Now there are even more options in the Style Parlor! New adornments and hair styles have arrived today in the Crown Store.
ADORNMENTSDragonfly Wing Lashes
Here's a touch of bright and exotic iridescence that will draw all eyes to your eyes, for a lash adornment that's pure magicka. This will bring them up close and personal.
The Dragonfly Wing Lashes are now available for 200 crowns.
Long Patriarch Beard
Admit it: you want respect, even if you haven't earned it. A long beard curled with the wisdom of years confers authority on any face, regardless of age.
The Long Patriarch Beard is now available for 200 crowns.
HAIR STYLESThe Heroic Poet
Oh, you romantic devil, tossing off quatrains and epigrams as you charge into battle to defend the underdog! I'm talking to you, burgeoning bards of Tamriel: you know who you are, and this is your hair!
The Heroic Poet hair style is now available for 500 crowns.
Long Elven Braid
There's always been a lot of cultural interchange between the Wood Elves and the Catfolk, and it even shows up in their hairstyles, as in the popular Long Elven Braid style. It's like having three extra tails!
The Long Elven Braid hair style is now available for 500 crowns.
Short-Spiked Crest
No feathers or frilly spines for you: you're a lizard who means serious business, and you want others to know it. Here's how. If you've always wanted to look like the teeth of a circular saw were erupting from your cranium, then this is the style for you.
The Short-Spiked Crest hair style is now available for 500 crowns.
We’d love to see your character with these new Style Parlor options! Be sure to post them here, or share them with us on Twitter or Instagram.
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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