no offence pls, but dude, as far as I know as mag NB you can stay cloaked almost all the time, what more do you need?
no offence pls, but dude, as far as I know as mag NB you can stay cloaked almost all the time, what more do you need?
Haven't touched eso in a while but haven't they fixed cloak?
Sap does enough damage tbh same with cripple it's comparable to that of poison injection (it's so easy to dodge though but the fact that it snares and does that thing where you can't move makes it kinda op tbh). What they really need to do is make shields crittable, make sure stam classes can't do high amounts of damage without giving up sustain ( same with all the other classes tbf), refine the healing capability of all classes, buff light armour and make concealed weapon hit harder - my concealed hits harder than a surprise attack but since stam blades can debuff from surprise attack and use light attack and heavy attacks more effectively their damage output is insane and therefore I think it would be balanced to buff concealed weapon by giving it the ability to debuff spell resist, reducing its cost or making it hit harder. Looking at it objectively the only thing I have which trumps stam classes is my healing ward, it's sooo op but the fact that they can roll dodge almost infinitely whilst vigor ticks and wait for the burst heal from rally, sort of balances it out.
The best thing about mag blade is the utility it brings, so many of its skills are so useful in theory but when put into practise its utility is cancelled out by the fact that stam classes and many other classes can do even more or the same amount of damage without giving up sustain. The fact that I can't fit all of the skills I want is also part of the problem too lol.
My stats - on a nb
45k Max magic
25k max health
3.5k buffed spell damage
1.8k recovery
2.1k crit resist
46% crit chance
I can replicate this on my Templar with 2.5k crit resist 3.5k spell damage and 40k max magic and I can play even better even though my main is my mag nb.
To make it short - buff concealed weapon, buff light armour, make shields crittable, make utility useful again - right now high dmg outperforms utility. Last of all BALANCE ALL THE CLASSES CORRECTLY ZOSE. @Wrobel @Wrobel
no offence pls, but dude, as far as I know as mag NB you can stay cloaked almost all the time, what more do you need?
All magicka classes need a buff. However, since this is a mageblade discussion let me tell you all how it really is. Mageblades were balanced, now we significantly fall behind stamina in pvp. Funnel health/swallow soul and concealed weapon is easily dodgeable and hits for peanuts compared to stamina version. Cloak is too easily countered with over a dozen counters. For all those that say we can cloak forever, your either lieing or never played a mageblade or think your better than you really are. We have no burst or defensive shield. If your playstyle is to be hidden and gank, stamina build has significantly higher burst. There is no reason to be magicka. If your playstyle is a ranged siphoning build you won't put out enough damage to kill anything. Dots need a boost. Cripple, agony, and lotus fan even with skoria proccing all stacked, tickle dks, sorcs, and Templars. Wrobel recently changed the regen formula so now we have to sacrifice even more damage to keep up regen on jewelry.
Ranged Mageblade vamp s a great support character in group pvp and pve content but in 1v1 you will get wrecked. Better off stamina. However, In group play where there are multiple Templars and armor stacking dks, mageblade won't put out enough damage to do anything. Better go stam for the burst.
Other option is to go bomb blade. But that got nerfed. You could go necropetence for high magicka but you will have no regen and prices in the stored are crazy. Good luck.
The only viable way to play a mageblade now is to be a sap essence tank wearing heavy armor and proccing siphoning attacks. But why is there no burst or high damage magicka equivalent to stamina? Why am I stuck in a support role when I want to play a light armor magicka NB?
I was on my main (a mageblade) fighting a stam DK and I couldn't kill him. My burst was too low, his healing was too high (I'd literally have him at 20% and he'd dodge roll + vigor + rally and boom full health) and he kept hitting my so damn hard the only reason I stayed alive until reinforcements came was because I'm really good at LoS (I don't use cloak) and using the teleport shade. He whispered me saying how weak I was (I used 3 soul assults on him and still couldn't kill him). How the hell can all stam builds do massive damage, tank, and heal themselves without Zos saying. "maybe we messed up".They nerfed sorc's shields because they said no one should be able to do everything. I can usually 1vX most magicka builds. Any stam builds and they either need to be alone, or total pugs who can't fight without a zerg for me to kill them now. Any half decent player on a stam build can beat most magicka builds now.
The stam meta is such bull****! @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom. Can we at least get a "we know" about how OP stam builds are? Give us some word that you at least know there's a problem even if y'all won't fix it! It's better than y'all seeming ignorant on this massive balance issue. You're killing the magicka builds off completely!
our aoe is nowhere near as good as stam aoes, sap essence needs a buff to damage
perma-cloak? through what? hurricane, the big templar circle, caltrops, magelight, EVERY AOE IN THE GAME?
Lets not forget about stealth detect pots, even as a mag nb I use them for other nb's.
Concealed definitely needs a buff, on shuffle stackers I miss 7/10 attacks. I think a small part of this due to not being exactly at the perfect distance & angle needed as sometimes I'm too close to the target & I notice if they back away a little then it would hit. Impale is horrible at this type of thing, ie... if they are not directly in front of you & your camera is turned 10 degrees right or left, you will not hit them.
To be honest I took cripple off my bar, I just don't feel like it's beneficial enough & in duels I take cloak off.
