This is unplayable and not because my sorcerer was nerfed I couldnt tell you if it was balenced because the game isnt respoding as it should. Not having to cast a shield every 3 seconds, yes 3 seconds when you include the lag,, would be great but best of all it would be even better if I didnt have to hit each rotation 3-4 times to make sure it casts. Then to be killed in what seems instantly regardless of what I try to do. Even if abilities do appear to cast or work, the affects dont.
And what is the deal with full sorcerer class anyway. Damage sucks while at the same time we are left with casting shields all the time and now thats been nerfed I cant really see the point in any of it. I see other classes taking 0 damage while being attack by multiple targets or is that the pay to win class? Reflect!?!
I tell you what, Ive asked some people and alot of them agree with me on a idea and thats maybe they could offer a DLC that fixes the lag. That is sort of a joke but I really would pay for this game to work, I mean whats the point in a game thats broken anyway?