Since Maelstrom weapons were introduced, stam DDs got a chance to get their hands on the extremely potent Maelstrom Daggers and 1h axes.

And since they were introduced, there is STILL a bug that allows the user to benefit twice from the Cruel Flurry proc (as seen above) with Trap beast and another DoT effect.
I've done the following tests. Our focus is mostly on the max damage value for Rending Slashes to know whether or not the DoT was empowered. Check the combat log for Rearming trap.
Rearming trap (normal)
Rearming trap (empowered)
Rending Slashes (normal)
Rending Slashes (empowered)
And the most interesting...
Rending Slashes and Rearming empowered by the same proc*
* Do note that the value for Rending Slashes is actually higher due to Minor Force. We get the same value by using Rearming Trap > Flurry > Rending slashes.
This is done by waiting for the trap to activate while the Cruel flurry proc is up, quickly followed by a normal DoT (Rending Slashes for instance).
Typical rotation consists of Flurry > Trap > (Swap) > Endless Hail > Poison Injection, in which case both the trap and Poison Injection will be empowered.
Fixes, 2 options:
1) The trap should be considered an actual DoT and consume the Cruel Flurry on activation
2) The trap should be excluded from the Cruel Flurry proc entirely to prevent double-dipping
Additional notes
- Rearming trap works as such: 1 initial hit, 3 dot ticks, 1 rearming initial hit, 3 dot ticks
- Many giants were hurt in the process
PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka
"Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
@AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a
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