kits for 90 gold each and use shrines to run to the keeps and check all the walls and repair them. It may seem like a lot of gold, but time is money right?
    • Buy some "meat bag" ballista, they are good for attacking lots of players at once
    • Find where the big battles are and get in a group, preferably a large group
    • Most important rule: don't die. You will almost never be rezzed and seldom is there a forward camp. No one cares about you. If you die over and over you will spend your entire time running back to the fight
    • So since you are there to get AP and not die, build your gear accordingly and be prepared to run away a lot. Build something with sustain and tankiness
    • Don't be a hero. Don't be the first one into a breech, the first one running toward enemy or the last one to disengage. If a group focuses on you... you will die. You don't want them to notice you. By they way if you enjoy the hero stuff then maybe PvP *is* for you and you should go read a guide at how to do it right.
    • Resist the lure to go off with 3 guys to "grab that mine".. whatever.. you will die to a bigger group and have to run back again.
    • When you are in a battle you are "in combat" all the time. That means your sustain needs to be good. Like 1600. Don't be that stambow that runs out of stamina and cant fire a single thing. You are better with sustain than crit because players run impen which reduces crit.
    • Ranged is better than melee for AP, melee makes you a target and you can wacked with 50 red circles of mega death
    • You can pretty easily put together gear with heavy armor/impen, +magica with magicka sustain and a +defending resto staff for maximum survivability.

    Good luck!
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