One passive would be just fine as well, but honestly I'd like to see them be unique, sort of like a useful version of the fun racial bonuses rather than the same old +regen/max stat lol.bovardjeff_ESO wrote: »well i was thinking that each sub would offer one passive similar to racial unique passives or the large cp passives but you would have to be limited to just one sub class for that
I like this idea of adding a skill quite a bit. They could be related to the specialization obviously, but could also add to the player's chosen class and fill in missing gaps or supplement their current playstyle.I always liked sub-classes from like Final Fantasy 11 and 14, It's a good idea imo. Would really love if they are gained through a questline specific to the sub-class too so you get some lore on it. I would also not be opposed to 1 or 2 skills added for each sub-class as long as they are added to the base game not a DLC.
bovardjeff_ESO wrote: »@Stoopid_Nwah I think you missunderstand each subclass would add multiple passives but upon finalizing you would unlock THE FINAL PASSIVE which would be like the ones you listed above BUT lets keep in with oblivion
and keep in mind sorcerer and nightblade would be excluded as they are already passives
I know it may seem overwhelming, but it is sort of how the older es games were. And it was a lot of fun figuring it all out for me, but I can also see where you are coming from.i disagree with subclasses. low lvl characters at base classes have enough stuff to make progress in already. adding subclasses would be overwhelming to casuals like me.
i'd rather see prestige classes for end game players. like: you need to be cp160+ and have a certain CP passive unlocked before you can unlock the first rank of a prestige class skill line. and you have to work for even just making the skill line appear, like werewolf amd vampire.
say, a Master Thief prestige class skill line that you have to pickpocket x times until you happen to steal from gray fox or whoever (different age i know) then are given a quest to unlock the skill line, and the first skill requires cp160 and 30pts in shadow. the second rank requires cp200 and 60pts in shadow. and so on.
bovardjeff_ESO wrote: »i would have to say no to prestige this is not call of duty and thats just the same as veteran ranks which everyone hated.......and @Stoopid_Nwah i read back and i never once switched to a single passive idea YOU DID. i said there would be a SINGLE POWERFUL PASSIVE unlocked by the other passives being enabled.
bovardjeff_ESO wrote: »The basic structure would give your character options to choose from much like oblivion did. Each option would offer a title to go with it and with a specific set of passives that you spend points on and a final passive that is unlocked when the others are finally unlocked.
bovardjeff_ESO wrote: »well i was thinking that each sub would offer one passive
bovardjeff_ESO wrote: »@Stoopid_Nwah I think you missunderstand each subclass would add multiple passives