I wouldn't even think that conceal needed a buff per se if there was either a champion point area or something that allowed me to increase my chance to hit an enemy so I can combat the dodge chance/miss chance stackers. What about a weapon glyph?
I was on my main (a mageblade) fighting a stam DK and I couldn't kill him. My burst was too low, his healing was too high (I'd literally have him at 20% and he'd dodge roll + vigor + rally and boom full health) and he kept hitting my so damn hard the only reason I stayed alive until reinforcements came was because I'm really good at LoS (I don't use cloak) and using the teleport shade. He whispered me saying how weak I was (I used 3 soul assults on him and still couldn't kill him). How the hell can all stam builds do massive damage, tank, and heal themselves without Zos saying. "maybe we messed up".They nerfed sorc's shields because they said no one should be able to do everything. I can usually 1vX most magicka builds. Any stam builds and they either need to be alone, or total pugs who can't fight without a zerg for me to kill them now. Any half decent player on a stam build can beat most magicka builds now.
The stam meta is such bull****! @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom. Can we at least get a "we know" about how OP stam builds are? Give us some word that you at least know there's a problem even if y'all won't fix it! It's better than y'all seeming ignorant on this massive balance issue. You're killing the magicka builds off completely!
uhmm, until some stam user throw some caltrops/bombard at your position... then you are dead meat
All magicka classes need a buff
Magicka classes don't need buff, what needs to be buffed is light armor. That is the main reason while magika is underperforming right know (and some stams sets like velidreth being stupidly OP). But classes -in general- are all ok, mDK may lack some things for solo play, but besides that all magika classes have the tools needed, is light armor that dosn't work well on the current meta, compared to medium and heavy on stam.
thankyourat wrote: »
What about all the CCs and magickas low stamina pool?
bowmanz607 wrote: »I dont think you know how to mag blade.
strong burst damage.
viable dots for sustain
more utility tan any other class
sap is strong. it is no meant to give the best dps cause it heals for so much
they make great healers
great passives that provide max mag and sustain
strong execute
great mobility on the battlefield
only mag build with a dodge chance
top notch healing ability with pretty good damage and cheap
solid gap closer
works very well in group play and solo
can dps/ tank/ or heal with them.(heck one of the best for doing a three at once)
ranged an area cc
burst damage- stam does better
dots on a magic build in pvp? lol.
rather have a magplar anyday
saps heal is weak and isnt worth slotting unless youre a bomber
rather take a magplar then any nb healer in pvp
tru we have good passives with sustain
okish execute that can be reflected back, magplar doesnt have this problem
garbage mobility in a meta where everyone spams caltrops, you can pull the shade argument but when everywhere within 20 feet is covered in caltrops it doesnt help for ****
if by solid you mean weak damage and garbage dot then yes, 100% solid
good in groups as a bomber and tough to do solo when you find a dk who knows wings counters you, also hard to 1vX when fighting multiple magplars
anyone can dps, tanking requires your foes to be brain dead, and like i said templar>nightblade
ranged cc breaks upon damage making it hard to use and area cc can be used and is used by stam just as much
bowmanz607 wrote: »
-stam has higher bust sure, but that does not mean mag blades do not have strong burst. the difference is an issue with stam v mag in general. not a mag blade issue.
-just b/c you prefer a mag temp does not mean magblade has a problem. perhaps you should go play mag temp instead then. this is a preference issue.
-sap heal is pretty solid when faced with multiple targets and can be asily combined with shadow path and/or swallow soul for single target you rely on swallow. it also gives major sorc. you dont need bomb build. learn to use it. it is a powerfu ability. o and 8% max mag. o and 1 ult.
-im not denying templar has best heals, but mag lade heals are very solid and easily second best in game. not to mention nb healling abilities couple as damage abilities, so nb can dps ad heal better.
-execute is powerful.
-garbage mobility????? only ma class with speed buff. plus cloak for psitioning. plus shade. they have great mobility. the more i read what you write the convinced i am you need to learn to magblade.
-only 2 mag gap closers in game and nb have one.
-can do more in groups than bomb. again learn to magblade. if dk has wings us concealed and gap closer and time projectiles with dk wings downtime. and ya multiple temp spamming bol and JB is enough to kill any single player.
-ya it beaks on damage jus like most cc in game.
im sorry but all of your issues are learn to nb
im becoming more convinced you have no clue what a mageblade even is
-Mageblade burst requires build up which is super easy to see coming
-requires heavy armor sap tank to live against multiple enemies unless they are god awful
-id actually take a magic dk for heals and area control with combat physician over a mageblade anyday too, so that leaves just sorc which brings better utility to the group with negate
-execute is reflectable, dodgeable, less damage then stam executes, and blockable
-yes garbage mobility in a stam meta where everyone runs caltrops, cant hide, cant run, and anyone can slot rapids btw which is better then blur by far
-no every class has a magic gap closer, lotus fan, toppling charge, chains, streak, all magic gap closers
-the whole point of a ranged mageblade is to not get close why would i gap close what is wrong with you, and on my stamblade its easy to burst a templar down, ambush>incap>surprise>
-what other cc breaks right away upon damage
Stoopid_Nwah wrote: »Lol to the guy who said impale was a strong execute.