A little story for you guys...
I usually run solo. If I'm not in PvP I'm in maelstrom grinding for a 2h. I had yesterday off, and couldn't really decide if I wanted to farm AP or grind vMA. For those of you out there who work full time jobs, you know what I mean when I say it's almost stressful deciding how you want to spend your limited free time in eso. Yesterday I tried something entirely different, and it was awesome.
I came up on a little dueling sesh in cyrodiil. I won a couple duels and a level 16 Khajiit Nb with one one handed sword thought it was so awesome. About six months ago I wouldn't have even considered helping this guy, I'll be honest. Something about that guy made me want to help him, though. He had a keyboard out and was super responsive and followed me around like a pilot fish. He honestly reminded me of myself when I bought the game, absolutely no idea what the hell I was doing but it was so fun. I'll also admit, it's cool to see people are still buying the game. This game has been through a lot, whether we like all of those changes or not... It's cool to see people are still buying it. Anyway.
I grouped up with him and took him to Wayrest to show him where to reset his skill points and attributes. He wanted to roll a build just like mine, so I showed him how. He hopped into my share play and sat quietly while I explained skills, passives, animation cancelling, cyrodiil mechanics, other class strengths, undaunted, gear, champion points, swapping weapons with R3, everything you can think of. He was super appreciative, which only made me want to help more. I got him some decent gear for pvp and some food, and we went back into cyrodiil.
We found ourselves in another little dueling session and he went up against a level 40 Templar. He was rocking bow/2h without surprise attack, execute and fear. Lol he kind of had to combo heavy attacks with poison inject, ambush and incap. He actually kicked the Templars ass. He stood there with like no health looking at the dead body like "OMG I did it". Def a feels good moment.
I know what some of you are thinking (ugh great just what we need, another up and coming stamblade). But seriously, I KNOW several of you are in need of a little change of pace. If you see a lower level out there looking for a group, help him/her out. It's a rewarding experience and it's honestly super fun. It'll also remind you how much you know about this game, and how much there is to it. Might even give you a greater appreciation for eso altogether.
tldr; grouped with noobie and he is nasty stamblade now *pats back*
LittleNate16 if you're reading this get off the forums and go unlock surprise attack damn it.