Hi there!
I wanted to make a quick thank you post, sometime ago recently I posted a question about what to do before entering PvP for the first time. Lots of people here on the forums responded helping with build advice, preparation (potions, gear etc), which campaign to choose and such.
I figured I would post an update, I went onto the Below Level 50 campaign (PC/EU) with all my set gear crafted and tri-pots at the ready
I jumped in I have played this game for 2 years but never done a dungeon or PvP so I was really nervous! I was suprised when I brought all my seige trebs, repair keep stuff and what not. I wandered around the map in my own alliances area (EP) looking around, I mostly stuck to stealth when I got to a keep or near the front lines where the battles was happening I opted to wait and watch for a while.
Then it all changed...
I was watching from a cliff at Alessa Keep (SP? The EP keep) it was under attack by the AD I was watching to see how things played out, what they was trying to capture and the general gameplay. However from where I was I couldn't see much so I thought sod it lets go join the EP guys defending the keep, I stepped out of stealth and ran over to the group of EP guys hanging around at the back.
My comfort zone lasted for about 3 seconds when AD stealth attacked us and we had to fight them back, it was mega fun I was startled but im a tanky support build so I kept my sheild up, reflect and rolled around a bit and speared as and when necessary... one thing lead to another and suddenly I was part of a group going around attacking keeps and stuff I just did what I was told the whole time.
Anyway, Im rambling, it was really fun and I just want to thank the forum guys for persuading me to give it a go and the cool guys I played with this time last night
"Use nature's gifts wisely. Respect her power, and fear her fury."
.: Fehn-reil Bosmer Craftsman [AD] :. | .: Teiali Bosmer Warden Support [EP] :.