Imperial Physique gear not working?

on PS4, the telvar multiplier is not working as intended.

i have tested it for a few hours now killing different mobs and putting pieces on and off to see if i could find a bug but no luck.
currently, at 10k+ telvar i have the same x4 multiplier wether using imp phys gear or not.
example: kill mob in noble district, get 43telvar without imp phys equipped. kill the same mob with imp phys equipped, still the same 43telvar.
  • xblackroxe
    Imperial Physique doesn´t change your multiplier it just gives you a big junk of ressources when over 10k tv stones.
    Member of HODOR

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
  • bebynnag
    the set increases your stats,
    the 4Xmultiplyer increases the effectivnes of the 5th trait bonus by 600%....
    no where does it say it will give you increased telvar stone gain!
  • Devve777
    ohh, guess i misunderstood the 5piece bonus. the last line reads "while you have x4 Tel Var Stone multiplier this effect is increased by 600%" i assumed it was referring to the x4 multiplier..

    thanks for the correction.
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